The development of the fetus week 21

The article was expertly consulted by MSc Nguyen Thi Hong On, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
There's a lot of changes going on under the surface of your belly at 21 weeks. Tooth buds are growing in your baby's gums, the intestines are starting to produce meconium, sticky waste... that you'll notice in your baby's first few dirty diapers after birth. The fetal bone marrow is also increasing the production of red blood cells to soon provide oxygen to the fetal body.

1. What changes are happening to the pregnant woman's body?

If you place your finger about a half inch above your navel, you can feel the bottom of your uterus. If you feel your lower legs and feet swell at the end of the day, try to arrange your work schedule so that you can take breaks during the workday so you can sit and rest. If you have signs of oily skin and/or increased breakouts on your face or other parts of your body, wash your face with mild soap and water twice a day. However, many women get over the uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy, and the symptoms are not severe enough to be extremely uncomfortable. Try to relax during this time and enjoy your pregnancy.
Pregnant women will have feelings of excitement and nervousness. The bond between you and your baby is stronger and stronger, and it's hard to forget that you're pregnant. Maybe your husband will indulge you more because he has seen his belly grow. For many women, this is the best part of pregnancy, so enjoy it. However, this can be an anxious time for some pregnant women. Fetal malformation screening a few weeks in advance can sometimes uncover concerns or bad possibilities that are not yet 100% definitive. Usually, pregnant women are advised to wait patiently, and this makes expectant parents very nervous. Talk to your doctor about your worries and concerns.

2. How does a 21-week-old fetus develop?

Before this time, the length of the fetus was measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the rump (also called the length of the rump), and now the length of the baby is from the top of the skull to the heel, about 24.7 cm and weighs about 400 g at 21 weeks.
Sự phát triển của thai nhi tuần 21
Sự phát triển của thai nhi 21 tuần tuổi

In addition, the development of the 5th month fetus including the baby's eyelids has completed forming this week and the baby is very busy moving and swallowing amniotic fluid. You may have felt your baby move at this point and have realized that your baby doesn't have to be on the same schedule as you. When the baby swallows amniotic fluid, the digestive tract is continuing to mature, and the fetus is also receiving some calories from the amniotic fluid. If the baby is a girl, her vagina is fully formed but will continue to develop until birth.

3. What should pregnant women plan for this week?

When you gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, you are at risk of starting to develop varicose veins, which occurs in most pregnant women. They usually appear on the legs but can also be found in the vulva and rectum. Pressure from the growing uterus and changes in blood flow can worsen varicose veins. Some women may see a painless purple or blue spot on their leg, while others will clearly have swollen veins that are painful and need to be elevated. Symptoms Swelling usually goes away after delivery, but varicose veins usually won't go away completely.

4. Tips for a healthier pregnancy

A urinary tract infection, or bladder infection, is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections occur more commonly during pregnancy because of changes in the urinary tract. The uterus sits close to the bladder, and as the uterus grows, the extra weight can block the passage of urine out of the bladder, causing infection. If a urinary tract infection is left untreated, it can lead to a kidney infection. You can reduce your chances of developing a urinary tract infection by doing a few things:
Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day and unsweetened cranberry juice regularly. After urinating, wipe from front to back. Urinate before and after intercourse. Avoid wearing tight pants. Wear all cotton underwear. Even if you are very tired, remember to stretch before going to bed. Also, don't leave anything near the bed to avoid tripping if you need to wake up in the middle of the night.
Sự phát triển của thai nhi tuần 21
Bà bầu nên kiểm tra thai định kỳ

Don't skip the monthly antenatal checkup, and remember to mark it on the calendar. Hospitals and clinics often schedule visits for many people at once, so you need to set aside a fair amount of time for a routine check-up. Don't just worry about what you'll do after the routine check is over. Shop around for some cookbooks and think about the right foods to keep in the fridge, so you'll know what appeals to you and will still taste good after defrosting. There are so many delicious foods. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital applies all-inclusive maternity health care packages with outstanding quality. Pregnant women are accompanied by experienced obstetricians and gynecologists at Vinmec throughout the process during pregnancy - labor - postpartum. Maternity packages at Vinmec International General Hospital include:
Maternity package 12 weeks Maternity package 27 weeks Maternity package 36 weeks Maternity package - labor

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