Actual pictures of fetal development month by month

The article is professionally consulted by Doctor Le Van Linh - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital and Master, Doctor Tran Lam Khoa - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Central Park .
It's hard to describe the happiness of being a mother. Add to that worries, curiosity, is the baby developing normally? How has the baby grown? What does a baby look like and when can I feel my baby move? The following article will help us better understand the development of the fetus by month through some actual images.

1. Stage of conception

Giai đoạn thụ thai
Hình ảnh giai đoạn thụ thai
Fertilization occurs when a sperm meets and penetrates an egg. It is also called conception.
Within three days of conception, the fertilized egg divides very rapidly into many cells. It moves into the fallopian tube and begins to implant in the uterus. The placenta that nourishes the baby is also beginning to form.

2. Fetal at 4 weeks old

At this time, the baby is developing structures, forming the face and neck. The heart and blood vessels are also continuing to develop. Meanwhile, the lungs, stomach and liver are just beginning to develop.
Thai nhi lúc 4 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi lúc 4 tuần tuổi

3. Fetal at 8 weeks old

Your baby is now about 2.5cm in size. Eyelids and ears are forming, and you can see the tip of your baby's nose. Arms and legs are on the verge of continuing to grow. Fingers and toes grow longer and more defined.
Thai nhi lúc 8 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi lúc 8 tuần tuổi

4. Fetus at 12 weeks old

The baby at this stage is about 5.3cm long and starts to perform some movements. The doctor can hear the baby's heartbeat with special equipment. The baby's genitals should start to become apparent.
Thai nhi lúc 12 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi lúc 12 tuần tuổi

5. The fetus is 16 weeks old

Currently the baby measures about 11.6cm and weighs about 99g. You can feel the baby's movements about 4.5 cm below the navel. The heart and blood vessels are being formed. A baby's fingers and toes form fingerprints.
At this stage, the baby also becomes more sensitive to light, sound and frequent hiccups. However, hiccups are a sign that your baby's ability to breathe is becoming more complete. Therefore, you should not worry too much.
Thai nhi 16 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi 16 tuần tuổi

6. 20 weeks old fetus

Thai nhi 20 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi 20 tuần tuổi
The baby weighs about 300 grams and is more than 15cm long. Your uterus should now be at the level of your navel. At this stage, your baby can suck his thumb, yawn, stretch and make different faces.
Thai nhi 20 tuần tuổi
Em bé nặng khoảng 300 gram và dài hơn 15cm
A pregnancy ultrasound is usually done for all women who are 22 weeks pregnant. During this ultrasound, your doctor will make sure that the placenta is normal and that your baby is fully developing. You can see your baby's heart rate and body movements, arms and legs through ultrasound.

7. The fetus is 24 weeks old

Your baby now weighs more than 500 grams and responds to sounds by moving or increasing the beat. You may notice your baby's movements or when he hiccups. Your baby can understand the words you talk to him. The baby's body at this stage is also fully developed.
Thai nhi 24 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi 24 tuần tuổi

8. 28 weeks old fetus

The baby weighs about 1kg. Babies can change positions often at this stage.
Thai nhi 28 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi 28 tuần tuổi

9. The fetus is 32 weeks old

The baby weighs about 2kg and is constantly on the move. Your baby's skin has fewer wrinkles when a layer of fat begins to form under the skin. Between now and birth, your baby will gain up to half of his birth weight.
At this stage, you should ask your doctor about how to monitor fetal movements. You may notice a yellow liquid oozing from your chest at this point. That is colostrum, which shows that your breasts are ready to produce milk to feed your baby. Most pregnant women see their doctor every two weeks at this stage of pregnancy.
Thai nhi 32 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi 32 tuần tuổi

10. Fetal 36 weeks old

Each baby will be different in size, depending on many factors, such as gender, the number of babies in the womb, and the size of the parents. So your baby's overall growth rate is just as important as actual size.
On average, a baby at this stage is about 47cm long and weighs nearly 2.7kg. The brain was developing rapidly. The lungs are almost fully developed. By now your baby's head is usually turned downward and is beginning to enter the pelvis of the pelvis. Your baby is considered an adult at 37 weeks of age.
Thai nhi 36 tuần tuổi
Hình ảnh thai nhi 36 tuần tuổi

11. The baby is born

The mother's due date is marked on the end of the 40th week. The due date is calculated as the first day of the mother's last menstrual period. Based on this, pregnancy can last from 38 to 42 weeks.
Trẻ chào đời
Hình ảnh em bé ra đời

Pregnancy and childbirth is a sacred journey of a woman, where besides joy, there are also hardships, worries and potential risks affecting the health of mother and baby. Understanding this, Vinmec International General Hospital built the Maternity Care Program, with the desire to bring the most special and preferential care to mothers and babies right from the time of pregnancy to birth. when giving birth.
Doctors and nurses at Vinmec will advise, monitor and take good care of mothers and babies from the pregnancy period. After the birth, mother and baby will rest and relax in a comfortable ward with dedicated and professional care from a team of doctors and nurses at the Hospital.
Doctor Le Van Linh has 16 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. With professional strengths such as treatment of obstetrics and gynecological diseases, gynecological cancer screening, breast cancer screening and pregnancy monitoring, Dr. Linh used to hold the position of Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at the hospital. Hoan My Cuu Long (Can Tho). Currently, Dr. Linh is working at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Master, Doctor Tran Lam Khoa is trained and used to specialize in fetal medicine and prenatal diagnosis at Necker Hospital - Prenatal diagnosis center - Fetal intervention and treatment center France's largest. This is also the place where difficult and complicated diseases are concentrated with the world's leading professors of fetal medicine and fetal intervention. Currently, Doctor Khoa is working at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, he will directly diagnose, treat, and intervene in fetuses to bring healthy babies and bring happiness to parents. future mother.
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