When should micronutrient test for baby?

Micronutrient deficiency in children affects both physical and intellectual development of children in the future. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to some signs of micronutrient deficiency in children. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out micronutrient testing for children to help find the cause and timely treatment plan to help the child develop optimally.

1. Learn about micronutrients

Micronutrients include substances that the body only needs to use in extremely small amounts, but these compounds play an important role in the body in the process of growth, intellectual development, thinking and raising. improve health, and at the same time help prevent diseases, especially in young children. Micronutrients include compounds such as vitamins, types including vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E... along with mineral groups including calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, Iodine....
Causes of micronutrient deficiency in children may include: during pregnancy women have inadequate nutrition for fetal development as well as during pregnancy. activity in the mother's body. With a lack of nutrients and improper care of pregnant women, it leads to premature birth or the birth of a baby with a low birth weight of less than 2500 grams, or after the child is born, the improper feeding process causes for children who do not develop normally, or because their diet lacks special nutrients and micronutrients.

2. Signs of micronutrient deficiency in children

Should parents test their children for micronutrients? When the child does not provide adequate nutrients according to the recommended needs, the child can easily be deficient in nutrients and have symptoms such as: The child's weight is slowly increasing, the child's height is poor, the child is often sick. such as chronic diarrhea, nasopharyngitis, long-lasting sore throat, hair loss in children, fussiness at night, night sweats, pale skin and mucous membranes, dry hair that breaks easily, and nails that are dry and easy broken bones, painful joints...
When parents see that their children have the above signs, they should take their children to have their children tested for micronutrients. The results of micronutrient testing for children help detect micronutrient deficiencies in a timely manner and at the same time have appropriate treatment methods to help children develop comprehensively both physically and intellectually in a good way. best.
These tests are usually done with blood tests to further diagnose blood diseases such as anemia or other blood diseases.
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3. Effects of micronutrient deficiency in children

Lack of micronutrients can significantly affect the health and development of children, including:
Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A plays an important role in the normal development of children, helps strengthen immunity, protects the cornea, skin mass, mucous membranes or has a functional role in infectious diseases. such as diarrhea, respiratory tract, corneal dryness or blindness. into the blood. This will lead to a disorder of bone mineralization. Signs of this symptom include babies crying, vomiting, restless sleep, sweating a lot, hair loss a lot, big head, slow teething, slow walking, deformed bones... And Children with this condition may lose height during the child's development period. Iron deficiency anemia. Hemoglobin contains iron and iron is also involved in oxygen transport and cellular respiration. Iron deficiency can cause anemia along with creating favorable conditions for the development of respiratory infections or bacterial infections in children. Iodine deficiency causes goiter. When the body lacks iodine compared to the recommended needs, it can cause the thyroid gland to enlarge, causing a goiter in the neck. Iodine deficiency in children can affect intellectual development, growth retardation, retardation or cretinism Malnutrition stunting is also associated with zinc deficiency. Zinc also plays an important role in growth and immunity. Zinc deficiency makes children prone to anorexia, reduced resistance or infections that affect the child's height growth.

4. Some suggestions for choosing foods capable of providing micronutrients for children

Vitamin C . Vitamin C deficiency can lower a child's resistance. And the benefits of vitamin C include antioxidant, especially necessary for collagen formation to help the body have firm skin, good for teeth and gums. It also helps keep blood vessels healthy, increases iron absorption, and increases resistance to infection. Foods that contain a lot of vitamin C include: Fresh vegetables, fruits, broccoli, green peppers, red peppers, mustard greens, bean sprouts, lemons, grapefruit, strawberries...
Iron. Iron helps to prevent iron deficiency anemia. In addition, iron also supports brain development, strengthens the immune system. However, if children lack this micronutrient, it can lead to anemia and reduced resistance, retardation of physical and mental development. Foods with rich iron content include: red meat, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole grains, iron-fortified foods...
Zinc . Zinc deficiency will cause symptoms in children including anorexia, susceptibility to infections, and delayed sexual development. Because zinc is essential for reproduction, growth, cell repair and immunity. Foods that contain good levels of zinc include meat, seafood, dairy, whole grain products ...
Calcium . Deficiency of this micronutrient causes rickets and growth retardation in children. Because calcium functions in the development of healthy teeth and bones, and helps antibodies work well to protect the body along with preserving the nervous system. Foods containing rich calcium content include: Dairy products, broccoli, broccoli, cabbage, tofu, sardines, salmon...
Vitamin D . Vitamin D deficiency causes jaundice and rickets in children. In addition, vitamin D also works to promote the absorption and use of calcium by the body, along with phosphorus to help strengthen bones and teeth. Foods with rich vitamin D content include: Cheese, eggs, salmon liver, margarine, not only that, the skin is also able to absorb vitamin D if exposed to light from the sun.
Vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency has been linked to dry eyes, retinitis... or even more seriously it can cause blindness. Vitamin A is essential for the development and growth of eye cells. In addition, vitamin A also helps to brighten the skin. Foods that are rich in vitamin A include ripe yellow and orange fruits, dark green leafy vegetables...
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Một số loại vi chất quan trọng đối với trẻ là kẽm, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C,...
Among the micronutrients, vitamin D, iron, iodine, and zinc are often listed in the group that children are easily deficient in. Therefore, even if children do not have nutrition, they may still be deficient in these micronutrients due to inadequate nutrition. Therefore, parents should have regular health check-ups for their children to check these components to help them develop fully.
In addition to dietary supplements, parents can give their children support foods containing essential vitamins and micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, ... to help fully meet their needs. nutritional requirements in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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