What is the effect of the red umbrella?

Ha Thu O is also known by other names such as Da Gia Wien, Da Hop, Thu O... However, the scientific name of Ha Thu O Fallopia multiflora (thumb) Haraldson, belongs to the laksa leaves family. According to oriental medicine, red hatu ha has acrid, sweet, bitter taste and is slightly warm in addition to the effect of blackening the hair, helping to tonic blood, sedating, nourishing the liver, laxative...

1. Features of red umbrella tree

Ha Thu O belongs to the group of vines, which are perennial. The stem of the plant is entwined, twisted together, the outer surface of the stem is purplish green, smooth, veined, and the plant has roots that bulge into tubers.
The red umbrella tree usually grows wild in the northern mountainous provinces, mainly concentrated in Lai Chau, Son Lan, Ha Giang, Lao Cai... However, now red umbrella tree is also grown. many in the southern region, especially the tree grows quite well in Lam Dong, Dak Lak, Phu Yen, Binh Dinh...

2. How to prepare red umbrella

According to oriental medicine, especially red ha Thu O root has a bitter, sweet, acrid taste, and is slightly temperate. The bitter taste of Ha Thu O is related to cold, while the acrid taste of Ha Thu O is related to wax apples, then it can lead to repeated defecation, both apple and crushed stools. And experts say this happens as an unwanted side effect. Therefore, ha thu wu used in traditional medicine will often be prepared.
The red umbrella is washed and peeled off the outer shell. Then, bring the ha thu o to soak in rice water for a period of 24 hours. Next, take the ha tho o to cut it into pieces and remove the core, and use this ha tho o in a water bath with black bean water according to the content of 1kg ha tho o will be distilled with about 100 - 300g of black beans. Continuous distillation and the cooking water in the pot being distilled up to 9 times is best viewed. The distillation process actually helps to reduce toxicity, increase tonicity and make it easier for drugs to enter the kidneys.
According to western medicine, the composition of compounds in raw ha tho wu usually includes: 7.68% tannin; 0.259% free antraqinon derivative; 0.805% antraglycosides. After being processed in the above manner, the remaining medicinal ingredients include: 3.8% tannin; 0.113% free antraqinon derivative; 0.25% antraglycosides and many other compounds.
What is the effect of the red umbrella? Tannin compounds in Ha Thu O have the effect of helping to tighten, wax, and stop diarrhea, while antraglycoside compounds have laxative and convenient effects, often used in cases of patients with chronic constipation. However, when using ha tho wu, you need to be guided by your doctor about the dosage and how to use it to avoid unwanted side effects.
hà thủ ô đỏ có tác dụng gì
Hà thủ ô đỏ có tác dụng gì là thắc mắc của nhiều người

3. Uses of red umbrella

The stem and leaves of Ha Thu O, also known as Giao Dang, have a sweet taste and are calculated to be average. The vines and leaves are used to nourish the mind, calm the mind, nourish the blood, and be active. Moreover, the vines and leaves are also used to treat nervous weakness, anemia, body aches and pains...
Roots, also known as ha thu o, have a bitter taste, are mild in nature, and have beneficial effects. Nourishes the kidney and liver, nourishes the blood, nourishes the yin, detoxifies, laxatives, etc. In addition, Ha Thu O also helps treat kidney yin damage, blood damage, headaches, dizziness, back pain, knee fatigue, tinnitus, and tinnitus. deafness, premature graying of hair, spermatozoa, white blood cells, constipation, or chronic dysentery syndromes, hemorrhoids, malaria, tuberculosis, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibrosis atherosclerotic disease ... Using red ha tho with a content of 12 - 60 grams has the effect of minimizing the above disease conditions. As for the dose of red ha thos from 12 to 30 grams, it has the effect of tonic blood, laxative, and convenient...
Although, red ha thu ha brings many health benefits, but for some subjects should be taboo when using this drug such as low phlegm, damaged spleen, loose stools....
In addition, red ha tho wu also has a lot of nerve tonic effects with lexitin compounds that strengthen the frog's heart. Isolation, help create better red blood cells, women with white discharge, irregular menstruation or cases of blue skin, anemia, emaciation. A decoction of red thyme also helps inhibit tuberculosis bacilli. Moreover, the alcohol extract of red ha thu wu has cholesterol-lowering effect on rats with the content of 1.5ga/ml and also has anti-oxidant effect.

4. Some remedies to use red ha tho in the treatment of diseases

Lesson 1: Use red umbrella with a content of 12 grams, 12 grams of ginseng, 60 grams of pearls. Take the mixture to iron and drink for a period of 1 month to help treat sadness, insomnia or dreams...
Lesson 2: Using ha thu o ma with a content of 12 grams, 12 grams of Bac Sa ginseng, 12 grams of regulation, 12 grams of dragon bone, Bach Thuoc . Bring this mixture to a sharp color and drink. This mixture has the effect of helping to replenish blood, sedation, treat damage, anxiety, insomnia, bad yin, dry blood, premature graying of hair and beard....
Lesson 3: Seven simple miracles with a content of 20 grams Ha Thu O Che, 12 grams of Bach Linh, 12 grams of oxen, 12 grams of dong quai, 12 grams of rabbit ty Tu, 12 grams of breaking co just. All the above ingredients will be ground into a fine powder, refined with honey. Drink 2 times a day, and with a dose of 12 grams each time, with light salt water. The use of this mixture helps the kidneys, strengthens the semen, treats weak liver and kidneys, aching backs and knees, women with bad breath, and men with spermatozoa.
Lesson 4 herbs, 12 grams of parasitic tangs, 12 grams of oxen, 12 grams each. Bring this mixture to a sharp color and drink. This mixture has the effect of helping anemia, high blood pressure, dizziness, blurred vision, and stiff limbs.
Hà thủ ô đỏ có tác dụng chữa mất ngủ
Hà thủ ô đỏ có tác dụng chữa mất ngủ
Lesson 5: Use the remedy Ha capital with cases of long-term malaria harmful to the yin leg, persistent fever, use 1 of 2 articles:
60 grams of live Ha thu o, 12 grams of sago, 12 grams, 20 grams black beans. Bring this mixture to a sharp color and I let it dry for 1 night, the next morning I warm it up and drink it again. Or Ha nun moist: Use 16g of Ha Thu O Chou 16g, 12g of party ginseng, 12g of dong quai, 12g of bare skin, 12g of ginger back 12g. Bring this mixture to a sharp color and drink. Lesson 6: Use 30 -60 grams of fresh ha thu wu. Take this mixture to decoction and drink it to have a laxative effect, to facilitate bowel movements, to treat blood disorders, dry new fluid, and secrete defecation. At the same time, using Ha Thu O daily can cure weak sperm, dilute sperm.
Using the combination of red ha tho with parasitic tang, virgin virgin has the effect of curing hypertension due to atherosclerosis in the elderly.
In Vietnam, in addition to red ha tho, we also use the roots of white ha tho (cow's milk vine, ha tho o nam)... can be used instead of red ha tho as a blood tonic, but not yet. There are detailed studies of these effects. According to folk experience, this medicine in Ha Thu O has the effect of curing fever, heatstroke, malaria, postpartum women do not have milk to drink to produce milk. When collecting white umbrella rhubarb, you need to do your best to avoid confusion with crab claws or bird's nest, because these plants all belong to the group of poisonous plants.

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