Combantrin dewormer can be used for pregnant women?

Combantrin dewormer can be used for pregnant women with a dosage of 10 mg/kg body weight, taking a single dose. If only one type of roundworm is infected, use a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight.

1. Combantrin dewormer can be used for pregnant women?

Usually, when a woman is pregnant, deworming is not recommended, so doctors recommend deworming every 6 months or once a year. However, many pregnant women find out that they have a severe worm infection that requires treatment because otherwise, it will harm both mother and baby. In this case, giving the pregnant woman a dewormer is essential.
Dewormer Combantrin belongs to the group of drugs Pyrantel is classified in group B in the list of drugs used for pregnant women (but still be very cautious). This substance when entering the mother's body will block the neuromuscular block, causing paralysis of the worms and expel them.
Combantrin dewormer can kill roundworms , pinworms , hookworms , but will be limited to whipworms .

2. How to use Combantrin dewormer

Combantrin dewormer can be used for pregnant women at a dose of 10 mg/kg body weight, taking a single dose. If only one type of roundworm is infected, use a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight.
For cases of roundworm infection over 6 months pregnant, this drug can be used without concern.
Although Combantrin has no evidence of teratogenicity, pregnant women should not be subjective when using it. It is best to deworm when the pregnancy is stable, over 6 months under the direction of a doctor.

3. Treatment of mild worm infections by folk methods

If the infection is mild, the mother can wait after giving birth and then treat or apply the following folk methods:
Papaya seeds: Papaya seeds contain many flavonoid and phenolic compounds, proteins, calcium, phosphorus... can kill E. coli, Salmonella and helminths. Mix 1 teaspoon of papaya seeds daily into a cup of warm milk to drink for 3 consecutive days to help eliminate the symptoms of helminth infection clearly; Tram gourd cures roundworms: Eating cakes made from brocade berries with apricot leaves will help pregnant women treat worms, helping your intestines be cleaner; Deworming hair with purslane: Purslane contains a lot of fat, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, C, B2, so it has the effect of cooling, cooling the liver, deworming very well. Drinking purslane juice continuously for about 3-5 days will bring a noticeable effect; Pinworm deworming with garlic: Garlic contains active ingredients allicin, allistatin and minerals Ca, P, Fe, so it has effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. If garlic is used to treat mild worm infections, the pregnant mother should use 200g, crush it into food or make anal wash to kill pinworms and pinworms; Deworming with carrots: Carrots contain a lot of sulfur; Rich in vitamins and minerals, folic acid helps laxatives, deworming, and improves the digestive tract. In addition, building a healthy diet also helps mothers limit worm infections during pregnancy. Should not eat raw food, unknown origin or fast food, food that is carefully processed.
In conclusion, using deworming drugs during pregnancy improperly can cause birth defects. Therefore, if during pregnancy, the mother is infected with worms, she should consult a doctor for a safe deworming method.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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