Nutritional supplements for bones and joints

Arthritis is a general term used to describe signs of inflammation in the joints. Osteoarthritis is also a type of arthritis. So what to eat for joint pain, what nutrients are needed for healthy bones and joints?

1. The concept of articular cartilage

Cartilage is a hard, elastic rubber-like material that coats joints when they are healthy and functioning properly. At the same time, this is also a set to reduce friction and shock for bones if you are active. When the quality of cartilage is good, you will be less likely to have dangerous accidents such as fractures, arthritis.
Cartilage is made up of 70% water, so it can change shape flexibly to protect joints. When the force is exerted on the knee, the cartilage will cover the joint to minimize pain. If the body stops adding force to the joints, the cartilage will return to its original shape thanks to the reabsorption of water. Because cartilage is composed mainly of water, there are no nerves, so it does not create pain when its shape changes.
Osteoarthritis causes joint cartilage to harden and lose its inherent elasticity. Since then, the bad signs affecting the joints are increasing. At the same time, in the long run, if not supplemented, the joint cartilage will be worn down and reduce its inherent functions. When worn out and not repaired, tendons and ligaments are stretched, causing muscle tension, causing pain. Even worse, the 2 joints will collide with each other every time you move.
Cartilage is made up of 4 components: collagen, proteoglycan, water and chondrocyte.
Collagen This is 1 of the 4 main components that make up cartilage. Collagen protein has also been detected in tendons and skin. This is a source of nutrients that provide strength and form a framework to house the rest of the cartilage.
Proteoglycan Proteoglycan is composed mainly of proteins and sugars. This substance weaves around through the protective collagen layer. This allows the cartilage to easily change its shape and flex when under great pressure. At the same time, this is also an ingredient that helps to retain water to regenerate cartilage when finishing movement and recovering for the next new activity
Water Much of the ability and use of cartilage depends on water. Not only providing shock relief for joints, water also supports nourishing and lubricating cartilage
Chondrocyte This is a cell that helps to produce new collagen and proteoglycan to support cartilage recovery after each wear and tear. At the same time, this substance also releases enzymes to eliminate aging cells in cartilage.
sụn khớp
Sụn khớp giúp giảm ma sát và chấn thương cho xương khi cơ thể hoạt động mạnh

2. Osteoarthritis treatment

The goal of osteoarthritis treatment is to reduce pain and stiffness while improving joint mobility. In addition, you will increase your ability to perform daily activities. Osteoarthritis is usually prescribed with medication or exercise. In some cases, it is possible to apply heat and cold to the painful area or use medical support to temporarily suspend activities. When these solutions are not effective, the doctor will appoint surgery to handle.
Usually, when conducting osteoarthritis treatment, people usually prescribe it based on age, activity intensity, overall health, medical history and osteoarthritis status. However, many cases have shown that traditional methods do not have a great impact on the disease.
The cause is considered by experts to be due to the decomposition of cartilage affecting joint degeneration. Therefore, doctors have researched to find a solution to prevent that decomposition from happening.

3. What is Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate?

Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate are among the normal components of cartilage. They are also the nutrients for strong bones that can be found at pharmacies or health food stores without a prescription. This is the building block of new proteoglycan and collagen.
Because these substances stimulate the creation of new cartilage tissue, they are thought to have the ability to cure cartilage damage caused by arthritis. However, with test-tube studies on animals, we still have a really convincing answer about this use.
Glucosamine sulfate và chondroitin sulfate
Glucosamine sulfate và chondroitin sulfate góp phần kích thích tạo ra các mô sụn mới

4. Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate work with osteoarthritis pain

Although these substances have been shown to have the ability to rebuild cartilage, there is no conclusive basis to work with arthritis. However, more and more patients are using these two substances and they say it takes several months for pain relief. Therefore, these two substances need to be further studied and analyzed to ensure safety for people treating osteoarthritis pain.
In addition, the business items used different names but the same composition makes it difficult for users to choose. If left unchecked, they can cause more harm than good, as they are not within the scope of prescription.
To be safe, you should still consult a doctor specializing in musculoskeletal. With experience and expertise, your doctor will give you the most suitable advice on the treatment method for you. In addition, you need to keep the instructions for use and pay attention to the dosage to ensure the highest level of safety.
Osteoarthritis pain is a disease that can turn chronic if there is no treatment right from the start, so when there are signs of osteoarthritis pain, the patient needs to go to a reputable hospital to get a doctor. examine and prescribe effective treatment methods.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has deployed and applied bone scintigraphy to help detect diseases in the musculoskeletal system earlier than other diagnostic means, even when the patient has not yet expressed any symptoms. show symptoms. The mechanism of action of this method allows to observe the entire skeletal system in the body, with high sensitivity. Helps in early diagnosis of osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, primary bone cancer, bone metastatic cancer, benign bone tumors, some metabolic diseases in bones, osteomyelitis... Advantages Compared with other methods of bone scan, it is safe and has little impact on health. No complications during and after the scan. Customers are evaluated for the function of the entire skeletal system, which no method can replace.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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