Signs of excess protein parents need to know

Some parents think that providing more protein will make their children healthier. However, in fact, consuming too much protein does not make muscles develop more, but only makes the kidneys and liver work harder, increasing the risk of dehydration, causing many harmful diseases for the baby.

1. The role of protein

Protein (protein) along with starch and fat are the three main nutritional components that are converted to produce energy for the body. Protein has important functions such as:
Forming structure for all cells of the human body; Functional role as enzyme ; Carriers and hormones.

2. How much protein do children need?

How much protein is enough to not be overweight? According to nutritionists, 10 to 30% of the body's energy is provided by protein. Protein requirements of the body vary by age, sex, weight, activity level of children.
For young children, protein needs depend on age, specifically:
Children from 2-3 years old: 13 grams/day; Children from 4-9 years old: 19 grams/day; Children 9-13 years old: 34 grams/day. For adolescents, protein needs depend on gender:
Male 14-18 years old: 52 grams/day; Female 14-18 years old: 46 grams/day. Parents should supplement protein for children every day to provide for basic needs and for children to exercise if their children have a higher protein diet than usual.
trẻ thừa đạm
Cha mẹ nên cân đối bổ sung đạm trong bữa ăn tránh tình trạng trẻ thừa đạm

3. Children should be provided with protein from which sources?

Usually, protein is obtained from animal meat such as beef, fish, eggs, milk or dairy products and some plants.
Cattle, poultry and fish are “complete proteins” because they contain all the essential amino acids the body needs.
Nuts, beans, dairy products, and eggs tend to lack a few amino acids and are called “incomplete proteins”. However, they are also a great source of protein, especially when incorporating them in meals for children because they will balance the proteins together.
Protein can be found in many foods, so don't stress if your child loves carbs. Nuts and legumes, along with some grains and vegetables, all have a protein component. A balanced three-meal diet and one or two healthy snacks throughout the day will provide plenty of opportunities to get protein, not to mention the carbohydrates and healthy fats your child needs too.

4. Signs and consequences of children with excess protein

Parents can rely on some of the following signs to know if a child has too much protein. Specifically:
Frequent urination: If your child urinates frequently, it could be a sign of too much protein. The kidneys can only break down protein to a certain extent, excess protein will accumulate and create an acidic environment in the kidneys, causing children to urinate frequently. The initial side effect is mild dehydration which can later lead to kidney stones. Anxiety, irritability: this happens in children who eat a lot of protein, with little starch because starch plays a role in stimulating the release of serotonin - a hormone that helps to feel relaxed and optimistic. Intestinal upset and indigestion: Protein-rich diets often lack fiber, especially when the main source of protein is from animals, which wreaks havoc on a child's digestive system. Fiber helps move things through the intestines better, and fiber is mostly found in plant-based foods. Parents need to balance the diet, increase green vegetables and fruits to ensure the health of the baby. Weight gain: Excess protein means excess calories. If a child cannot burn calories, the body will store them as fat and cause weight gain in a child with excess protein. At the same time, accumulation in the form of fat increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
trẻ thừa đạm
Thừa cân là một trong nhiều dấu hiệu của trẻ thừa đạm

Always be tired: even if your child has had enough sleep, he still feels sluggish. The reason is because consuming too much protein makes the kidneys and liver overwork. In addition, eating a lot of protein and less starch also affects the brain, making them less sensitive and difficult to concentrate. Starch is the main source of energy for the brain, parents should give children more whole grains, fruits and vegetables to have the best health. Bad breath: Eating too much protein causes bad breath. This is also a sign that children have too much protein for parents to reconsider their baby's diet. Too much protein in your child's diet results in excess protein and can damage long-term health and damage organs. A number of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis have been studied to be associated with eating too much protein over a long period of time. Thus, consuming too much protein above the recommended level not only does not help children develop better, but also harms health. Therefore, parents need to build a reasonable diet for their children. When there are signs of excess protein in children, parents should see a nutritionist to establish a reasonable diet to protect the baby's comprehensive health.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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