Children with diarrhea should eat carrots?

Thanks to the high content of vitamin A, minerals and fiber, carrots are often used by parents in their children's daily diets. However, in case the child has diarrhea, should he eat carrots?

1. What are the health benefits of carrots?

Carrots contain a lot of carotene (pro-vitamin A) when ingested, converted to vitamin A in the intestines and liver, also an important micronutrient necessary for the growth of children, especially the development of tissues in the body. musculoskeletal system. In addition, vitamin A helps maintain the normal structure of the skin and mucous membranes, protects the eyes, enhances immunity, reduces the risk of infectious diseases in children, including diarrhea.
Carrots are also rich in other vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B, C, D, E, folic acid, potassium or antioxidants such as beta carotene, alpha carotene, phenolic acid, glutathione,... Proven to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer and nourish and regenerate the skin.

2. Should children with diarrhea eat carrots?

Carrot juice or carrot porridge for children with diarrhea have been used for a long time because carrots contain a large amount of pectin, which plays an important role in soothing bowel movements. Because of the nature of diarrhea is the effect of excessive contractions of intestinal peristalsis, high frequency leads to symptoms of loose stools in children. Meanwhile, pectin when entering the intestine begins to swell and form a sticky gel, thereby reducing diarrhea. In particular, the pectin in carrots is also likened to a magnet with the ability to attract mucus, water and gastric acid, bacteria, and good toxins to help support normal mucosal function.
In addition, carrots also contain substances that help inhibit harmful bacteria such as bacteria fermenting in the large intestine. At the same time, it also creates a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria in the gut to grow.
However, parents should also not give their children too many carrots or continuously without a variety of foods, because it can cause nutritional imbalance or excess vitamin A. Symptoms due to beta carotene stagnation in tomatoes Carrots can cause yellow eyes, yellow skin, loss of appetite, mistaken for liver disease. Therefore, children should only eat 2-3 times a week about 30-50 mg each time.

3. How to use carrots to treat diarrhea in children?

Some methods of processing carrots to treat diarrhea in children include:
Carrot juice:
Method: Peel carrots, wash and then squeeze the juice. Bring carrot juice to a boil, add a few grains of salt and stir until completely dissolved Children of weaning age can drink it several times a day, each time drinking it little by little or add to porridge to eat Carrot soup:
Use 500g peeled carrots cut into short (2cm) slices, then stew with 2 liters of water until cooked and the water in the pot is empty, then stop taking the carrots to cool and puree them with boiled water , strain through a sieve to remove large carrot carcasses. Then return to the pot, add about 3g of salt to boil to complete the carrot soup for children's diarrhea. You can give it to children directly or add to porridge, eat regularly every day about 100 ml of carrot soup divided equally. into many meals. When the child is sick, the amount of soup can be gradually reduced and stopped when the disease is completely gone. Potato and carrot porridge:
Use 30g of plain rice, wash it, and put it in a slow cooker with 300ml of water. Peel 1 potato and 1/2 carrot. , washed, cut into small pieces, then steamed and pureed Put the mixture in a pot of porridge with a little salt, stir well until the ingredients are mixed together, divided into 2-3 portions for children to eat. When hungry, carrot porridge cooked with pork or chicken:
Use 30g of washed rice to add water to the stew. Peel 1⁄2 carrots, wash and cut into pieces, then boil them and mash them. Lean pork is cut into small pieces, marinated in spices and then fried. When the rice is cooked, carrots and meat can be added, seasoned with salt to taste, can be divided for children to use in snacks or main meals. For babies, it is necessary to put the porridge mixture into a blender to puree it in accordance with the infant's immature digestive system.

4. Some notes when using carrots to treat diarrhea in children

When buying carrots, you should choose small bulbs, slightly lumpy skins, dark colors and intact stems will ensure more nutrition.
Using carrots to treat diarrhea in children, it is necessary to ensure that all ingredients are cooked so that the child's digestive system can absorb maximum nutrition and ensure hygiene. 50g carrots, no more than 3 times a week to avoid excess vitamin A.
In addition, to supplement nutrition, children need to have a variety of foods, processed in liquid, soft, easy-to-digest form such as porridge (chicken porridge, lean pork cooked with carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, etc.) ...) to help children digest, easy to absorb and not cause irritation to the lining of the digestive tract. It is necessary to limit foods that cause irritation and can damage digestion such as: foods containing a lot of fat, sugar, coffee, carbonated soft drinks, foods that are not cooked thoroughly, unsafe, foods that cause bloating. gas, bloating,...
Above are the shares about feeding carrots to children when they have diarrhea, parents can refer to and apply the above ways to improve their child's bowel condition and avoid affecting the digestive system in the long run.

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