Fetal ultrasound in the last 3 months

The last 3 months of pregnancy ultrasound is an important and extremely necessary time to perform ultrasound to assess the overall development status of the fetus and a number of factors to prepare for the birth in the later time. .

1. Ultrasound in the last 3 months of pregnancy

Ultrasound in the last 3 months of pregnancy helps obstetricians and gynecologists detect fetal abnormalities in time, and check the pregnant woman's characteristics to prepare for labor.
More specifically, some of the benefits of ultrasound in the last 3 months of pregnancy can bring to both mother and baby:
Assess fetal development Assess fetal appendages, placenta position and evaluate the fetal position, see if there is an abnormal position to be able to predict the upcoming birth. Assess fetal weight Re-assess the due date more accurately Assess the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus of the pregnant woman, see if the pregnant woman has polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios or other abnormalities, in order to serve a safe labor. Thanks to the ultrasound results, if there are any abnormalities, the obstetrician can promptly advise and help the mother change her diet or advise some notes so that the pregnant mother can follow the instructions. present in this late stage of pregnancy.

2. Ultrasound schedule of the last 3 months of pregnancy

In this last 3 months, pregnant women need to go for ultrasound more often than before and the interval between ultrasounds is also closer. Because during this time there will be a lot of changes taking place inside the mother's body, it is necessary to monitor it closely.
Most importantly, signs of labor may appear during this time, so it is necessary to periodically check many times to ensure the safety of the fetus and prepare well for the birth.
The schedule of ultrasound in the last 3 months of pregnancy is specifically planned as follows:
Fetal ultrasound at 28 - 32 weeks, once a week: Diagnosis of fetal position, measurement of uterine length, assessment of risks of delivery preterm birth, if any, status of placenta, amniotic fluid, length, weight of fetus. Fetal ultrasound at 32 - 36 weeks, 2 times/week: Accurately determine fetal position, guide mother how to turn the fetal position, assess fetal position. assess placental maturity, placental attachment position, amniotic fluid, fetal weight and length more accurately. Fetal ultrasound at 36-39 weeks, once a week: Check for abnormalities compared to previous ultrasounds signs of labor, thereby orienting the method of normal delivery or caesarean section, what to pay attention to during labor and the impending birth.
siêu âm thai 3 tháng cuối
Mẹ bầu nên đi siêu âm thai 3 tháng cuối theo đúng lịch

Ultrasound in the last 3 months of pregnancy plays an important role in orienting and predicting labor and delivery in the coming time of pregnant women. At this time, the fetus is also very sensitive to the surrounding environment as well as the pregnant woman will begin to show signs of labor, so the last 3 months of pregnancy ultrasound is very necessary to monitor the health status. of both mother and fetus. Therefore, in addition to screening for gestational diabetes, pregnant women need to:
Know the real signs of labor to get to the hospital in time, affecting the health of the fetus. Differentiate between amniotic fluid and vaginal discharge for timely treatment to avoid premature birth, fetal distress, and stillbirth. Be especially careful when bleeding in the last 3 months of pregnancy needs urgent emergency care to ensure the life of both mother and baby. Monitor the amount of amniotic fluid regularly and continuously. Monitor fetal weight in the last 3 months to assess baby's development and predict possible risks at birth. The special monitoring group is the same as the striker, and the fetal growth retardation needs to be closely monitored by the doctor and given appropriate indications. Distinguish between physiological contractions, labor contractions and mechanical pregnancy to get to the hospital in time. In order to protect the health of mother and baby comprehensively as well as help mothers feel more secure during labor, Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package Maternity Care Program. With this package, the mother will have regular antenatal check-ups and routine tests to monitor her health.
The fetus is monitored for fetal heart rate and uterine contractions by obstetric monitor at 37-40 weeks of gestation to predict the exact time of delivery. During labor, the mother will be given pain-relieving techniques during and after birth such as: epidural anesthesia, pudendal nerve anesthesia (applied to normal delivery), postoperative pain treatment (applied to childbirth). surgery). In particular, Vinmec is deploying cold plasma services to help wounds heal quickly such as: cesarean section, perineal stitches, baby umbilical cord, and lactation to avoid swelling, redness, infection, and dryness. , flat, beautiful straight edge, little pain, no bruising, no convexity. For more detailed information about all-inclusive maternity service packages, please contact the hospitals and clinics of Vinmec Health system nationwide.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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