Pregnant from the 3rd month should eat what?

The article was professionally consulted with BSCK I Le Hong Lien - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
The third month of pregnancy marks the transition of the fetus from the embryo to the fetal stage with the rapid development of the nervous system, the central nervous system is gradually differentiated and matured, and the reflexes are formed. become the first activities. Therefore, a diet full of nutrients during this time is especially important to help optimize fetal development, especially for the brain and senses.

1. Changes in nutritional needs during the 3rd month of pregnancy

The third month of pregnancy is the period when morning sickness peaks, causing the mother to receive less nutrition. Therefore, pregnant women need to try to eat enough nutrients by adding many different foods to their daily diet. Diet for pregnant women in the 3rd month is very important because this is the stage when embryonic cells are differentiating as well as forming basic functions of the body.
The essential nutrients that pregnant women need to supplement during this 3rd month of pregnancy include folic acid, iron, calcium, protein and vitamins D, C, A. Also in the first 3 months of pregnancy Pregnant women are also recommended to supplement with vitamin B6 per day about 1.9mg.
vitamin D và kẽm nào cho nam
Mẹ bầu nên bổ sung đầy đủ các vitamin trong suốt thai kỳ

2. What should pregnant women from the 3rd month eat?

During the third month of pregnancy, vomiting and morning sickness cannot be avoided, so it is necessary to build a suitable diet to both provide enough nutrients for the mother and ensure the needs of the fetus. Food groups needed for this period include:
Foods rich in vitamin B6: have an important effect on reducing stress, fatigue and especially nausea, vomiting, foods containing many vitamins B6 includes citrus fruits, eggs, green vegetables and potatoes Folic acid-rich foods: A nutrient that affects the brain and body development of children, it is necessary to provide enough folic acid 400mg per day. The day comes from beans, cauliflower, avocado, oranges, egg yolks,... Iron-containing foods: An essential nutrient for pregnant women to prevent anemia. Iron can be supplemented through beets, oatmeal, bran, tuna, beans and meat, broccoli,... Calcium-rich foods: make an important contribution to the development of the skeletal system in the fetus If the deficiency can also cause osteoporosis in the mother, calcium should be supplemented through milk and dairy products such as cheese,.. Protein-rich foods: Provide essential nutrients for the fetus Healthy development, every day need to ensure 70g of protein for the body through chicken, beef, fish, eggs, ...
Bổ sung thực phẩm giàu protein trong mỗi bữa ăn để cung cấp đầy đủ dưỡng chất cho bé
Carbohydrate-containing foods: Whole grains, bread, rice, potatoes are foods that provide carbohydrates to increase energy for children, pay attention that pregnant women should not snack through cakes, chocolate too much because there are foods containing carbohydrates. can increase the risk of gestational diabetes and obesity later very suitable for this period of morning sickness.

3. Foods 3rd month pregnant women should avoid

Some foods that pregnant women should avoid in the 3rd month of pregnancy include:
Processed foods: Bread, pizza, fried chicken have no high nutritional value, may not be hygienic. Increased risk of food poisoning Rare and raw seafood: Contains very dangerous high levels of mercury and undercooked food is also recommended to be absolutely avoided for pregnant women Canned foods: Contains a lot of sugar, excess salt Preservatives are not good for pregnant women. In addition, morning sickness is also a distressing condition for pregnant women during this period. Some of the following notes can improve morning sickness to make eating more convenient for pregnant women. Do not let your stomach go hungry right after you wake up, you can prepare salty biscuits, seeds, cereals, fruits. Dried plants for convenient eating Drink lots of water
Uống nước
Mẹ bầu nên tránh uống quá nhiều nước ở tháng thứ 3
Divide small, regular meals every day Get enough sleep and get proper rest Avoid indigestible, fatty, fried foods that make morning sickness worse At Vinmec International General Hospital now There is a package maternity service as a solution to help pregnant mothers feel secure because there is the companionship of the medical team throughout the pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of qualified doctors Regular check-up, early detection of abnormalities Maternity package helps to facilitate the process. birthing process Newborns get comprehensive care

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