Can endometriosis be pregnant?

Pregnancy and childbirth is a woman's vocation. But for those unfortunate enough to have endometriosis, they always wonder if they can still get pregnant and give birth.

1. What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue leaves the uterus and grows on the outside. Despite being outside the uterus, this tissue still functions normally during the menstrual cycle, and of course, towards the end of the cycle, this tissue also sheds and bleeds. But the problem is, that part of the blood has no outlet, causing the surrounding tissues to become inflamed and swollen, and then ulcers or scar tissue will form. And the most common location for endometriosis is in the ovaries.
Endometriosis is one of the common gynecological diseases, leading to infertility. There are several treatments for endometriosis, but each has different success rates.

2. Effects of endometriosis on reproduction

Phụ nữ
Lạc nội mạc tử cung có khả năng gây ảnh hưởng lên cơ quan sinh sản

An ectopic endometrial tissue may be benign (not cancerous), but it has the potential to affect the reproductive organs, causing problems with reproductive function because:
When the tissue The endometrium appears and covers the ovary, preventing ovulation. Endometrial tissue can be a mechanical barrier that prevents sperm from reaching the fallopian tubes. Endometrial tissue can prevent a fertilized egg from traveling down the fallopian tube into the uterus. A surgery can help with the problem, but endometriosis makes it difficult for the patient to conceive in other ways:
It causes hormonal changes in the body. It can cause the immune system to attack, destroying the embryo. It can affect the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for an egg to implant.

3. Treatment methods for endometriosis

Bơm tinh trùng vào buồng tử cung (IUI) được chỉ định trong trường hợp nào?
Bác sĩ có thể kết hợp IUI với việc kích thích buồng trứng có kiểm soát, để tăng khả năng thụ thai cho bệnh nhân

Endometriosis now has several treatment methods. The first method is surgical removal of the endometrial tissue mass, which frees up mechanical barriers to conception.
If surgery is not an option, the patient can use intrauterine insemination (IUI). Doctors can combine IUI with controlled ovarian stimulation, to increase the patient's ability to conceive.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is also a good option, it can increase the chances of conception, but results depend on each specific case.
For accurate examination and advice on intrauterine insemination (IUI) technique, customers can visit the Reproductive Support Center - Vinmec International General Hospital. This is the leading center in Vietnam, which has developed and applied a comprehensive medical examination and treatment process, combining both gynecology and obstetrics and gynecology to provide the optimal method for each patient's case.
Advantages when customers choose Vinmec fertility center
The center is the place to gather a team of leading experts in the field of domestic and international infertility, trained at leading fertility centers. world top. A team of highly qualified and experienced doctors. Implement most advanced assisted reproductive techniques in the world such as ICSI (injection of sperm into the oocyte); support embryo escape membrane; Reproductive reserve: embryo freezing, sperm freezing, oocyte freezing to help customers take the initiative in giving birth at will, transferring embryos on day 5, minimizing pregnancy; male infertility techniques (PESA, MESA, TEFNA, TESE) Modern equipment system, ensuring absolute sterility, single cabinet system optimizes embryo quality, increases success rate. The Reproductive Support Center also receives technical support from many departments in the Vinmec International General Hospital system such as the Pediatric Center, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, etc., continuously updating and developing new techniques. in infertility treatment The technique of injecting sperm into the ovary has helped many couples have complete happiness with healthy children. When facing problems related to fertility and infertility, go to fertility centers to be examined and consulted on specific methods.

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