What to do when your baby has a weather allergy?

When the weather changes seasons, the climate changes suddenly, young children are always very susceptible to diseases. Because the skin is still delicate and sensitive, many babies have weather allergies and the body reacts with hives and redness. Skin allergies in children often show up on the face or body.

1. What is an allergy?

Allergies are a combination of reactions that indicate that the immune system is affected, such as sneezing, itching, hives, chronic hives, wheezing or even severe reactions that affect the functioning of the body. network.

2. Causes of allergies

The causes of skin allergies in babies are very diverse. Because children's resistance is still very immature, they are easily affected when exposed to allergens (the cause of allergies). Allergens can enter the child's body through many routes such as breathing, eating, injection or skin contact. Some common allergens can be mentioned:
Pollen from plants and weeds. Moldy, moldy condition both indoors and out. Termite status in bedding, carpets and other items with moisture. Skin and fur of animals such as dogs, cats, horses and rabbits. Due to certain drugs and food. Due to venom from insect stings. Allergies due to genetic causes. If a parent has a history of allergies, their children are more likely to have allergies as well.
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Weather allergies are the body's response to external factors in the environment and climate that affect children, especially when children suddenly change from hot to cold areas or vice versa. The common manifestations of a weather allergy are red, itchy rashes that make the baby feel very uncomfortable.

3. Children with seasonal allergies need to do?

Many parents think that only hot weather can affect their baby's skin, but in fact, even when it's cold and windy, it can also affect their baby's skin. So what should you do when your child has an allergy to dry or windy weather? Parents can refer to some ways to care for their baby with allergies as follows:
3.1. Caring for children with allergies due to dry weather Regularly clean and ensure that the baby's skin is always in a clean and dry state. Damaged skin areas should soak longer in warm water, after soaking should apply moisturizer immediately to avoid skin dryness. Apply moisturizer for children: Moisturizers help the skin retain moisture and keep the baby's skin smooth. However, parents should consult a doctor to avoid arbitrary use that makes the child's condition worse. Do not allow children to scratch the affected areas of the skin. To prevent children from scratching their skin, parents should cut their nails or wear gloves for their children. Dress your child in loose-fitting clothes with natural ingredients. 3.2. Taking care of children with allergies due to wind Abstain from taking children to the wind: Have a plan to shield and protect children when at home or out to avoid sun and wind. Should wear a jacket carefully, limit taking the baby out when the weather is changing seasons. Apply baby lotion: Dry wind, toxic wind can cause allergies, parents should apply moisturizer to their baby to keep skin smooth all day long. However, you should consult your doctor before using any type of cream. During the time the baby has an allergy, if the parents see any unusual signs such as: cough, fever, runny nose, prolonged sneezing, etc., they should take the child to a specialist doctor for examination and direct examination.
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Bôi kem dưỡng để giữ làn da mịn màng và chắn gió độc cho trẻ
To proactively prevent seasonal allergies as well as as soon as they detect signs of illness in their children, parents can find out and register for an examination for their children with the Atopic Dermatitis examination and consultation package at Vinmec International General Hospital for advice on treatment of atopic dermatitis for all customers of all ages.
When registering for the package of examination and consultation for treatment of atopic dermatitis, customers will receive:
Dermatological examination (without appointment) Perform tests such as: IgE quantification, fresh mycobacteria, Specific amount of IgE for respiratory allergies - food (Panel 1 Vietnamese), test Rida Allergy Screen (panel 1) Customers can refer to: >>> Allergy diagnostic tests

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

4. Measures to prevent children from having weather allergies

The time of the change of season is when children are very susceptible to weather allergies, so parents should pay attention at these times to protect children's health by the following ways:
Limit taking children out if as unnecessary. If you have to let your baby go out, they must be fully equipped with a shirt, scarf, and hat to protect them carefully. It can make your baby's itching and allergies worse. Strengthen children's resistance by adding essential vitamins and nutrients such as orange juice, watermelon, grapefruit,... Children should eat cool foods such as fish, green vegetables, fruits, etc. ...and limit eating foods that can cause allergies such as: seafood, crabs, shrimp, crabs, ...
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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