Sweet cravings during pregnancy should be noted?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Pham Thi Yen - Obstetrician - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Pregnancy is a time when pregnant women often have a lot of cravings for sweets. So what should you note when craving sweets during pregnancy, please refer to the following article.

1. Why do you crave sweets during pregnancy?

The craving for sweets during pregnancy is simply understood as a result of the drastic hormonal changes in pregnancy. At this time, many pregnant women suffer from morning sickness, sweets are often more palatable than other foods. Eating sweets stimulates the taste buds to develop, thereby helping pregnant women to have a more relaxed and comfortable spirit. However, according to studies by experts at BabyCenter, the number of mothers who like sour is only 10%, while mothers who crave sweet foods during pregnancy reach 40%.
The craving for sweets is very normal and also very interesting when mothers often rely on this to "predict" the baby's gender in the first months of pregnancy. However, for mothers who eat too much sweet - this is really a worrisome danger.
Ăn ngọt
Ăn ngọt khi mang thai do sự thay đổi hormone

2. Eating sweets during pregnancy should pay attention to what?

During pregnancy, everything a mother puts into her body directly affects the baby in her belly. If the mother eats too much sweet food, the baby's blood sugar will also increase. At that time, the baby's body will increase its own insulin secretion (the hormone to regulate sugar levels). This can easily lead to many complications during childbirth, especially premature birth. Moreover, when eating too many sweets, pregnant women are prone to obesity, weight gain and doctors often do not forget to warn pregnant women about the risk of gestational diabetes.

Therefore, pregnant women must be really careful and keep the following notes in mind when craving sweets:
Break down meals and divide specific snacks - main meals; When craving for foods such as cookies, candy, ... should not eat more than 1-2 times/day; Pregnant women can completely eat chocolate in moderation because they also bring certain benefits for pregnancy; Replace unhealthy foods in sweet cravings with natural sweeteners such as yogurt, grapes, green apples, strawberries, soybeans...; Avoid processed foods with ingredients containing many synthetic sugars, bad chemicals;
Ăn ngọt quá nhiều gây ảnh hưởng đến insulin trong cơ thể mẹ bầu
Try to load into the body with foods that integrate many different nutrients, such as fiber and natural sugars found in vegetables, fruits, and vegetables to balance the nutrients needed for both mother and baby. Keeping the mind relaxed is also a way to help mothers reduce the intake of sweets. Sweets are often "labeled" with symptoms of stress and tension. When the mother has a refreshing and happy spirit during pregnancy, the need to load more sweets is also thanks to that without being lost.

3. Other Notes

In order for pregnancy to be a sacred and happy time, pregnant women should have a strict diet and rest to help the baby be born healthy. If the pregnant mother is inherently a person who has been "addicted" to sweets for a long time, during pregnancy this need will increase 2-3 times. Mothers need to see a doctor if they feel that there is anything that causes discomfort and affects the pregnancy process for timely advice and treatment.
Above all, fathers and families need to learn about a woman's sweet cravings during pregnancy. In addition, you must care and share a lot with pregnant women, who are going through a particularly important life process.
With the desire to help mothers have the best preparation during the 9 months and 10 days of pregnancy until "the mother is round and the child is square", freeing up confusion with the antenatal check-ups as well as the necessary tests. During pregnancy, Vinmec International General Hospital offers customers a Package Maternity Care Program. The program has the participation of a team of professional doctors, modern investment medical equipment and professional service quality, bringing peace of mind and satisfaction to customers.
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Chương trình Chăm sóc thai sản trọn gói tại VInmec được nhiều mẹ bầu quan tâm
Doctor Pham Thi Yen has 11 years of experience in examination and treatment in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Doctor with strengths and deep understanding in:
Examination and consultation of normal pregnancies, pathological pregnancies, high-risk pregnancies Examination and treatment of gynecological diseases: cervicitis, cervical ectropion Surgery Laparoscopic surgery for gynecological diseases: ectopic pregnancy, uterine tumor, ovarian tumor Surgery for breast, vulvar, vaginal, cervical tumors Obstetric surgery: cesarean section, examination and treatment of endocrine disorders in women of all ages: puberty, reproductive age; perimenopausal age.

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