Is protein powder for kids safe?

Protein powders can be appealing to picky eaters, because they're easy to blend into smoothies with fruit. However, for most children, this powder is unnecessary and can be harmful if used in excess. This article will provide more information about this food.

1. Protein powder and children's health

Many children get the recommended amount of protein through their normal diet and do not need supplemental protein powder. Currently, for protein powder products there is still a great deal of lack of evidence about the benefits it can bring to children's health.
Researchers meta-analyze and evaluate the available evidence on the effects of protein powder supplements for children with chronic conditions, including cystic fibrosis and childhood cancer. Because these children are often not provided with adequate nutrition due to variable eating or not absorbing nutrients, it is necessary to supplement with protein powder for children.
Researchers found that the use of protein powder may not lead to significant improvements in children's weight, height or nutritional status. However, it is important to note that these findings may not apply to healthy children. Protein deficiencies are not common in otherwise healthy children and do not require additional protein.
The researchers behind the review recommend using protein powder with caution until higher quality research uncovers its effects.

2. Supplemental protein powder content for children

The amount of protein a child or teen needs each day depends on their age, activity level and gender. According to the dietary guidelines from the Ministry of Agriculture, it is recommended that infants, children and adolescents should supplement the amount of protein according to each age:
1 - 3 years old: Add 13 grams of protein powder 4 - 8 years old: Supplement 19 grams of protein powder for 9 - 13 years old: 34 grams of protein powder for 14 - 18 years old (female): 46 grams of protein powder for 14-18 years old (male): 52 grams of protein powder is added.
Bột protein
Bột protein không cải thiện đáng kể chiều cao, cân nặng của trẻ

3. Inner composition of protein powder

You can get whole protein from natural foods such as fish and eggs, and plant sources, such as beans. If your child is not getting the recommended amount of protein this way, discuss protein supplementation with a dietitian or pediatrician.
Protein powders usually contain protein ingredients from plant or dairy sources. Examples include:
Whey protein, which comes from milk Pea protein Brown rice protein It's important to note that protein powders are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and they can contain a wide range of ingredients. supplements, which can be nutritious, such as vitamins and minerals, or less healthy, such as sugar.
If your doctor agrees that a protein powder supplement is necessary for your child, then look for one that contains the right amount of protein, including age, recommended needs...
Also, you need to be careful when selection of products: Contains no added sugars; does not contain high doses of vitamins, minerals or other nutrients; Contains as few ingredients as possible.

4. Protein powders

Many people think that adult protein powders are good for children, but that is not the case. Adult protein powders will be optimized for this audience and may contain too much protein or calories, which could lead to unwanted side effects in children. So if you are looking for a powder, keep these tips in mind:
Check protein levels You need to check the protein content of these powdered supplements to avoid giving your baby more protein levels their bodies can handle on a daily basis.
Even if you focus on “kid-friendly” protein powders, always check the total amount of protein that it promises to provide and make sure the protein content does not exceed the recommended daily amount. your child should receive.
Simplicity is quality Although that's not a guarantee, the fewer ingredients listed on a protein powder, the more confident you can be that it doesn't contain questionable additives. For example: If you want to use whey protein, look for options that list whey protein concentrate as the only ingredient.
Avoid Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners To stay healthy when taking supplements, minimize the risk of other health conditions by avoiding sugary powders or artificial sweeteners.
Look for the GMP label GMP stands for “good manufacturing practice”. Finding powder with this label means that the product is manufactured in a facility that adheres to supplement industry best practices, the manufacturer will likely list all ingredients so you can tell informed decision.

5. Risks of using protein powder

Research into the risks of protein powder use shows that adults who get too much protein from foods and supplements over a long period of time may be at increased risk of a number of health problems. more, such as:
Kidney stones Liver dysfunction Coronary artery disease Bone disorders Cancer In addition, review studies have also concluded that protein powder can cause unwanted side effects, such as such as:
Substituting a child's usual food Interrupts a child's growth and healthy eating behaviors Side effects can affect physical health, such as bloating or diarrhea Also, excess protein can cause problems absorbing other nutrients. In general, when using supplements, it is necessary to ensure that the child's diet does not contain too much protein when providing it to the child.
Tác dụng phụ bột protein
Đầy hơi, tiêu chảy là tác dụng phụ có thể gặp cho trẻ sử dụng bột protein

6. Other sources of protein come from food

There are many sources of protein from foods, such as:
Meat, which also contains vitamin B12, iron and zinc Oily fish, high in omega-3 fatty acids Eggs, which contain vitamin D and choline Some dairy products, have contains calcium Legumes such as: peas and lentils, high in fiber Nut butters contain vitamin E Some vegetables, such as: Broccoli , kale Quinoa , the seed ingredient contains all all essential amino acids If a child has dietary restrictions or is just a picky eater, a parent or caregiver can often alter or alter their protein source.
Vegetarians and vegans Children who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet can get protein from plant sources, such as: Beans, peas and lentils; green bean; tofu and soy milk; nut or nut butter; quinoa, wild rice or brown rice
Alternatively, some people can eat eggs and protein-rich dairy products, such as cheese, to get the protein they need.
Lactose intolerance Children with lactose intolerance can tolerate small amounts of milk. However, people with lactose intolerance can get protein from the same sources as vegans.
Soy milk contains a significant amount of protein, but other non-dairy milk alternatives, such as almond milk or cashew milk, usually do not contain much protein.
Picky eaters You can use food swaps as a good way to increase the amount of protein in your child's diet.
Sweetened yogurt or dessert with Greek yogurt Chips or biscuits for baked chickpeas or nut butter with cheese Most healthy children don't necessarily need a protein supplement. Too much protein in the body can be harmful, and there's no evidence that protein powder helps babies grow. If you have concerns about your child's nutrition, growth or weight, you should talk to your doctor.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiency causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption,... If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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