What are the effects of fresh ginger root?

According to traditional medicine, fresh ginger root is not only a spice used in daily food but also an indispensable medicine. So what are the health benefits of ginger root?

1. What is the effect of fresh ginger root?

Ginger root is grown in many places in our country, the most can be mentioned in Thanh Hoa, Nghe An,... Ginger is also known as Sinh Khuong, Can Khuong,... Ginger is also a banyan tree. Used, each part of it is beneficial to human health such as:
Cold treatment: Ginger has a hot spicy taste, so when you eat fresh ginger, it has the effect of dilating capillaries, promoting perspiration. , helps to warm the body from the inside. This method not only supports better blood circulation, but also can fight respiratory syncytial virus, preventing respiratory-related diseases. There is a traditional method often applied by mothers when treating a cold, which is to shave the wind. Using fresh ginger cooked with wine to shave the wind has many effects such as clearing colds, clearing colds, eliminating phlegm, stopping cough, shortness of breath,... Digestive diseases: Fresh ginger root can support the treatment of a number of diseases. about the digestive tract such as belching, gastric reflux, nausea, ... Ginger tea is also a method used when symptoms such as abdominal pain, indigestion, ... help increase appetite. Regular use of fresh ginger in the right way can promote digestion, increase the absorption of minerals and nutrients, and maintain a healthy digestive system. Headache treatment, stress relief: When you feel pain on one side of your head, you can use hot ginger water to massage around your head for about 15 minutes to help reduce pain. Ginger also has a mental release effect, eliminating stress and restlessness by chewing a small piece of fresh ginger. In the long term, ginger can also help increase the lifespan of brain cells, provide antioxidants to the brain, fight memory impairment, Alzheimer's disease. Back pain, shoulder and neck pain: In case of shoulder and neck pain due to sedentary activity, sitting a lot, you should regularly use a towel soaked in hot ginger water with a little salt or honey to apply to the painful area. This will help the muscles to circulate and relax more comfortably. Ginger wine can be used as a massage medicine, muscle massage to relax muscles. Anti-inflammatory: Thanks to the safe anti-inflammatory effect, many osteoarthritis drugs today often have ingredients extracted from ginger. The anti-inflammatory effect of ginger does not cause the side effects of stomach ulcers like other drugs. Periodontitis, mouth ulcers: To prevent dental diseases such as tooth abscesses, tooth decay, periodontitis, etc., you can regularly use hot tea, gargle with ginger water regularly twice in the morning, evening every day. This method not only helps protect teeth but also reduces the risk of dental diseases. Lower cholesterol, high blood pressure: Fresh ginger root can control blood sugar to help lower cholesterol. People who regularly add ginger to their daily menu can reduce cholesterol levels as well as prevent high blood pressure. When blood pressure suddenly increases, you can soak your feet in hot fresh ginger water for about 15 to 20 minutes. Hot ginger water will pass through acupuncture points on the soles of the feet to help blood vessels dilate, causing blood pressure to slowly lower even from outside contact. Support weight loss: Weight gain is often due to metabolic disorders in the body, but eating fresh ginger has the effect of stabilizing the metabolism in the body. Therefore, eating fresh ginger every day can help slow down the metabolism, causing weight loss without fasting. Drinking alcohol: When you are drunk, you can eat hot ginger not only to help consume alcohol in the blood, but also to promote blood circulation, reduce drunkenness. You can add honey and ginger juice to both increase the effectiveness and make it easier to drink.
Củ gừng
Củ gừng tươi có nhiều công dụng trong đời sống

Dandruff treatment: Using ginger water instead of shampoo can help reduce or even get rid of dandruff. Or another way, using fresh ginger thinly sliced, pounded and then applied to the scalp for about 10 to 15 minutes and then washed with warm water is also effective in treating dandruff. Helps to make the face rosy: maintaining the habit of washing your face with hot ginger water twice a day can help your facial skin become rosy and brighter. The causes of pale face such as lack of substance, lack of sleep can also disappear and help reduce dark spots, making skin softer.

2. Some notes when using fresh ginger root

Although eating fresh ginger brings a lot of health benefits, but because ginger has a very high calorific value, if used too much or improperly, it will backfire.
Should not use more than 5g of ginger Those who are about to have surgery or have just finished surgery do not use ginger Not for cases of nosebleeds, bleeding teeth, bleeding, coughing up blood,... Not for people who have spilled sweat a lot, sunstroke,... When applying ginger to the skin, it should be used first in a small area to see if there is irritation, only keep it on the skin for a short time. Peel off the peel because the ginger peel also has many uses. The above are the effects of fresh ginger root, you can refer and apply to help improve your health condition better.

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