Guidelines for the care of obese children

Overweight children have a higher risk of becoming obese adolescents and adults. Therefore, it is necessary to have an appropriate plan to care for overweight and obese children according to each stage and development.

1. Causes of childhood obesity

In order to provide appropriate care for children with obesity, we need to assess the causes of this condition. Children become overweight or obese for a variety of reasons, such as genetics, inactivity, unhealthy eating, or a combination of these. Only in rare cases is being overweight caused by a medical condition such as a hormonal problem and requires careful medical examination.
Although overweight and obesity run in families, not all children with a family history of obesity experience the condition. Children whose parents or siblings are overweight may have an increased risk but are often accompanied by unhealthy eating and living habits. Timely adjustment of a healthy diet and lifestyle is the best way to care for obese children.
kế hoạch chăm sóc trẻ thừa cân béo phì
Nên có kế hoạch chăm sóc trẻ thừa cân béo phì

2. How to take care when children are obese

The doctor is the person who helps set an overall healthy weight goal and plan the care of overweight and obese children. However, the guidance and practice of measures to take care of obese children cannot lack the role of parents.
Refer to the following ways to care for children with obesity:
Set appropriate weight loss goals for children. The goal should be to lose weight in small steps so that the child is not discouraged or overwhelmed, losing 0.5 - 2kg/month is reasonable. In some cases, it is possible to control the weight of the child so that he does not gain more so that the growth of height catches up with the weight. Another much-needed measure of care for obese children is to get them in the habit of keeping a meal diary. This diary not only includes the type and amount of food eaten, but also where it was eaten and who else was present. The diary is not to help calculate calories eaten, rather it is helpful in identifying problematic eating patterns and foods. A healthy diet to lose weight for children with overweight and obesity is also essential, to establish a diet sometimes requires the participation of a doctor and a nutritionist. Similar to adults, exercise is a way of caring when children are obese. Exercise should also start with gentle activities and gradually increase to avoid discouraging children. Active for a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes a day, creating fun and diversifying activities to increase the interest of children in practice. If your family's habits are not scientific, focus on gradually changing exercise and eating habits. By getting the whole family involved, everyone is taught healthy habits and children don't feel alone when they follow parenting measures for obesity.

3. Should a child weight loss program be applied?

If your home remedies for obesity have not been successful in helping your child achieve a healthy weight and the doctor thinks the child's health is in danger unless they lose weight steadily, you can want to consider a formal weight loss program. The overall goal of a weight loss program should be to help the whole family adopt healthy eating habits and be physically active.
When planning to care for an overweight or obese child with a weight loss program, keep the following points in mind:
Before enrolling in a program, your child's weight, growth and health should be Review your overall health by your doctor. A child's weight loss program must be established and supervised by medical professionals from nutritionists to pediatricians, even psychologists. Focus on behavioral changes for children and parents must be exemplary. Teach children how to choose a variety of healthy foods in appropriate portions and increase their daily activities. Apply a weight loss program suitable for each age and health status of the child.
kế hoạch chăm sóc trẻ thừa cân béo phì
Hoạt động thể chất là yếu tố cần có trong kế hoạch chăm sóc trẻ thừa cân béo phì

4. Prevention of overweight and obesity in children

If parents do not want the headache of having to plan to take care of their overweight and obese children, people can do the following things to prevent obesity:
Make sure your child's meals are healthy with 30 % energy or less from fat. Respect children's appetite, do not force them to eat too much. Each serving should be spaced at least 15 minutes apart. Minimize the use of salty foods and sugary drinks. Limit the amount of high-energy foods kept in the home. Provide enough fiber in meals, prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Replace whole milk with skim by the time your child is 2 years old. Do not watch TV during meals. Encourage your child to be physically active. Currently, the rate of overweight and obesity in children is constantly increasing. If your child is overweight or obese, no matter what care you choose, the ultimate goal is to direct your child to a healthy lifestyle. Concentrate as much as possible on changing the behavior of all family members to set an example for your child. If you feel overwhelmed, parents can seek the help of a nutritionist or doctor for guidance in setting up a plan to care for overweight and obese children in the safest way.

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