Pregnancy but no weight gain, little weight gain: What is the cause?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Hong Lien - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Underweight pregnant women during pregnancy will not ensure enough energy for the fetus to develop, reduce the baby's brain function and may cause the mother to face signs of early labor, low birth weight, and stunted baby. piles, malnutrition, respiratory failure,...

1. What is the cause of pregnancy but no weight gain, little weight gain?

Weight gain during pregnancy is a sign that the baby is growing well. However, weight gain also needs to be appropriate, not much but not less. Specifically, during pregnancy, pregnant women should gain weight as follows:
Before pregnancy, pregnant women with normal weight should gain about 10-12kg. If the mother was underweight before pregnancy, she should gain about 12-18 kg. Pregnant women who were overweight before pregnancy only need to gain about 6-11 kg. Depending on the stage of pregnancy, pregnant women also need to gain appropriate weight as follows:
First 3 months gain about 1-2 kg. The middle 3 months increase about 4-5 kg. The last 3 months should increase about 5-6 kg. While many pregnant women can easily gain weight, there are also pregnant women who are underweight because they do not gain weight or gain very little. This may be due to:
Morning sickness: Is the main reason why pregnant women cannot gain weight in the first 3 months. Stress, fatigue: Unstable mood causes the body to become thin, difficult to absorb nutrients and unable to gain weight. No proper nutrition: Pregnant women need to add a variety of nutrients, if they eat erratically, not enough nutrients, the body will not have enough energy, even more unable to gain weight. There is a medical condition: If the pregnancy does not gain weight or the pregnant woman gains little weight despite eating, resting properly, and feeling comfortable, the pregnant mother may have a medical condition. Geography: Some pregnant women will have a slim body and body, so it is difficult to gain weight or gain very little during pregnancy.

2. Pregnant mothers do not gain weight, gain little weight during pregnancy, how does it affect the baby?

Underweight pregnant women during pregnancy will have certain effects on the baby such as:
Not ensuring enough energy for the fetus to develop: This will make the fetus more susceptible to growth retardation in the uterus or infection. birth defects. Reduced baby's brain function: Diets deficient in vitamins have been linked to anemia during pregnancy. Anemia in pregnant mothers will cause decreased brain function of the baby. In addition, pregnancy without weight gain or pregnancy with little weight gain during pregnancy will cause mothers to face signs of early labor and low birth weight babies. This leads to many other health consequences in the baby, such as stunting, malnutrition, respiratory failure, .... later.
Ốm nghén là nguyên nhân chủ yếu khiến thai phụ không tăng cân
Ốm nghén là nguyên nhân chủ yếu khiến thai phụ không tăng cân

3. How to gain enough weight during pregnancy?

To gain weight during pregnancy in the right way, pregnant women need to follow the right nutrition, sports activities as well as psychological comfort in the following ways:
Nutrition: The diet of the pregnant mother needs to be enough 4 food groups are starch group (rice, noodles, corn, potatoes, cassava...); Protein group (meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, crab, beans...); Fat group (oil, lard, sesame, peanut...); Group of vitamins, minerals and fiber (green vegetables and ripe fruits) to gain weight effectively during pregnancy. Do not use dietary foods that irritate the intestines, leading to diarrhea, adversely affecting the health of mother and baby. Physical activity: Moderate exercise, can do light work, every day should walk about 20-30 minutes, practice Yoga, depending on the stage of pregnancy. Before making an exercise plan, you should consult your doctor to see if it is suitable for your current health and that of your unborn baby. Avoid stress: To avoid this cause, pregnant women can chat with family members or meet friends to confide. Besides, pregnant mothers can enjoy their own hobbies such as listening to music, reading books,... Get enough sleep: Sleep is very important for the development of mother and baby. Sleep creates conditions for the body to rest to help you and your baby stay healthy. Pregnant women should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. Drink enough water: The amount of water needed for pregnant women daily is from 2 to 2.5 liters. Water plays an important role in nourishing the body of mother and baby. Occasionally, mom should also add some sweets such as banana cake, cookies.
Để tăng cân khi mang thai, mẹ bầu nên có chế độ dinh dưỡng đa dạng
Để tăng cân khi mang thai, mẹ bầu nên có chế độ dinh dưỡng đa dạng
However, for pregnant women, if they are in the second half of the 2nd trimester, the beginning of the 3rd trimester and still do not gain weight, it is best to see a doctor to diagnose the cause and give the main advice. most accurate. Based on the fetal growth index, the doctor will assess whether the fetal status is affected. As for pregnant women who do not gain weight, or gain little weight, but have a reasonable diet, rest, exercise and the baby is still developing well, there is no need to worry too much about psychological effects.
To protect the health of pregnant women and their babies during pregnancy, Vinmec International General Hospital provides a package of maternity services as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team. doctor throughout pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of highly qualified doctors Regular check-ups, early detection of abnormalities The package pregnancy helps to facilitate convenient for the birthing process Newborns are taken care of comprehensively.

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