How to treat severe morning sickness during pregnancy

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Thanh - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital
Most pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Severe morning sickness and nausea become serious when the frequency occurs frequently, making pregnant women tired, anorexia, rapid weight loss, affecting the fetus.

1. Severe morning sickness and nausea in pregnant women

90% of pregnant women will experience nausea or vomiting during the first months of pregnancy, especially in the morning or when smelling food. It is morning sickness in pregnant women. Nausea and vomiting make the body tired, lose appetite, hangover, uncomfortable. This feeling will gradually subside after the 12th week of pregnancy. Very few cases of pregnant women experience morning sickness in the following months.
There are many causes of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women, related to hormonal changes. Vomiting and nausea do not affect fetal development. But if the state of severe morning sickness and nausea occurs regularly, for a long time can make pregnant women lose their appetite, lose weight, weaken their body, affect the health of both mother and child, limit the ability to work and daily activities of pregnant women.

2. How to treat severe morning sickness during pregnancy

2.1. Use of anti-morning drugs, anti-nausea in pregnancy Morning sickness, anti-nausea drugs are effective methods to reduce severe symptoms of morning sickness in pregnant women. The use of the drug should be based on the advice of a doctor depending on the condition and morning sickness of each case.
Some drugs that can be used by pregnant women to relieve nausea and vomiting include:
H1-receptor antagonists: cyclizine and promethazine. Phenothiazines: prochlorperazine and chlorpromazine. Dopamine antagonists: metoclopramide and domperidone. 5-Ht3 receptor antagonist: ondansetron.
Thuốc đặt phụ khoa cho bà bầu
Có thể sử dụng một số loại thuốc để hạn chế tình trạng nghén, nhưng phải theo hướng dẫn của bác sĩ

2.1. Pay attention in eating, daily activities Avoid contact, smell foods that make you feel uncomfortable, nausea, vomiting Do not eat too full, should divide into many small meals during the day Do not let your stomach get too hungry Eat at a time without nausea Should eat a lot of cereals, dry foods, fruits Drink lots of water, every day should drink about 2 - 2.5 liters of water, including filtered water, fruit juices and broths Limit foods with unpleasant odors, high-fat foods, fried foods Limiting foods high in carbohydrates and high in protein can help reduce vomiting and nausea. Wake up slowly, sit up gently Avoid vigorous activity Get proper rest, avoid stress, fatigue
Bà bầu
Mẹ bầu cần được nghỉ ngơi hợp lý và tránh căng thẳng
2.3. Folic acid supplementation Pregnant women in the first 3 months are recommended to take 400-800 mcg folic acid daily.
Eat foods containing folic acid such as cereals, breads, cauliflower vegetables...
2.4. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Supplement Thiamine is indicated for women who experience persistent nausea or vomiting. Thiamine can be supplemented in oral form, about 25-50mg thiamine 2-3 times/day. If the patient cannot absorb oral thiamine, intravenous infusion can be used.
2.5. Addition of fluids Supplemental fluids such as 0.9% sodium chloride or Hartmann injection may reduce severe morning sickness in pregnant women
Glucose-containing infusions should not be given as they may increase Wernicke's encephalopathy in patients with thiamine deficiency
Patients with persistent vomiting may develop hyponatremia, should be added gradually, avoiding the risk of neurological disorders
2.6. Ginger is a natural remedy that can treat nausea and vomiting caused by severe morning sickness during pregnancy. About 1g of ginger can be used per day in the form of fresh ginger or gingerbread, ginger candies, ginger tea...
2.7. Non-drug treatments Acupressure Continuous muscle relaxation Acupuncture... Vomiting and nausea are common symptoms in women during early pregnancy. Try to change your lifestyle, pay attention to your eating and living habits to alleviate this condition. If necessary, you can use anti-emetics and anti-emetics that have been shown to be safe for pregnant women to feel more comfortable. In case the patient uses the above measures but the morning sickness is still not relieved, the degree of morning sickness is becoming more and more serious, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination. If the pregnant woman vomits too much, the body is dehydrated, it should be infused with water as soon as possible.

Severe morning sickness, if not treated in time, will lead to extremely dangerous pregnancy poisoning for the fetus, causing miscarriage, fetal growth retardation, and weakened mother's body susceptible to infection. Therefore, when morning sickness does not improve, you should go to a reputable medical facility for examination and treatment.
To protect the health of mother and baby during pregnancy, Vinmec offers a variety of package Maternity services. Mother and baby will receive comprehensive care: before, during and after birth. Mother will be performed health check-ups, especially thyroid screening, Rubella test; Testing for parasites transmitted from mother to child. The baby will be screened before and after birth to help screen for abnormal diseases and birth defects right from the womb. Especially at Vinmec, doctors will analyze the results and give genetic counseling for prenatal screening.
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