Neonatal anemia: What you need to know

Posted by Specialist Doctor II Pham Do Ngoc Diep - Neonatologist - Neonatology Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Anemia in newborns is a common condition that, if not detected and treated early, can leave dangerous complications, affecting many organs in the child's body. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the signs of anemia in their children to have timely treatment.

1. Causes of anemia in infants

Bone marrow production is reduced due to a decrease in the hormone Erythropoetin after birth. Newborns born prematurely have a lower red blood cell count. This condition is known as premature birth anemia. Anemia of prematurity most commonly affects infants less than 32 weeks gestation and infants who have spent several days in the hospital.

1.1. Severe anemia can occur when

Losing too much blood during labor and delivery. The bone marrow does not make enough new red blood cells.
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1.2. Rapid breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis)

The rapid breakdown of red blood cells leads to anemia and increased levels of bilirubin in the blood. Hemolytic disease of the newborn can be caused by antibodies from the mother's blood to Inherited abnormalities of red blood cells such as hereditary spherocytosis, Another cause in newborns is a lack of a red blood cell enzyme called is glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD).

1.3 Blood loss

Mother-child blood transfusion Twin-to-twin blood transfusion Abortion placenta Due to procedures, blood collection for testing Obstetric trauma Bleeding due to decreased coagulation factors after birth

1.4. Reduced red blood cell production

After birth, some infections (such as cytomegalovirus, syphilis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections) can also prevent the bone marrow from producing enough red blood cells. Certain nutrients, such as iron, folate (folic acid) and vitamin E, can cause anemia.
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2. Manifestations of anemia in infants

Most infants with mild or moderate anemia have no symptoms. In the case of moderate anemia can cause children to be sluggish or eat poorly. Accordingly, the manifestation of anemia in infants is also manifested in the following symptoms:
Pale skin. Slow movement. Have a rapid heart rate and rapid breathing at rest. In severe cases of anemia, the child's skin may be pale, the heart rate is rapid, the pulse is small and difficult to detect in shock, and the blood pressure is low, along with a rapid, shallow breathing rate. Ultrasound can show hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice.
Accordingly, the doctor will give the child tests to diagnose the level and cause of anemia such as: Initial tests include red blood cell index, hematocrit, hemoglobin, reticulocyte, MCV , ... (blood chart), blood group and Coombs test, urine, G6PD enzyme, blood in stools, Kleihauer-Betke, parvo virus, .. From these results, doctors will find the cause and give recommendations. effective treatment regimens for each child's disease such as iron intake, blood transfusion, treatment of acquired causes such as viral infections...
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