Why is the uterus stuck?

Adhesions to the uterus are one of the causes of infertility and female infertility, especially in women of reproductive age. Adhesions occur when the anterior and posterior uterine walls stick together, preventing the normal regeneration of the endometrium.

1. What is uterine adhesions?

The essence of monthly menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining. When the uterine cavity is stuck, the lining will have no place to grow, so there will be no period, even if you still see the body's symptoms signaling the 'red light' day such as chest tightness, back pain, and body pain. fatigue, irritability, stomach ache. Normally, the uterine cavity is a virtual cavity, if it is attached to the entire patient, the period will stop completely because there is no mucosa to peel off, causing bleeding. If only a part of the uterus is attached, women still have periods, but the amount of blood as well as the day of bleeding is reduced, accompanied by abdominal pain due to difficulty in draining blood.
According to obstetricians and gynecologists, when amenorrhea due to uterine adhesions, many women easily mistake themselves to be pregnant without thinking about the case of the disease. In some other cases, many women suddenly find that their period and menstrual flow are less, then think that they have a menstrual disorder and use hormonal drugs to adjust. The detection and diagnosis of uterine adhesions is often not only based on external manifestations, but also based on X-ray results.

2. Why is the uterine cavity sticky?

There are many causes of uterine adhesions causing disease in women, but we can summarize them into the main causes as follows:
During the abortion process, the placenta is left behind. Due to effects from complications after childbirth or consequences after miscarriage. Inflammation of the uterus due to abortion at unsafe facilities or post-partum infection can also lead to uterine adhesions. If you have a number of gynecological diseases, it can lead to severe inflammation of the vagina and not be treated in time. The bottom layer of the endometrium shows signs of serious deterioration.
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Viêm tử cung do nạo hút thai tại các cơ sở không đảm bảo hoặc viêm nhiễm sau hậu sản cũng có thể dẫn tới dính buồng tử cung

3. Signs of uterine adhesions

Due to the mechanism attached to the menstrual cycle of women, the signs of uterine adhesions can be recognized through irregularities in the menstrual period. To know if you are at risk of uterine adhesions, you need to pay attention to some of the following signs:
Menstrual disorders, irregular periods are one of the most obvious manifestations. When the uterine cavity is attached, the endometrial tissue will not be regenerated and sloughed off in the right way to produce a normal period. It will depend on whether the uterus is partially or completely attached, which leads to sparse menstrual flow, low menstrual blood volume, clotted menstrual blood, red color thanks to ... or secondary amenorrhea. Although it is possible to temporarily miss a period, women still have some signs that signal the red light cycle such as: chest pain, shortness of breath, back pain, fatigue, discomfort, pain in the back, abdomen, hips ... Menstrual blood cannot be drained out or due to certain inflammation in the private area leading to abdominal pain. Some people notice severe pain in the lower abdomen after having an abortion or having a miscarriage. Even when you go to the bathroom or go to the toilet, you can also experience this condition, the cause may be because you have a uterine cavity that prevents menstrual blood from coming out, or you have an infection. Signs of uterine adhesions are dangerous but are easily overlooked or easily confused with other common pathologies. Therefore, to know exactly this phenomenon, women need to conduct periodic examinations, take X-rays of the uterus, fallopian tubes, endoscopic ultrasound of the ovaries ... to accurately determine the signs of uterine adhesions. supply, avoid the case based only on the external clinical manifestations.

4. Measures to treat uterine adhesions

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Dính buồng tử cung có thể dẫn đến nguy cơ hiếm muộn, vô sinh nữ

When noticing the signs of uterine adhesions, many women are confused because the disease can lead to the risk of infertility, female infertility affecting motherhood and family happiness.
In fact, the disease is completely curable if surgery is combined with prescribed medication. However, if in doubt, you need to conduct an early examination so that the doctor can do the necessary tests to see what level of uterine adhesions is. With the surgical method, the doctor will perform a dissection of the patient's front and back uterine walls, then insert an instrument in the middle to prevent them from re-adhering. After the procedure, the doctor may prescribe the patient medication to stimulate the thickening of the endometrium.
For some cases of uterine adhesions due to infection, before performing adhesion separation surgery, the patient needs to completely treat the infection.
Thus, as soon as you see the signs of uterine adhesions, the patient needs to take the initiative to go to the hospital for examination, examination, and determination of the cause for timely treatment. Avoid prolonging the disease, making it difficult to manage later, and may even lead to unpredictable complications.
In order to help women detect early uterine adhesions as well as other gynecological diseases to have timely treatment, Vinmec International General Hospital develops a "Package of medical examination and screening". basic gynecological management", helping customers detect early infectious diseases for easy and inexpensive treatment; Screening for early detection of gynecological cancer (cervical cancer)...
When registering for the Basic Gynecological Examination and Screening Package, customers will receive:
Gynecological Specialist Examination Uterine Ultrasound Vaginal ovary Transvaginal Ultrasound of the breast bilaterally Tests such as: Treponema pallidum rapid test, Chlamydia rapid test, specimen collection for cervical-vaginal cytology, bacterioscopy (female vaginal discharge) ), HPV genotype PCR automated system, Urinalysis by automatic machine.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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