Risks of elective ectopic hysterectomy (LEEP)

Electrectomy (LEEP) is an effective treatment for treating cervical cancer cells. Up to 98% of abnormal cervical cells are removed after the patient has this procedure. However, there are certain risks associated with conical hysterectomy.

1. What is an electrocautery cone?

Electromechanical cone amputation is a conical amputation of the cervix to obtain the transition zone. This is both a diagnostic method and a treatment method.
Uterine cone resection with electric ring is performed when the patient has stopped menstruating for about 1 week and avoids close to the date of menstruation (Menstruation affects the cones of the uterus). The procedure only takes a few minutes.
During the procedure, the patient will feel a slight sting, followed by a dull pain or contraction. The coil will be inserted into the cervix through the vagina. IUDs come in many sizes and shapes, and the type you choose will depend on your cervix and the size of the lesion to be cut.
Once the hysterectomy is complete, a paste will be applied to the cervix to stop bleeding. The removed tissue will be used for research to confirm the diagnosis.
Nguy cơ của khoét chóp tử cung bằng vòng điện (LEEP)
Khoét chóp tử cung bằng vòng điện tăng nguy cơ suy cổ tử cung

2. What are the risks of ectopic hysterectomy?

Some of the risks after an elective hysterectomy include:
The most common risk after a elective hysterectomy is bleeding. If bleeding is severe, seek medical attention immediately. Leaking liquid, light pink discharge and mild cramping; dark brown discharge from scarring on the cervix. But these are completely normal. After about 4 weeks, if you still see these signs, you should see your doctor again. Increased risk of preterm birth in a later pregnancy or having a low birth weight baby. Increased miscarriage rate : Women who get pregnant within 12 months of having a cerclage are nearly 6 times more likely to have a miscarriage than a pregnant woman without cervicectomy. Cervical narrowing: The This narrowing of the cervix can cause menstrual irregularities that make conception difficult Cervical insufficiency is a late complication after this procedure Cervical insufficiency: This is one of the causes The most important cause of miscarriage, premature birth, especially recurrent miscarriage in women, Local infection

3. Notes after incising the uterine cone with electric ring

Some notes after having the cone of the uterus with an electric ring:
After having the cone of the uterus with an electric ring, there is a yellow-brown discharge from the vagina. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for you to prevent infection and may add some other symptoms to treat. Therefore, the patient should take the medicine exactly as directed by the doctor's prescription. Avoid heavy work and vigorous exercise for 6 weeks after the procedure. Don't douche inside, don't soak, don't put pills or anything. Abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 6 weeks to avoid infection and help the wound heal. Doctors often schedule patients to have a follow-up exam to check if the cervix has healed. If the cervix has healed and there are no other lesions on colposcopy, you should have a routine exam once a year after that. However, when you have symptoms such as foul-smelling discharge, severe abdominal pain, fever or excessive bleeding, dizziness, go to the nearest hospital or medical facility for examination. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has a package of screening and early detection of gynecological cancer, helping to detect 4 diseases early: cervical cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer right away. even when the patient has no symptoms. The subjects who should use the Gynecological Cancer Screening and Early Detection Package include:
Customers at high risk of cancer – especially customers with a family history of breast cancer, gynecology Women of reproductive age, perimenopause and menopause Female customers, over 40 years old Customers wishing to be able to screen for breast-gynecological cancers (cervical, uterine, ovary) Women who are having symptoms of breast cancer, gynecology such as: pain in the breast, lump in the breast, bleeding outside the menstrual period, abdominal pain, etc...
If there are symptoms abnormal, you should be examined and consulted with a specialist.

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