The sea currently lacks vitamin B1 in children and how to overcome it

The article was professionally consulted by MSc.BS.Huynh Bao Toan - Neonatologist, Vinmec Nha Trang General Hospital. The doctor has 13 years of experience in the field of Pediatrics.
Vitamin B1 deficiency in children has many causes. Signs of vitamin B1 deficiency are often fatigue, poor memory, shortness of breath, ... To overcome vitamin B1 deficiency in children, it is necessary to increase foods rich in vitamin B1 such as grains, beans, ..

1. Vitamin B1 deficiency

Vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) is one of the B vitamins that are essential for the body. Vitamin B1 is abundant in foods such as meat or whole grains, nuts, ...
The human body does not produce vitamin B1. Therefore, to provide vitamin B1 for the body, it is necessary to supplement the foods rich in vitamin B1 mentioned above. When the diet does not provide enough vitamin B1 for the body, it will lead to vitamin B1 deficiency.
Children, especially infants, are very susceptible to vitamin B1 deficiency, due to many causes. For children, vitamin B1 has a very important role, which is to support brain development, maintain cell activity, and convert energy from food.

2. Causes of vitamin B1 deficiency in children

In children, especially infants, the cause of vitamin B1 deficiency is mainly due to:
High demand for vitamin B1: Vitamin B1 plays an important role in the development of children, especially in some stages. Children need to grow quickly, or when children are sick (cold, fever, diarrhea, ...), this need increases, if not supplemented in time, it can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency. Breast milk lacks vitamin B1: In breastfed babies, if the mother does not pay attention to supplement vitamins, especially vitamin B1 daily through foods or synthetic supplements, it can cause breastfed babies to be deficient. vitamin B1, because the vitamin B1 content in breast milk is very low. Formula-fed babies: For some children who are not breastfed but must use formula, parents need to pay attention to the information on the composition and content of nutrients in the milk, especially to mix the milk according to the instructions to avoid deficiency. vitamin B1 deficiency for children.
Mổ u nang khi đang cho con bú có ảnh hưởng đến việc tiết sữa mẹ?
Sữa mẹ thiếu vitamin B1 là một trong các nguyên gây thiếu vitamin B1 ở trẻ em

3. Signs of vitamin B1 deficiency in children

Children with vitamin B1 deficiency may have the following signs:
Fatigue, irritability. Anorexia, loss of appetite, weight loss. Abdominal pain, digestive disorders, diarrhea. Memory loss, forgetfulness or frequent confusion. Muscle weakness, or cramps, painful and often spastic feet, burning feet. Shortness of breath, chest pain, cardiovascular is affected. Nervous damage, mood swings.

4. How to overcome vitamin B1 deficiency in children

Trẻ uống siro
Cha mẹ cần bổ sung vitamin B1 cho trẻ theo đúng khuyến cáo của bác sĩ
To overcome vitamin B1 deficiency in children, we need to know vitamin B1 needs in children by age, specifically:
Infants under 6 months old: 200 micrograms/day. Children from 1 to 12 years old: 0.7 - 1.2mg/day. Children 12 years and older: 1.3 - 1.5mg/day. How to overcome vitamin B1 deficiency in children according to each specific object is as follows:
Breastfeeding children: Mothers should increase vitamin B1-rich foods such as whole grains (green beans), nuts and seeds. (sunflower, chestnut, ...) or take a synthetic supplement to meet the baby's vitamin B1 needs through breast milk. Formula-fed babies: For infants under 6 months of age who are formula-fed, parents should pay attention to choose formulas with vitamin B1 added to them. Weaning babies: Children who reach the age of weaning (usually starting from 6 months old) need to be fortified with foods rich in vitamin B1 such as rice, oats, wheat, whole grains, ... to overcome this problem. vitamin B1 deficiency in children. Rice is a nutritious grain, but to avoid losing the amount of vitamin B1 found in rice, care should be taken in how it is processed. In addition, vitamin B1 is also abundant in vegetables such as amaranth, spinach, pumpkin, eggplant, ... and egg yolks, lean meat. Older children: Give your child a 10mg vitamin B1 supplement daily for 4-6 weeks. In case of severe vitamin B1 deficiency requiring injection, vitamin B1 100mg can be given intravenously. Vitamin B1 deficiency in children can make children tired and affect their physical and mental development. Therefore, child care should pay attention to the symptoms and ensure adequate nutrition for the child.
trẻ 10 tháng tuổi
Thiếu vitamin B1 có thể ảnh hưởng đến sự phát triển về thể chất của trẻ

Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases, including the pediatric - neonatal specialty. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, customers will be welcomed and used modern facilities and equipment along with perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of experts. Good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad.

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