What makes lips fuller during pregnancy?

Article written by Master - Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Head of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Some women experience swelling in the face, lips and gums during pregnancy. These types of swelling are completely normal when you are pregnant. It can start around the time you find out you're pregnant but is more likely to happen in the third trimester.

1. Why can pregnancy make lips fuller?

Just below the surface of your lips are small blood vessels called capillaries. In fact, they are what make your lips red.
Capillary density increases during pregnancy. (“Capillary density” is just a fancy way of talking about the number of capillaries in a given area). Especially in the third trimester, you will have increased blood flow as your body supports the growing fetus. This causes blood vessels, including capillaries, to dilate (widen).
This is the theory behind the “pregnancy rosy”, as blood vessels near the surface dilate. All of this increases the likelihood of increased blood flow in your lips, which in theory could lead to fuller, fuller, or even redder lips.
sưng môi sau khi ngủ dậy
Mật độ mao mạch tăng lên khi mang thai, vì vậy nó có thể khiến môi bạn căng mọng, đầy đặn hơn

2. Are there other lip changes during pregnancy?

When it comes to redder lips, you may wonder if lips can darken during pregnancy for the same reason as nipples, due to increased melanin production due to increased levels of the universal hormone. The variable in women is estrogen. However, the lips do not have melanocytes, which are the cells that produce the pigment melanin. So the answer is no, your lips will not darken during pregnancy.
However, you may experience more dry, chapped lips during pregnancy. This is because your body needs extra water during this time, making it more likely that you won't get enough if you continue to drink water as you did before pregnancy. Dehydration can also be a side effect of severe morning sickness or severe morning sickness.
So moisturize your skin and smile a lot - your body and your growing baby will thank you for it.
Vulvar varicose veins, or varicose veins of the vulva, are more common during pregnancy. They are also associated with increased blood flow and can cause the labia majora to swell.
Môi khô quanh năm là thiếu chất gì?
Bạn cũng có thể gặp phải tình trạng khô môi, nứt nẻ nhiều hơn khi mang thai

3. What should you do if you have full lips during pregnancy?

You don't need to treat fuller lips during pregnancy, unless they cause pain or discomfort. For dry or chapped lips, always carry some lipstick or moisturizer with you and drink plenty of water.
If you have other concerns about changes in your lips, talk to your Obstetrician about it. They will tell you if these are normal symptoms of pregnancy. For more useful information, regularly follow the website: Vinmec.com.

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References: nih.gov, mayoclinic.org, nhs.uk
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