Accidents during the period of tooth replacement of children

Posted by Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Accidents during the child's tooth replacement period are a matter of great priority for parents. In childhood, when playing sports or playing with friends, children can have accidents due to strong impacts that cause teeth to loosen, partially or completely sink into gums, or worse, teeth Milk may be spilled.

1. How to handle accidents during the child's tooth replacement period

If the tooth is loose, the child needs to go to the dentist to have the tooth fixed. The result is usually quite good, the tooth will gradually stabilize and harden.
In case the tooth is partially or partially sunken, let the dentist check and perform orthodontic treatment for the child.
If the baby tooth is knocked out, calmly put the tooth aside. The dentist will check the condition of the socket after the tooth falls out, ensuring that it will not affect the eruption of the replacement permanent tooth. Usually, by the time a child is 7 years old, the permanent incisors will begin to erupt to replace the baby teeth. If the case of the missing teeth are the front teeth, affecting the smile aesthetics of the child, it is possible to make the child partial dentures, with the design like an orthodontic appliance and fixed in such a way. picture below:

Khâu được gắn cố định vào răng số 6
Khâu được gắn cố định vào răng số 6 hàm trên và nối lại với nhau, tạo thành khí cụ với hai chiếc răng tạm thay thế cho răng cửa sữa hàm trên bị mất

2. Harm when losing baby teeth early

The state of children's teeth that lose their baby teeth early compared to the stable teething process can greatly affect the smile and aesthetics of the child's dental frame later on. Because baby teeth act as placeholders and guide as well as position for stable teeth to erupt, if baby teeth are lost early, stable teeth may be misaligned, or erupt into an empty position. The teeth are misaligned, not in the right position, affecting the aesthetic of the child's mouth when growing up.
In order to limit the possible bad conditions, parents need to pay attention to their children and take them to the dentist early if they find out that their children have an accident that affects their oral health.

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Age of baby teeth, permanent teeth and tooth replacement in children Children with baby teeth: Should children be extracted by themselves? Full baby teeth eruption schedule

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