How to treat a stuffy nose at night for children

The stuffy nose and shortness of breath cause many impacts on the quality of life and work of the patient. Especially, for children, this condition makes children lose their appetite, lose sleep, stir fever, leading to physical weakness. Therefore, you need to have a way to treat nasal congestion at night to help your baby sleep more deeply.

1. Ways to treat stuffy nose for children when sleeping

1.1. Placing a pillow and gently rubbing both sides of the baby's nose Pillow and gently rubbing the sides of the nose is an effective way to treat nasal congestion for children when sleeping. When your baby has a stuffy nose, you can use a pillow or towel thick enough to rest his head while he sleeps. This helps the baby to have a more comfortable sleeping position and breathe easier.
You can also use the backs of your hands to gently rub the baby's nose. This will help your baby reduce or gradually eliminate discomfort.
If the baby is having a stuffy nose, and there is a discharge, the mother should wash the child's nose and then use a soft towel to wipe it clean. Finally, use a spray - an ear, nose and throat hygiene spray containing beneficial bacteria spores to protect the baby.
1.2. Cleaning and decongesting your baby's nose Cleaning is a very important step in getting rid of dirt in your baby's nasal cavity. You must not forget this stage when your child shows signs of nasal congestion, difficulty breathing. You can use 0.9% physiological saline to wash your baby's nose, then use a nasal aspirator to remove the fluid. This is a very simple, safe and effective way to treat nasal congestion at night for children that parents need to do as soon as their children have symptoms of stuffy and runny nose.
You can perform nasal aspiration for your child by following these steps:
Step 1: Spread a soft mattress on the bed, place the child in a prone position, knees on the pad; Step 2: Place one hand on the baby's head and gently hold the baby's head; Step 3: Put the milk towel at the bottom, close to the baby's cheek; Step 4: Inject physiological saline gently into one side of the child's nose so that the water flows through the other nose. Then repeat the same with the other side; Step 5: Then, gently wipe the child's nose and mouth with a soft cloth; Step 6: Finally, use the spray products from each nostril in turn.
chữa nghẹt mũi khi ngủ
Nước muối sinh lý được sử dụng trong việc chữa nghẹt mũi khi ngủ của trẻ sơ sinh

1.3. Supplementing nutrients for children Children lacking necessary nutrients are also the cause of respiratory diseases and make symptoms of stuffy nose, shortness of breath, runny nose, cough with phlegm... more serious developments. .
When there is a lack of substances such as potassium, zinc, iron or vitamin groups, the child's body will have a reduced resistance, leading to diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive tract...
Therefore, you need give your baby a full range of nutrients to increase physical strength and resistance.
1.4. Humidifying the air in the baby's bedroom The air in the room is too low or dry is also a factor causing symptoms of respiratory diseases such as difficulty breathing, stuffy nose. You need to adjust the room temperature to 27 degrees or add an air humidifier. Simply put, you can put a small basin of water in the bedroom to help keep the air in the room more humid, and prevent your baby from having a dry nose and sore throat.
Besides, you also need to let your baby drink enough water, can add a few drops of cajeput oil or menthol on the soles of the baby's feet, hands, and forehead to reduce discomfort. Therefore, this is also considered an effective way to treat nasal congestion at night for children.

2. Note when treating a stuffy nose at night for children

Nasal congestion during sleep in infants is relatively common. Many causes can lead to this condition of children such as:
Allergy to some agents such as pollen, house dust, cosmetics, pet hair such as dogs, cats...; Colds, flu; Diseases of the ear, nose and throat such as sinusitis, nasopharyngitis, tumor appearance in the nose, deviated nasal septum; Injury or foreign body in the nose, this case is often caused by children accidentally inserting objects such as peanuts, corn kernels or crayons....
chữa nghẹt mũi khi ngủ
Chữa nghẹt mũi khi ngủ cần được tìm ra nguyên nhân gây bệnh cho trẻ

Therefore, besides applying ways to treat stuffy noses for children when sleeping at home, you also need to find out the causes to eliminate them. Especially, the situation of nasal congestion when sleeping in children is severe with frequent frequency. At this time, you should take the child to a medical facility for a doctor to examine and appropriate treatment.
With many years of experience in examining and treating diseases in children, now the Pediatrics Department at Vinmec International General Hospital has become one of the major health care centers, capable of examining , screening and treatment of many specialized diseases in children. Therefore, if the child has signs of a blocked nose for a long time that does not go away or shows signs of respiratory infection, parents can take the child to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination and support. , advice from doctors and health professionals.

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