How to marinate and make grilled beef with guise leaves

Beef roll with guise leaves is known as one of the delicious dishes loved and chosen by many people. With the attractive aroma and sweet taste of beef, many women have been tinkering and trying to learn to follow. So, to have a delicious grilled beef with guise leaves, which processing stage will affect the quality of the dish?

1. Beef with guise leaves is a healthy dish

Beef and betel leaves are both familiar foods and have high nutritional value. Beef helps to provide iron to help supplement blood, build body immunity, gain muscle, reduce fat.... Betel leaves are also in the group that is both a food used in meals and a medicine for treatment. treat some diseases. For example: Chest pain, joint pain, sweating... So these two ingredients combined together will bring a delicious and extremely healthy dish.

2. How to make grilled beef with guise leaves

2.1. Ingredients used for the dish of beef with guise leaves To make grilled beef with guise leaves, you need to prepare: 200gr beef, 100gr pork belly, dried onions, garlic, lemongrass, 1⁄4 spoons of five spices, guise leaves with an amount of about 20 to 30 large leaves, along with spices for dishes such as soy sauce, salt, sugar, pepper, cooking oil.
2.2. How to make delicious grilled beef with guise leaves How to make grilled beef with guise leaves. Wash beef and pork, then drain. Next, the meat will be put into the blender to puree or, in the absence of a blender, use a small knife and mince it. Place both cooked meats in a bowl. How to marinate grilled beef with bay leaves: Garlic and onions are peeled clean, then smashed garlic and lemongrass and minced this mixture. Take a mixture of onion, garlic and lemongrass to bake with 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, half a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of rich food, a quarter of five-spice coffee. Then sprinkle some pepper in the meat mixture and finally mix it all up and let it sit for 15 minutes.
cách ướp thịt bò nướng lá lốt
Cách ướp thịt bò nướng lá lốt cần chuẩn bị đủ nguyên liệu

While waiting for the meat to soak up the spices, take the guava leaves to wash and drain. Then, spread out each bay leaf on a tray and then put the seasoned meat in the middle of the roll, then use a toothpick to skewer between the leaves to prevent the guise from falling apart or use dipped onion leaves to tie. When rolling the meat into the guise leaves, you need to pay attention to the dark green side of the guise leaves to the outside so that when processing the dish, the color will be more eye-catching and attractive.
The finished meat will be placed on the grill and placed on a small charcoal stove until the leaves are wilted along with the aroma of beef and guise leaves, which means that the beef is cooked. Beef rolls with cooked guise leaves are placed on a plate and enjoyed.
If you don't grill the beef with guise leaves, you can fry it with a pan and cooking oil. You put a tablespoon of cooking oil in the pan to very low heat, wait for the oil to boil, then place the beef rolls in the oil pan in turn. When you put the beef roll with guise leaves in the pan, you should put the petiole down. During frying, it is observed that the leaves wither and the aroma from the meat and the leaves blend together, then return to the surface of the beef. And the time to fry the beef with guise leaves is about 5 minutes.
Mix fish sauce to use with grilled beef with guise leaves: Use ⁄5 pineapples or pineapples and mince them finely. Then, pour 100ml of fish sauce into a bowl with minced pineapple and 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, 1 lemon, minced chili, then mix well until the sugar dissolves and the seasoning fish sauce is completed.
Enjoy grilled beef with guise leaves: You can eat beef rolled with guise leaves with rice paper with fresh vermicelli, raw vegetables, star fruit, sour banana and dipped with sweet and sour salty fish sauce to really feel the flavor. the delicious taste of this dish.
Once you have the recipe for beef rolls with guise leaves, you can start implementing it to change the dish for the family tray of rice to be more attractive.

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