Complicated kidney disease in children

The article was written by Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Huynh Thoai Loan - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Kidney disease in children is often missed because of the transient and poor symptoms, as well as the perception that children do not have kidney disease. However, the incidence of kidney disease in children is not uncommon.

1. Symptoms

Every year at a frontline hospital of a large city in Vietnam, the number of kidney diseases such as nephrotic syndrome is nearly 300 new cases.
If the baby has some abnormalities such as:
Abnormal shape, Quantity of urine How to urinate (straining, urgency, painful urination) Abnormal weight gain Transient signs of edema, especially especially eye edema in the morning. Children older than 1 year of age should also have their blood pressure measured at least once a year to detect childhood hypertension as well as follow-up urinalysis at least once a year for evaluation. Abnormal early signs of kidney disease in children.
The accurate early diagnosis of kidney diseases in children, especially for chronic kidney diseases such as nephrotic syndrome, chronic glomerulonephritis, lupus erythematosus, prolonged microscopic hematuria should be examined. examination and evaluation by a pediatric nephrologist as well as stable and effective treatment by an expert in a fully equipped working environment with modern equipment and five-star service.
Bệnh thận phức tạp ở trẻ em
Đi tiểu khó là một trong những triệu chứng của bệnh thận ở trẻ em

2. Treatment

When there are symptoms that are suspected to be due to kidney disease in children, take them to the doctor for early detection of the disease.
Currently, Vinmec Central Park Hospital has implemented examination, diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases in children, especially chronic kidney diseases. At Vinmec Times City International Hospital, a very modern technique of urinalysis is applied to evaluate kidney diseases. L-FABP technique allows early diagnosis of renal failure. Up to now, Vinmec is the first place in Vietnam to apply this test according to Japanese technology on a modern automatic AU 680 testing machine, giving quick and accurate results.

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