Close-up of Vinmec's standard postpartum room

Obstetrics Department, Vinmec International General Hospital owns a very modern system of delivery and postpartum rooms, integrated with advanced support equipment, helping mothers and babies to be cared for right from the moment first born.
Vinmec is one of the first hospitals in Vietnam equipped with Ave's modern life support bed system, the delivery room is equipped with a labor ball - an "assistant" that can help pregnant women move gently. with multiple prenatal positions, ease each pain and make labor easier.
In the delivery room, there is also a GE Healthcare Resuscitation Bed System that can optimally support baby care right after birth. The car integrates a modern oxygen supply system to meet the needs of oxygen when the baby needs support after birth; The weighing system displays the parameters on the screen, the device system measures the baby's heart rate, oxygen saturation, and temperature.
Experiencing a painful and hard labor, any mother needs to rest and most importantly, rest in a comfortable, clean and airy postpartum room. Understanding this, Vinmec has tried to bring the most positive things to meet all the needs of pregnant women after giving birth. The postpartum room system therefore also ensures the most satisfaction.
When using the maternity and childbirth service package at Vinmec, surely the mother's pregnancy and birth journey will be as comfortable as "going on vacation". After giving birth, mother and baby will rest and relax in a comfortable hospital room, international hotel standards with dedicated and professional care of a team of doctors and nurses at the hospital. A postpartum room for mothers after giving birth at Vinmec will have enough:
Windows with light: Help the mother feel comfortable and the baby will be bathed every day, avoiding the phenomenon of postpartum jaundice. The items in the cabinet are full to help the mother go to childbirth like going "on vacation", she will not need to bring anything to the hospital to give birth, the hospital has fully prepared to help her. Raised bed set down Baby's bathroom right in the room so that the mother can monitor the baby during the bath The toilet is comfortable and has a buzzer to call the medical staff if the mother needs assistance even at this time . While giving birth in Vinmec, mothers will be cared for carefully and carefully, from meals to sleep to physical activities, but please try to do the following necessary things to quickly regain strength: Try to mobilize especially mothers who have had a cesarean section, breastfeed the baby as soon as the mother leaves the delivery room, do not be afraid to take pain relievers, do not try to hold or hold the baby, eat a lot of foods containing fiber,...

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