What is the initial approach and diagnosis of sexual dysfunction in women?

Posted by Specialist I To Thi Thanh Huong - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Women's Health Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

Sexual dysfunction in women is a common problem and affects the quality of life of patients. To help patients solve this problem, it is very important to have initial access to some diagnostic information.

1. Initial approach to the diagnosis of sexual dysfunction

Before a patient has problems with sexual dysfunction, the first approach should begin with the following screening questionnaire:
câu hỏi sàng lọc

2. Diagnosis of sexual dysfunction

Diagnosis of genital dysfunction should be based on medical history, pelvic exam as well as a number of other tests and imaging tools. From that basis, there will be a diagnosis of the cause as well as a reasonable treatment method.

2.1. Anamnesis

Doctors should exploit in detail, carefully, because this is the premise to help doctors orient the cause and have appropriate paraclinical indications. However, patients are often afraid to talk about their problems, in which case the doctor should explain to the patient the importance of full information, while creating an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality. .
History taking includes:
What is the patient's problem: loss of interest/desire, vaginal muscle tension pain, pain during intercourse, Duration of symptoms Onset: sudden / gradual Contextual factors such as: Low self-esteem, previous sexual experiences, current relationships, poor communication, differences in desires. Besides, there is the issue of the partner's reaction to the problem of sex. In addition, there are also factors: culture, religion, sexual status/self-stimulation in the past Medical history, surgical interventions: obstetrics and gynecological problems, mental illness: depression Money Drug use: SSRIs...
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Rối loạn chức năng tình dục ở nữ có thể được chẩn đoán từ các tiền sử bệnh

2.2 Pelvic examination

Before a case of female sexual dysfunction, a pelvic exam is very important. Examination can help detect pelvic tumors, genital ulcers, scarring...
Loss of sensation in the genitals can be a sign of neuropathy. Besides, kidney diseases can cause atrophy of the vagina and vulva; Both of these causes lead to a decrease in sex drive.
Loss of pubic hair suggests that the patient may have adrenal insufficiency. Pelvic examination is necessary to rule out lichenification or other pathology that reduces sensitivity. In addition, finding a physical cause reassures patients that their sexual dysfunction is due to the genitalia.

2.3 Subclinical

Some laboratory tests and imaging tests also contribute to determining the cause of the disease. Pap smear detects cervical abnormalities, ultrasound, CT detects tumors and invasive malignancy... Some biochemical tests may also be ordered in case of adrenal insufficiency, ....
Sexual dysfunction in women is a common and alarming health condition. Therefore, when there are signs of sexual dysfunction, you should go to a specialized medical facility, take a clear medical history so that the doctor can diagnose and do tests, find the cause and have a direction. appropriate treatment.
Gynecological examination is an effective method to protect reproductive health against many gynecological diseases that tend to rejuvenate such as cervical cancer. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Vinmec medical system is satisfied by customers for its service quality and privacy.
A team of highly qualified and experienced doctors: the doctors here are all professors, doctors, specialists I, II, and masters who are well-trained and specialized in hospitals. leading national and international universities. Comprehensive gynecological examination: Provide a variety of gynecological examination packages from pre-marital to post-marital. Customers will receive: Gynecological examination, bilateral breast ultrasound, transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, total urinalysis by automatic machine and test for infertility, syphilis, pre-cancerous cervical cancer screening. Modern equipment system: The most advanced and modern diagnostic and treatment equipment in the world are imported from the US, UK, Germany, Japan and Singapore, on par with leading hospitals. in the area. Ensure patient privacy: Applying a 1:1 medical examination and treatment model (one doctor - one patient), all medical information is analyzed and meticulously evaluated by the doctor after being examined. Absolute security. No separate examination, meeting 5-star standards.

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