Beware of low amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy

Lack of amniotic fluid at any time of pregnancy has potential risks to the fetus. Low amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy is more dangerous and requires early treatment to ensure the safety of both mother and baby. So what is amniotic fluid depletion at the end of pregnancy and how dangerous is this phenomenon? The following article will clarify these issues.

1. What is amniotic fluid depletion at the end of pregnancy?

Amniotic fluid is a solution that acts as a buffer between the fetus and the uterus, protecting the fetus from shocks and shocks when the mother moves. The amount of amniotic fluid will change and be maintained according to each stage of pregnancy to ensure the normal development of the fetus.
From the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus will begin to swallow amniotic fluid and the amniotic fluid is reabsorbed through the fetal skin, umbilical cord and amniotic membrane. So amniotic fluid is a circulating fluid. The volume of amniotic fluid when the fetus is 4-8 weeks is 50ml and increases to 1000ml at 38th week of pregnancy.
The phenomenon of amniotic fluid depletion occurs when the fetus is full term, ie from 38-40 weeks, the placenta is old. and no longer secrete water, causing the amniotic fluid to gradually dry out.

2. How to know if a pregnant woman has run out of amniotic fluid?

Pregnant women with low amniotic fluid often have no obvious symptoms and are often confused with signs of impending birth. If the fetus is large, pregnant women may see amniotic fluid leaking through the vagina, especially noticeable when tampons are frozen. This phenomenon is called amniotic fluid leak, when pregnant women leak, the water will run out very quickly.
To most accurately assess the status of amniotic fluid, the doctor will appoint the pregnant woman to perform an ultrasound. During fetal ultrasound, a mandatory index to measure is the AFI (amniotic fluid index) or amniotic index. The doctor will divide the mother's abdomen into 4 compartments by 1 vertical line and 1 horizontal line, the amniotic cavity of these four parts combined will give the AFI index. For 16-41 weeks gestation, the average AFI is 12-16.
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3. How dangerous is low amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy?

The phenomenon of amniotic fluid depletion is very dangerous for the fetus, especially during labor. It is possible to imagine the fetus as a ball lying in a water bag: if the amount of water is large, it is difficult to affect the ball inside when it hits the bag; but if the water is depleted, the ball will be easily affected by light impacts from the outside. The rapid depletion of amniotic fluid during labor is very dangerous, because at this time, the strong contraction of the uterus will squeeze the fetus, making it easy for the fetus to suffocate, causing fetal distress and potentially death.
Therefore, for the elderly, if the ultrasound results show that the placenta is calcified or there is little amniotic fluid at 38 weeks or less amniotic fluid at 39 weeks or more, pregnant women need to be hospitalized immediately for treatment. treatment. If the amount of amniotic fluid is less than 60ml, the pregnant woman should be closely monitored with a fetal heart monitor (obstetric monitor), in case of fetal distress, it is necessary to immediately intervene by means of termination of pregnancy such as induced delivery. , cesarean section. At that time, the pregnant mother and her relatives need to prepare psychologically and have everything ready for the birth at any time.

4. How to prevent amniotic fluid depletion?

Low amniotic fluid at the end of pregnancy or at any time during pregnancy also poses many risks to the life and development of the fetus, in some cases the handling will be very complicated and difficult to predict. quantity. Therefore, it is best for pregnant women to prevent early amniotic fluid depletion by following a reasonable diet, living activities as well as adequate antenatal check-ups. Some notes for pregnant women to prevent amniotic fluid depletion are as follows:
Need to ensure a balanced diet with 4 ingredients including: Protein, starch, fat and vitamins (found in vegetables and fruits). ), pay attention to increase protein for good fetal development; Should eat more shrimp and crab because they are rich in calcium and protein, can be combined with meats such as chicken, beef, eggs or fish.
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Supplement some necessary nutrients with drugs. Types of nutrients to supplement include: Iron: The purpose is to prevent iron deficiency anemia; Calcium: Helps prevent osteoporosis for mothers and helps babies have enough calcium to grow taller; Multivitamin for pregnant women: Works to help mothers be healthier, reduce morning sickness. Fully vaccinated against tetanus for mothers and babies when the fetus is 20 weeks old or more. The injection schedule is as follows: 2 injections, the next injection is at least 1 month apart from the previous one and at least 1 month before the time of birth; Full antenatal care and pregnancy management. Low amniotic fluid can happen at any time during pregnancy and is especially dangerous for the fetus during labor. Therefore, in all cases of diagnosed amniotic fluid depletion, pregnant women need to be hospitalized immediately for monitoring and timely intervention. If the fetus is full term, it is necessary to have a cesarean section immediately to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.
In order for the pregnancy to go smoothly, for the mother to have a round baby, the role of regular antenatal check-ups cannot be underestimated, especially the monitoring of fetal health will be more comprehensive if the mother chooses the packages for herself. maternity care provided by large and reputable hospitals.
Maternity care program implemented at Vinmec International General Hospital is always highly appreciated among maternity care services in Vietnam. Vinmec has a team of top doctors, selected with the strictest medical ethics and professional standards. Vinmec is also a hospital that always focuses on applying new and advanced medical advances in the world to the examination, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, helping to effectively treat not only the lack of amniotic fluid during pregnancy but also many other diseases. other abnormalities in pregnant women.
Maternity techniques at Vinmec, whether simple or complicated, are controlled by a strict, methodical, serious and responsible process. Especially, the professional service quality, civilized and luxurious hospital space will give pregnant women the most comfortable and secure feeling, because Vinmec understands that pregnant women are the objects that need to be cherished and protected. to how.

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