Mediterranean diet for people with osteoarthritis

Diet plays an important role in the treatment regimen of many diseases, including osteoarthritis. Many patients are encouraged to adopt the Mediterranean diet to help improve symptoms and reduce the progression of osteoarthritis. So what role does the Mediterranean diet play in osteoarthritis?

1. Learn about arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a condition that occurs in the body and affects the function and activity of the joints. The disease makes it difficult for patients to live and move. The lack of early treatment will lead to more dangerous complications, even disability (especially for elderly patients. Arthritis can occur from causes such as: Cartilage inflammation, degeneration of the joints. cartilage, infections, accidents leading to joint injuries,...

2. What is the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet is a diet that focuses on consuming safe fruits and vegetables and healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, whole grains, certain types of fish, yogurt and red wine. That's how people in Greece and southern Italy have been eating for centuries and are credited with health benefits such as: increased longevity, reduced rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and dementia.

3. The benefits of the Mediterranean diet for people with osteoarthritis

3.1. Reduce inflammation

The anti-inflammatory benefits of the Mediterranean diet stem from its ability to regulate inflammation by consuming anti-inflammatory foods (berries, fish, olive oil) and eliminating or limiting those inflammatory foods (red meat, sugar, and most dairy). According to experts, this diet can help improve joint pain effectively
Many foods in the Mediterranean diet are high in fiber, beta carotene, magnesium and omega 3 have a positive effect on reducing pain inflammation. Many people with arthritis can even stop taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) after switching to the Mediterranean diet.
In 2015, a study published in the journal Arthritis reported that patients with osteoarthritis experienced a significant reduction in pain after just two weeks of switching to the Mediterranean diet. The patients in the study also lost weight without counting calories or restricting portions.
Chế độ ăn Địa Trung Hải cho người bị bệnh viêm xương khớp
Nhiều loại thực phẩm trong chế độ ăn Địa Trung Hải chứa nhiều chất xơ, beta carotene, magiê

3.2. Slow down disease progression

Foods recommended in the Mediterranean diet can help slow the progression of the disease. Research has shown that certain foods not only reduce inflammation in the short term, but also change the expression of inflammatory genes and immune cells that can contribute to disease.
In another study published in 2016 in the American Dietetic Association, the same research team reported that the Mediterranean diet resulted in healthy weight loss, reduced rates of diabetes, heart disease and fracture as well as relieve pain caused by arthritis,...

4. Osteoarthritis eat what?

4.1. Food to eat

People with osteoarthritis can add the following 8 foods to their diet to ease symptoms:
Oily fish The ingredients in oily fish are high in omega-3s and help fight inflammation effective. Therefore, it will bring many benefits to arthritis patients. Some types of oily fish such as: Salmon, mackerel, tuna,...
If you are allergic or like to eat fish, you can still get omega 3 from plants such as: chia seeds, walnuts dog,...
Oil Olive oil, avocado oil are healthy options that are high in oleocanthal. This substance has anti-inflammatory effects equivalent to NSAID drugs
Milk Milk and dairy products have high nutrition with ingredients such as: Calcium, vitamin D. With these advantages, milk, yogurt and cheese help promote bone health and improve symptoms of swelling, pain, burning,...
Dark green vegetables General greens and dark green vegetables Contains antioxidants, prevents inflammation, fights stress. Moreover, the vitamin D component also helps to strengthen bones and strengthen your immunity.
You can eat the following green vegetables every day with a variety of processing methods such as: spinach, kale, broccoli,...
Green tea Green tea is the "golden face" in the antioxidant process. of body. The polyphenol antioxidants in green tea have a tremendous effect on reducing inflammation and slowing the rate of cartilage damage.
Nuts In many diets, nuts are always recommended by experts because they are good for the cardiovascular system, help lose weight safely, avoid putting pressure on bones and joints, and enhance immunity. body fluids.
Chế độ ăn Địa Trung Hải cho người bị bệnh viêm xương khớp
Trà xanh là “gương mặt vàng” trong quá trình chống oxy hóa của cơ thể

4.2. Foods that should not be eaten

Sugar In the Mediterranean diet, sugar is a food that needs to be limited. Because this substance can cause inflammation in the body. Sugar is found in many foods and drinks such as soda, sweetened tea, and flavored coffee.
Saturated fat Saturated fat also has harmful risks for health and bones in particular. You can find this ingredient in pizza, red meat.
Refined Carbohydrates Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice and potato chips, promote advanced glycation end oxidant (AGE) production. They can stimulate an inflammatory response in the body.
With the above information, readers must have answered the question "What does osteoarthritis eat?" as well as know the relationship between the Mediterranean diet and osteoarthritis. In addition, in order to treat osteoarthritis completely, patients need to follow the doctor's instructions on medication, course, and exercise regimen.
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