Prevention of spring-summer delivery for children

The hot and humid weather between spring and summer is a time when many microorganisms, as well as pathogens, thrive. Children are easily affected by these changes. Therefore, parents need to take appropriate preventive measures to reduce the risk of disease for their children.

1. Illnesses that children may encounter during the spring-summer season

This time there is a lot of rain and the weather is hot and cold, making it difficult for the body to adapt and easily get sick. In particular, this is also a condition that makes viruses, disease-transmitting mosquitoes... grow faster and stronger, causing many infectious diseases. Here are some diseases that children often encounter when changing seasons.
1.1.Spring conjunctivitis Spring conjunctivitis, as the name implies, is most common in the spring. This is a disease caused by allergies in the eyes , especially pollen allergies . Because, in the spring, when there are many flowers blooming, pollen is released into the air, if it gets into the eyes of an allergic person, it will cause symptoms of spring conjunctivitis. When you have the disease, you will see the symptoms of red both eyes, itching, feeling like burning eyes, watery eyes, rusty eyes, always want to rub your eyes with your hands, but the more you rub the more itchy. This disease can occur in all subjects, including adults and children, and it often occurs in people with atopic allergies and other allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergies. eat , atopic dermatitis , ...
1.2. Chickenpox Chickenpox is considered a winter-spring disease, as it is most common in winter-spring. In particular, this is also the period when the air is humid, and it is also very easy to catch chickenpox. Chickenpox is a disease caused by the Varicella Zoster virus. The disease is spread through the respiratory tract through secretions, droplets of an infected person. If a person with chickenpox coughs or sneezes or talks normally, the virus will be spread through the saliva, making close contacts very easy to spread the disease.
The disease occurs at any age and mostly in children. Signs of illness may include fever, fatigue, sore throat, swollen glands in the neck, and nausea. Next will appear symptoms of blisters on the skin, the initial blisters will grow on the limbs, face and can spread to the whole body very quickly within 12 to 24 hours. The disease usually recovers after 7 to 10 days if the patient is cared for and provided with good nutrition.
1.3. Typhus Typhus is a condition that can be caused by many different viruses, manifesting as a fever and a skin rash. This is a common seasonal disease. These viruses are spread from person to person, through physical contact with a previously infected person or by sharing personal items. Children in the nursery environment are very contagious because they come into contact with other children who have the virus that causes the disease.
Symptoms of the disease include: fever or sometimes high fever over 39.4 degrees, sore throat, cough, runny nose, this condition lasts from 3-5 days. Then a rash appears, on the skin begins to have red, small or raised spots on the skin. The rash in children will spread from the chest, back, abdomen to the wrists and arms. It usually disappears after a few hours, even days without leaving any traces on the skin. Then the disease regressed on its own. But if the child has a high fever for more than 3 days or shows signs of not improving after the rash, parents also need to take the child to a medical facility for treatment.
1.4. Mumps Mumps is caused by a virus, it's a winter-spring disease, because it's common this season. The disease can spread into an epidemic because it can be transmitted through the respiratory tract. When sick, children often have a high fever, painful swelling of the parotid region, and often unilateral pain. Mumps can affect people of any age, especially children. The disease usually heals after 7 to 10 days, but can cause some complications such as orchitis, mumps encephalopathy...
1.5. Seasonal flu Seasonal flu cannot help but mention the flu. The disease is very common around the time between spring and summer. There are many strains of influenza that can cause upper respiratory tract infections, which can become epidemics by spreading quickly through the respiratory tract.
Symptoms of flu include fever - usually high fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, runny nose, headache, body aches... can be cured with good care after 7 days. However, for children, the flu can be more severe, because it can cause respiratory complications such as pneumonia, which is life-threatening.
1.6. Acute respiratory infection caused by covid-19 This is a causative agent that can be encountered all year round. However, at a time of high humidity and rain, the conditions for corona virus to develop and spread are stronger. In particular, young children who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 as currently, are at higher risk of infection.
The virus can be transmitted through the respiratory tract when a healthy person breathes in the virus in the nose and throat secretions of an infected person, through objects or the air.
Symptoms of illness may include cough, fever, headache, body aches, stuffy nose, runny nose, red eyes, loss of taste, loss of smell ... in severe cases, the patient may have respiratory failure causing difficulty breathing, rapid breathing...
When a child is sick, they are usually monitored at home, however, if the child has a high fever for more than 3 days without lowering, rapid breathing, difficulty breathing, chest indrawing, rising and falling nostrils, If the child refuses to play... then the parents need to take the child to a medical facility immediately.
1.7. Acute diarrhea Acute diarrhea is the passage of loose stools 3 times a day, not lasting more than 14 days, and may be accompanied by symptoms such as: vomiting, nausea, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, abdominal bloating. , upset stomach, tired people. If not treated promptly, acute diarrhea can lead to death due to dehydration and electrolytes.
Acute diarrhea can be considered a summer disease, because it occurs more often in the summer, often because food in a hot environment is susceptible to rancidity and pathogenic bacteria. This disease can be caused by agents such as cholera, typhoid, rotavirus, etc., so it can spread quickly and cause a large epidemic, especially in densely populated areas, using the same domestic water source. .
When a child has acute diarrhea, it is necessary to fully rehydrate and electrolytes, if the child has signs of severe dehydration such as fatigue, fatigue, sunken eyes, lethargy or cannot drink water such as vomiting a lot, parents need to Take the child to a medical facility quickly.

2. How to prevent spring and summer diseases for children

Prevention is proactive measures to help children avoid or minimize disease during the season change. Here are some parents should apply to prevent illness for children and themselves:
Maintain good personal hygiene: Regularly wash hands with soap and clean water before preparing food, before when eating and after going to the toilet; Shower clean; Gargle, gargle with physiological saline or antiseptic solutions; Measures to prevent infection when someone is sick: Minimize contact with people with contagious diseases such as flu, chickenpox, mumps... wear a mask when in contact and need to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing. For diseases caused by allergies to seasonal changes, pollen, etc., it is necessary to avoid contact with allergenic sources such as wearing hats, sunglasses, masks, avoiding sunlight, because children are not allowed to be near The heat source makes the illness much milder. Vaccination is the best way to prevent some diseases like chickenpox, flu, measles, mumps, some diarrhea-causing agents, etc. Children should be vaccinated when they are vaccinated. possible, to help prevent disease more effectively. Keeping the place of living and working place clean: It is necessary to create a clean and ventilated environment, regularly wipe surfaces and daily contact items for children such as children's toys, learning tools, door handles. , handrails, tables, chairs, floors with soap or common cleaning agents. Dispose of garbage in the right place, should be collected and treated away from water sources. Do not leave places with standing water to avoid mosquito growth causing disease. Ensure food hygiene and safety: Make sure you always eat cooked and drink hot, do not eat raw or rare foods such as blood pudding, spring rolls, salads... Avoid mosquito bites: Mosquitoes are an intermediary that causes many diseases. sick. So it is necessary to avoid being bit by mosquitoes such as sleeping under a mosquito net, having a mosquito net, applying insect repellent... keep the room warm, repel mosquitoes... Increase children's resistance by eating nutritious, balanced meals, getting proper rest, exercising daily such as playing, running in the sun to supplement vitamin D. .. Hopefully, through the article you have been able to know effective measures to help prevent diseases for children. Children's body resistance has not yet fully developed, so they are susceptible to diseases caused by microorganisms. You should proactively avoid sources of infection to avoid contracting seasonal diseases that affect children's health, especially during the complicated development of the Covid-19 epidemic.
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