Pregnancy and exercise quiz

Pregnancy is a very difficult and arduous process. Most mothers always have the mentality that they have to be careful little by little. However, pregnancy is not a "disease". Therefore, pregnant women can completely move and exercise as usual with appropriate exercises. Exercising during pregnancy will help the mother prepare for a good health to accompany her baby during pregnancy. Quickly answer the following 13 multiple choice questions that will help you better understand pregnancy and exercise.

Why is it important to exercise during pregnancy?
The biggest question we need to answer is: Why exercise during pregnancy? What benefit does this bring?
Exercise is a very necessary activity for everyone. Exercise enhances metabolism and the functioning of organ systems. In addition, it is also a way for you to relieve stress and fight overweight and obesity.
For everyone, exercise is important for good health and well-being. During pregnancy, too, exercise will help mom and baby stay healthy. Exercise will help pregnant women deal with many difficulties in the pregnancy journey. Here we answer some multiple choice questions to analyze the main benefits of exercise during pregnancy:

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