21 uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy: Causes and solutions

The article is professionally consulted by Doctor Le Van Linh - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital and Master, Doctor Tran Lam Khoa - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Central Park .
Pregnant women will experience many uncomfortable symptoms and fatigue during pregnancy. Some signs are transient and occur within the first few weeks, others last longer and appear closer to the time of labor. The following are the symptoms that are considered normal during pregnancy.

1. Change breasts

Most pregnant women will notice some changes in their breasts. Your breasts will increase in size as the milk glands and fatty tissue develop, causing engorgement. Blue veins may also appear as the amount of blood increases. Nipples may be darkened, and sometimes a thick liquid called colostrum may flow. All of these changes are normal.
Wear a maternity bra, made of cotton or natural fibers, in a firm, tight-fitting size that does not irritate the nipples; Try wearing a comfortable bra at night; Tuck a cotton towel or gauze pad into your bra to absorb any discharge from the nipple. Wash your breasts with warm water and mild soap so as not to dry the skin.

2. Tired

The growing fetus requires the mother to need more energy, so it is easy to get tired. Sometimes fatigue is also a sign of iron deficiency anemia - a common problem during pregnancy.
Get plenty of rest, go to bed earlier and take a nap; Living in moderation; Balance exercise with rest; Daily moderate exercise; Go to the hospital to check for iron deficiency anemia regularly.
Bà bầu tập yoga
Mẹ bầu nên tập thể dục nhẹ nhàng để tránh triệu chứng mệt mỏi

3. Nausea or vomiting

Nausea or vomiting is a very common symptom of pregnancy, collectively known as morning sickness. This is due to hormonal changes (hormones) during pregnancy and usually occurs at an early stage when the body has not yet adapted.
Nausea usually disappears by the 4th month of pregnancy, although in some cases it persists for 9 months. Nausea can appear at any time of the day, but is most severe in the morning - when the stomach is empty.
Eat dry food like cereal, toast or cookies before getting out of bed every morning; Eat a protein-rich snack with lean meat or cheese before bed; If you're hungry but feel nauseous, try eating bananas, rice, and ginger tea, as well as foods with a bland taste; Eat small, light meals every 2-3 hours, eat slowly and chew well; Continually drink some cool fruit juice throughout the day. Avoid drinking one large cup at once; Avoid spicy, fried, greasy or strong-smelling foods; Ask your doctor about vitamin B6 and other natural and prescription treatments if you want to try it out; Get medical attention right away if vomiting is persistent or severe enough to be uncontrollable.

4. Urinating a lot during pregnancy

The growing uterus presses on the bladder, causing pregnant women to urinate a lot during the first 3 months of pregnancy. This will happen again in the last 3 months as the baby's head moves down into the pelvis before the due date.
Do not wear tight underwear or pants; If you feel a burning sensation while urinating, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection, requiring immediate medical attention.

5. Headaches during pregnancy

Headaches can occur at any time during pregnancy. It is caused by stress, congestion, constipation or in some cases preeclampsia (detected after 20 weeks).
Put an ice pack on the forehead or back of the neck; Rest, sit or lie still in a dark room. Close your eyes and try to relax your back, neck and shoulders; The over-the-counter acetaminophen (Tylenol) can be effective. But if pregnancy headaches are persistent, severe, make you nauseous, or affect your vision, talk to your doctor.
Nhức đầu
Trong thời kỳ mang thai, mẹ bầu rất dễ nhức đầu

6. Bleeding and swollen gums

Changes in blood circulation and hormone levels can make your gums soft and swollen, making them easier to bleed. Many pregnant women are also prone to nosebleeds.
Visit the dentist early in pregnancy to ensure oral health. See your dentist if you notice something unusual; Brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth daily with an antiseptic solution.

7. Constipation

Hormones, vitamins and iron supplements can make it difficult or infrequent for a pregnant woman to pass stools. The pressure of the uterus on the rectum is also a cause of constipation.
Add more fiber (such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables) to your diet; Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water and 1-2 glasses of fruit juice every day. It is recommended to drink warm water, especially in the morning; Daily exercise; Avoid straining while defecating; Talk to your doctor about using a laxative or stool softener.

8. Dizziness, lightheadedness

Dizziness can occur at any time from mid to late pregnancy. The growing uterus also needs more blood. This can cause a drop in blood pressure, especially when changing positions - and make you dizzy.
Do not stand still for long periods of time; Lying on the left side when resting helps blood circulate throughout the body; Avoid sudden position changes, stand up slowly after sitting for a long time; Eat small frequent meals throughout the day to prevent hypoglycemia; Drink a lot of water.

9. Difficulty sleeping

Finding a comfortable resting position can become very difficult later in pregnancy.
Do not take sleeping pills, try drinking warm milk instead before going to bed; Take a warm bath or bath before going to bed; Use extra pillows to support pregnant women while sleeping to limit muscle tension and provide comfortable support; It is recommended to lie on the left side to improve blood circulation throughout the body.
Ăn khó tiêu, đầy hơi, ngủ kém có phải là dấu hiệu khối u phát triển trong gan hay không?
Khó ngủ là điều không tránh khỏi đối với phụ nữ mang thai

10. Heartburn or indigestion

Heartburn is a burning sensation that begins in the stomach and almost rises up to the throat. During pregnancy, changing hormone levels slow down the digestive system, weakening the stomach and uterus sphincters, which can cause stomach blockages. It is these factors that push stomach acid up.
Eat slowly and divide into several small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals; Drink warm water or milk; Avoid fried, spicy, or overeating foods that are hard to digest; Do not lie down immediately after eating; Elevate your head above your feet or place a pillow under your shoulders to prevent stomach acid from rising up your throat; Do not mix fatty foods and sweets, liquids and solids in one meal; Talk to your doctor about certain medications, such as Tums, Maalox, Titralac, Mylanta, Riopan, or Gaviscon.

11. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the anus. During pregnancy, hemorrhoids can form as the growing fetus puts pressure on the rectum and vagina.
Try to relieve constipation to limit the risk of hemorrhoids or make hemorrhoids more painful; Avoid sitting or standing for a long time, change positions often; Do not strain, strain too much when defecating; Apply a cold compress or take a warm bath a few times per day; Avoid wearing tight underwear or pants.

12. Varicose veins

Pregnancy can affect blood circulation, enlarging or swelling the veins in your legs. Some ways to prevent such as:
Avoid standing or sitting still for long periods of time. It is important to move often; Avoid postures that restrict blood circulation in the legs, for example crossing your legs when sitting; Elevate your legs and feet while sitting; Exercise regularly; Wear supportive stockings for varicose veins, but avoid wrapping your legs too tightly.
Các phương pháp điều trị suy giãn tĩnh mạch chi dưới mãn tính
Mẹ bầu tránh ngồi hay đứng lâu để ngăn ngừa giãn tĩnh mạch

13. Leg cramps

The growing uterus can create pressure and cause cramping or sharp pain in the legs.
Eat and drink calcium-rich foods, like milk, broccoli or cheese; Wear low-heeled shoes that fit well and are comfortable; Wear supportive but not tight-fitting socks; Elevate your legs when sitting and avoid crossing your legs; Daily exercise; Do leg stretches before going to bed; Avoid lying on your back, as the weight of the body and the pressure of the expanding uterus can interfere with blood circulation in the legs, thereby causing cramps; Gently stretch the muscle that is cramping, straightening the leg, flexing the foot, and pulling the toe toward the torso; Massage or apply heat to the painful area.

14. Stuffy nose

Pregnancy hormones will dry out the lining of the nose, causing the nose to become inflamed and swollen. As a result, you may have a stuffy nose or feel like you have a cold.
Apply warm water to cheeks, eyes and nose to relieve congestion; Avoid using nasal sprays unless directed by your doctor; Drink plenty of water (at least 6-8 glasses/day) to thin the mucus; Add an extra pillow while you sleep to raise your head and prevent mucus from clogging your throat; Use a humidifier or mist in the room; Take a warm bath or soak in the tub.

15. Difficulty breathing

Shortness of breath can occur due to increased pressure from the uterus and changes in the physiological function of the lungs.
Walk slowly and often stop for a while; Avoid lying on your back and try to sleep with your head elevated; If shortness of breath persists or you feel sharp pain when you inhale, see your doctor right away because you are at risk for a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs).
Đau tức ngực, khó thở khi mang thai có nguy hiểm không
Khó thở có thể xảy ra do tăng áp lực từ tử cung

16. Stretch marks

Stretch marks are scar tissue that forms when the normal elasticity of the skin is not enough for the stretching of pregnancy weight gain. Stretch marks often appear on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks or thighs, and cannot be prevented. Although not completely gone, stretch marks will fade after birth.
Make sure your diet is full of nutrients needed for healthy skin (especially vitamins C and E); Apply lotion to help soften and relieve dryness; Daily exercise.

17. Swollen legs and feet

The growing uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels in the lower body and causes fluid retention. The result is swelling (edema) in the legs and feet.
Do not stand still for long periods of time; Drink a lot of water; Avoid foods high in salt (sodium); Elevate your legs and feet while sitting. Avoid crossing your legs; Wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid slowing circulation and increasing fluid retention; Do not wear tight shoes, choose low, wide heels; Eat protein-rich foods to limit fluid retention; Notify your doctor if your hands or face are also swollen. These could be warning signs of preeclampsia; Lie on your side at rest to help increase blood flow to the kidneys.
Siêu âm thai nên uống nhiều nước
Uống nhiều nước tránh sưng chân và bàn chân

18. Vaginal discharge

Normally, vaginal discharge will increase during pregnancy due to a larger supply of blood and hormones. Normal vaginal discharge is white or clear, non-irritating, and odorless. There may be a dry yellow stain on a pregnant woman's underwear.
Choose underwear made of cotton or natural fibers; Avoid tight jeans or pants; Do not douche to avoid introducing air into the circulatory system or breaking the amniotic sac; Clean the intimate area regularly with soap and water; Wipe dry from front to back; See your doctor if you experience itching, burning, or swelling in your vagina, or a foul-smelling, bloody, yellow or green discharge. These symptoms could be signs of an infection.

19. Back pain

Back pain is often caused by pressure placed on the back muscles, changes in hormone levels, and poor posture.
Wear low heel shoes (but not too flat to avoid slipping); Avoid lifting heavy objects; Squat down when picking up items instead of crouching; Do not stand still for long periods of time. If necessary, put one foot on a chair or box for temporary storage; Sit in a chair that supports your back, or place a small pillow behind. At the same time, put your feet on the footrest; Check if the mattress is not comfortable or not; Sleep on your left side with a pillow between your legs while you sleep; Hot compress on back, soak in warm water or shower, massage back; Perform exercises as recommended by your doctor to strengthen your back muscles and reduce pain; Contact your doctor if you have low back pain around your stomach that doesn't improve within an hour of changing positions or resting. This could be a sign of premature labor.
Trong khi mang thai, tập giãn phần lưng dưới có thể giúp giảm đau
Thực hiện các bài tập theo lời khuyên của bác sĩ giúp giảm đau lưng

20. Abdominal pain or discomfort

Sudden, sharp pain on either side of your stomach may be due to stretching of the tissues to support the growing uterus. This pain can also radiate down the pregnant woman's thighs and legs.
Change position or move until you feel comfortable, avoid twisting too quickly and suddenly; Bend forward to relieve pressure and relax tissues if there is a sharp pain in the abdomen; Apply heat, cover with a heating blanket, or take a warm bath; Try massage movements; Drink enough water; Tylenol (acetaminophen) can be used; See your doctor if the pain is severe or constant or if you're less than 36 weeks pregnant and are showing signs of labor (repeated cramps like contractions).

21. False labor contractions

The muscles of the uterus will contract (tighten) as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. Irregular, infrequent contractions are called Braxton-Hicks contractions. These are normal signs of pregnancy.
Try to relax; Change positions to relieve contractions; Call your doctor if the contractions don't stop. Every woman's pregnancy experience is unique, so you may not experience all of the uncomfortable, tiring pregnancy symptoms described in this article. If you notice any worrisome changes, talk to your obstetrician early.
Vinmec International General Hospital is currently providing all-inclusive maternity services for pregnant women. When registering for a package maternity program, pregnant women will be monitored and examined by qualified doctors. Mothers will be followed up by doctors, regularly notified by the staff before the scheduled date of examination, ultrasound, and testing. Pregnant women can rest assured and relax during pregnancy, without having to worry about missing appointments and making appointments.
Doctor Le Van Linh has 16 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. With professional strengths such as treatment of obstetrics and gynecological diseases, gynecological cancer screening, breast cancer screening and pregnancy monitoring, Dr. Linh used to hold the position of Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the hospital. Hoan My Cuu Long (Can Tho). Currently, Dr. Linh is working at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Master, Doctor Tran Lam Khoa is trained and used to specialize in fetal medicine and prenatal diagnosis at Necker Hospital - Prenatal diagnosis center - Fetal intervention and treatment center France's largest. This is also the place where difficult and complicated diseases are concentrated with the world's leading professors in fetal medicine and fetal intervention. Currently, Doctor Khoa is working at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, he will directly diagnose, treat, and intervene in fetuses to bring healthy babies and bring happiness to parents. future mother.

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Reference source: webmd.com
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