In what cases is Vaginal Shaping performed?

Vaginal malformation is a rare type of birth defect in female infants due to unknown causes. Vaginal malformations can be short vagina, closed vagina, no vagina... regardless of the deformity, it also significantly affects the sex life and motherhood of women. Vaginoplasty was born to support women with congenital vaginal malformations.

1. What is Vaginal Shaping?

Vaginoplasty is a surgery to restore the vagina to help the vagina stretch after childbirth, or create a vagina in subjects with vaginal deformities, without a vagina with the aim of surgery is to Creates a vaginal canal of sufficient size, to ensure the ability to secrete and to permit intercourse.
After the process of giving birth many times or aging, the muscle layer in the vagina decreases elasticity, reducing the feeling during intercourse. In cases of vaginal malformation, the vagina is too short, the vagina is closed or there is no vagina, which interferes with the intercourse process. The absence of a vagina leads to the woman being unable to have intercourse and not be able to bear children. In addition, if a woman is blocked by the vagina, when the period of puberty comes, menstruation will cause stagnation because menstrual blood cannot drain, if prolonged, it will cause pressure on neighboring organs, infections need to be treated. early detection and surgery.
Vaginal plastic surgery creates opportunities for women with vaginal deformities to have a normal sex life like other women, and can also help them fulfill their dream of becoming a mother.

2. When is Vaginal Shaping done?

Vaginoplasty is indicated for the following subjects:
Vaginal malformation : There is no congenital vagina, this is a special birth defect. The state of not having a vagina, leading to discharge and menstruation every month can not drain, causing stagnation if not detected early, leading to compression of surrounding organs and infection. In this case, if the function of the ovaries and uterus are still normal, after vaginal surgery, it is still possible to give birth as normal.
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Sealed hymen: Because the hymen is closed, this is also the cause of menstrual stagnation. Vaginal septum deformity: There are 2 cases, first, if the vaginal septum is horizontal, it can be above, in the middle or below of the vagina, in this case, if the septum seals the vagina, there will be It manifests as a sealed hymen, and if the septum has a septum, it will interfere with sexual activity, usually detected during sexual activity. The second is that the septum is vertical in this case, it does not seal the vagina, but when having sex, it will lead to pain or inability to have intercourse. Vagina too short: In the case of a short vagina, it can increase the risk of women having genital prolapse, thereby affecting the sexual activity of the couple. Vagina is dilated: The cause of women's vagina is dilated because after pregnancy, childbirth, the vaginal muscles are reduced in elasticity; due to the aging process; Due to the great need for sexual activity. The widening of the vagina reduces sensation and makes women lose confidence during intercourse, which can lead to unwanted things in the sex life of couples. Some cases should not have vaginal plastic surgery including:
Pregnant women in this case if there is a need to do it after giving birth. In menstrual cycle. Gynecological diseases : Vaginitis , cervicitis ... have not been thoroughly treated. Having chronic medical diseases: Tuberculosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease... Some cases have psychological abnormalities.

3. What should be paid attention to when shaping the vagina?

Vaginal shaping requires surgical intervention, so there may be some complications that need to be monitored such as:
During surgery, it may cause complications of perforation of the rectum and urethra. This case is very rare, but if you see a doctor, it will be handled by suturing the lesion. Infection: Need to monitor if fever, foul yellow discharge in the vagina, pain does not decrease, need to notify the staff medical. Sensory disturbances or changes in sensation, which may reduce sensation during intercourse, decreased pleasure Persistent pain Scar formation
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In addition, some other issues such as:
If surgery is indicated because the vagina is stretched too much, it is necessary to consult a doctor before deciding. In this case, non-surgical methods should be chosen rather than surgery. Like the right pelvic floor exercises. Care after vaginal shaping: Pay attention to clean the suture area with an antiseptic solution every day, to prevent infection. Use medication as prescribed by your doctor. Avoid vigorous activity for about 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. Avoid touching, scratching or touching the surgical area. After surgery, the patient can have vaginal dilation for about 3-6 months and after 6 months of surgery can have male intercourse. In addition, it is necessary to re-examine at the request of the treating doctor or when abnormal signs occur. Women with abnormal signs such as no period, inability to have intercourse or difficulty in intercourse are signs of structural abnormalities in the vagina, should examine the cause and intervene early. , early surgical intervention increases the chances of success.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE

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