Baby's umbilical cord shedding

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi An - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital. The doctor is a person who is very passionate about health care for children and has experience in successfully treating many newborn cases.
The umbilical cord is the lifeblood of the fetus during pregnancy. However, after birth the umbilical cord is no longer needed and within the first few minutes after birth the cord is clamped and cut. When the baby comes home, the umbilical cord begins to dry out and fall off.

1. Function of the umbilical cord

The umbilical cord is the junction between the fetus and the mother, the umbilical cord extends from an opening in the stomach of the fetus to the placenta in the womb with an average length of about 50 cm.
The umbilical cord carries oxygen and nutrients from the placenta into the fetal blood. The umbilical cord is made up of:
01 vein that carries oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from the mother to the fetus through the placenta 02 arteries that carry blood and waste products, such as carbon dioxide from the fetus, back to the placenta These vessels This blood is covered and protected by a waxy layer known as Wharton jelly. Towards the end of pregnancy, the placenta transmits antibodies from the mother to the fetus via the umbilical cord. These antibodies provide your baby with immunity to some infections for about 3 months after birth. However, the umbilical cord can only transmit antibodies that the mother already has.

2. The process of shedding the umbilical cord of the newborn

Immediately after the baby is born, the midwife or doctor will:
Clamp the umbilical cord about 3 to 4cm from the baby's navel with a plastic clip Place another clamp on the other end of the umbilical cord, closer to the placenta Then , the umbilical cord will be cut between the two clamps, leaving a stump about 2 to 3cm long on the baby's belly. Normally the midwife will cut the cord or the woman or her partner can do this. Because the umbilical cord has no nerves, it will not cause pain to the mother or baby when cut.
Dây rốn
Dây rốn là cầu nối giữa em bé và mẹ

3. How long does it take for the umbilical cord to fall off?

At first, the umbilical cord is shiny and yellow. But when it dries, it can turn brown or gray or even blue. Between 5 and 15 days after your baby is born, the stump will dry out, turn black, and fall off.
Rụng rốn
Dây rốn là nguồn sống của thai nhi trong suốt quá trình mang thai

4. How long does it take to heal a newborn's navel?

After the umbilical cord falls off, it usually takes about 7 to 10 days for the umbilical cord to heal completely.
Until the umbilical cord descends and the navel heals completely, parents need to keep the navel area clean and dry, to avoid infection.
Check the cord regularly, if you notice the following signs of infection, you need to take the newborn to a medical facility:
Blood at the tip of the umbilical cord White or yellow discharge Swelling or red around the cord Signs that the area around the umbilical cord makes the baby vulnerable (for example, the baby cries when the parent touches the belly button)

5. What happens when the navel falls off?

After the umbilical cord falls off, some children may see a few drops of blood, but this is a normal phenomenon, not a cause for concern, so parents can rest assured when they see it. However, if you notice a lot of blood after your belly button falls off, call your doctor immediately.
If the umbilical cord has not fallen off after 3 weeks, please wait patiently. Continue to keep the area dry and make sure the diaper doesn't cover the baby's umbilical cord. If after 6 weeks, the umbilical cord has not fallen off or the child shows signs of fever or infection, take the child to a pediatric medical facility.
Khám nhi, khám trước tiêm phòng vacxin
Cha mẹ nên đưa trẻ đi khám khi xuất hiện dấu hiệu bất thường
Once the umbilical cord has fallen off, parents continue to keep the area clean and dry. Sometimes, a baby's belly button has little yellow and sticky fluid coming out, but this is normal if it's clear of pus and not infected.
After the umbilicus falls off, the surface of the umbilicus is covered with a thin layer of skin and sometimes, a tumor can form a red mass above the umbilicus and this mass is called an umbilical seed bud. If parents see this and it does not go away in about a week, then take the child to a Medical facility for examination and treatment.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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