What are the uses of sesame oil?

Sesame oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the sesame plant. Not only is it a cooking ingredient, it also has many effects in circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, cancer prevention,... especially skin rejuvenation.

1. Origin of sesame oil

Sesame oil is pressed from sesame seeds (sesame seeds) scientific name Sesamum Notify Yum. Originating from East Africa, India today is grown in many places, suitable for countries with tropical and temperate climates. There are many different varieties of sesame such as black sesame, white sesame, yellow sesame.
Sesame oil has a slightly strong smell, is an indispensable cooking ingredient of Chinese, Japanese, Southeast Asian cuisines,...

2. Ingredients in sesame oil

Before learning is eating sesame oil good? Then you need to know what sesame oil contains?
Fat: contains a number of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, which have moisturizing effects, making the skin smooth and supple; Vitamins E, B, K; Minerals Copper, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium; Phenolic compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

3. What effect does sesame oil have on organs in the body?

Sesame oil for good skin care is not a problem many women care about. In fact, sesame oil has many uses for the human body, not only beauty effects.
3.1. Anti-anemia, increase blood circulation: Sesame oil contains a lot of Iron - this is an important component of red blood cells. Adding a little sesame oil in the meal will prevent anemia, reduce symptoms of dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue caused by anemia. Copper in sesame oil is also an essential component in the production of red blood cells, helping to increase metabolism and blood circulation. Support control and prevention of diabetes: Some studies show that using a moderate amount of sesame oil in meals has the effect of controlling blood sugar levels, especially in patients with hypertension. pressure. Helps strengthen bones: Sesame oil contains a large amount of Calcium, Copper and Phosphorus - these are minerals that play an important role in the development of the skeletal system. Increases the process of bone formation, increases the density of bone cells to help strengthen bones, limit osteoporosis, degenerative joint diseases. Anti-constipation: Just like the use of black sesame seeds to treat constipation, sesame oil contains a number of substances such as phytin, choline, and methionine, which have laxative effects and stimulate digestion. 3.2. For the cardiovascular system Promote cardiovascular health: In sesame oil contains Omega 3, Omega 6 are unsaturated fats that reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, prevent the formation of atheroma, prevent diseases. atherosclerosis, increased blood fat, ... thereby reducing the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction. The sesamin and sesaminol components in sesame oil help stabilize the systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings. Therefore, replacing sesame oil with oils of animal origin in meals is recommended by nutritionists for patients with hypertension. 3.3. For the respiratory system Sesame oil helps the body to better absorb Magnesium, which is an important element that helps relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract, thereby reducing muscle spasms in patients with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
3.4. For the skin system Sesame oil is very effective in nourishing the skin, especially improving skin health effectively:
Anti-oxidant, preventing skin aging: the substances in sesame oil have the effect of reducing the formation of Free radicals, slow down skin aging process, prevent skin dryness, peeling skin, dull skin, protect skin from the harmful effects of environmental factors such as environmental pollution, toxins, UV rays . Applying a thin layer of sesame oil before going out can prevent 30% of UV rays, protect the skin under the direct sunlight of the sun (but cannot replace sunscreens) Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, prevent and treat acne ; Phenolic compounds, Omega in sesame oil destroy acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and prevent the formation of acne. Apply a little sesame oil on acne spots 1-2 times to reduce acne swelling and enhance skin regeneration. Treatment of melasma, freckles, skin whitening: Sesame oil contains a large amount of Vitamin E and vitamin B group that inhibit the formation of melanin pigment under the skin. Thereby fading dark spots, freckles on the skin, helping the skin to be brighter and more even. Moisturizing, eliminating toxins for the skin; Essential acid groups, vitamin groups in sesame oil will balance moisture, increase softness, suppleness, and eliminate toxins on the skin. Treating chicken pox, reducing itching on the scalp: Apply sesame oil on the scalp and incubate for about 15 minutes, then wash it with regular shampoo, done 3 times a week with antifungal and anti-dandruff effects. Thus, sesame oil effectively nourishes the skin and also has many other beauty uses.
3.5. Some other uses Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, mixing sesame oil with water to rinse your mouth will prevent dental diseases such as gingivitis, gingivitis, reduce plaque formation, and freshen breath Tyrosine ingredient Sesame oil is an amino acid that helps to increase the secretion of the hormone serotonin, which can reduce stress, anxiety, and improve negative states. Many recent studies have shown that some components in sesame oil have the effect of inhibiting the division of cancer cells, protecting cells from free radicals, increasing cell proliferation, and preventing some diseases. cancer, especially breast cancer and prostate cancer. 4. Is eating sesame oil good? How to effectively use sesame oil Is it good to eat sesame oil? Eating sesame oil is very good for health, but using it properly will keep the nutritional content and increase efficiency. The way to use sesame oil is as follows:
Use as a cooking ingredient: using sesame oil as normal cooking oil makes food smell and taste more attractive. Adding 1⁄2 tablespoons of sesame oil to baby food helps children absorb some fat-soluble vitamins better, and also stimulates digestion, making children eat more appetizing. Use as a massage oil directly on the skin, rub directly on pimples, acne, do not apply to open wounds.

5. Side effects when using sesame oil

Sesame oil is quite safe for health, rarely has side effects. However, in areas of hypersensitivity to the components of sesame oil, symptoms may occur;
Diarrhea when using large amounts of sesame oil ; Allergies: rash, itching, rash,... Anaphylaxis: shortness of breath, chest tightness, vomiting,... In this case, you need to go to the emergency room immediately. Sesame oil is an ingredient that is easy to find, easy to use and has many health benefits, especially on the skin. Although it is considered to be quite benign, to ensure safety in the first use, you should use a small amount. If applying to the skin, test a small amount on the back of your hand, if there is no reaction, you can use a large area of ​​the skin.
Follow Vinmec International General Hospital website to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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