Postpartum sweating: What you need to know

The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Huynh Thi Hien - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Postpartum women sweat a lot is a common phenomenon in the first weeks after giving birth, especially at night. This phenomenon is not only annoying but also a warning sign of some health problems for the mother. So how to treat postpartum sweating?

1. The reason why women after giving birth sweat a lot

A woman's body undergoes very significant changes during pregnancy and after giving birth, one of the changes that can be mentioned is sweating a lot after giving birth. This phenomenon can be due to the following reasons:
Sweating is the body's way of getting rid of the excess water that the body retains during pregnancy. This causes the pores to become more active after giving birth; Stressful emotions after giving birth and taking care of a baby, especially for first-time mothers, can also make postpartum women sweat a lot; Hormonal changes during breastfeeding and breastfeeding, especially a significant drop in estrogen, can also be one of the causes of excessive sweating in postpartum women; The body's lack of micronutrients, anemia, and nutritional deficiencies, especially while breastfeeding, are also the causes of sweating after giving birth; Postpartum night sweats can be caused by the bedroom being too hot, wearing too many clothes or covering too many blankets; Postpartum sweating can also be a side effect of certain medications or a sign of a health problem like anxiety, stress, hyperthyroidism, or menopause.

2. How long does it take for women to sweat after giving birth?

Sau sinh
Sản hậu ra mồ hôi có thể kéo dài trong vài ngày hoặc vài tuần
Postpartum sweating can last for several days or weeks. Sweating is a normal physiological phenomenon, not a sign of a serious problem. However, if the sweating persists, you should consult your doctor to find out the cause, especially if there are problems related to postpartum infections or other complications after birth.

3. How to treat postpartum sweat?

Sau sinh
Mẹ sau sinh nên mặc đồ ngủ thoáng mát, rộng rãi và nhẹ để tránh đổ mồ hôi
Postpartum sweating is only a temporary phenomenon, so you should not be too worried. Follow some guidelines below to reduce the level of sweating:
Drinking plenty of water and other non-alcoholic beverages (milk, juice,...) will help speed up the elimination process. Postpartum excess fluid. Sweating a lot will cause the body to lose water, so you should drink enough water, especially while breastfeeding; Wear airy, loose, and light pajamas to avoid postpartum night sweats. Pajamas with cotton or natural fibers may be a better suggestion than synthetic fibers to help keep the body clean and cooler; Keeping the room and sleeping place cool will reduce postpartum night sweats; Women who are breastfeeding need to eat enough nutrients, which can be supplemented by taking polyvitamine supplements to reduce sweating after giving birth. Postpartum women sweat a lot is a normal phenomenon. If this condition persists with other symptoms, you should see a doctor for advice on finding the cause and intervention, to avoid this phenomenon causing trouble and affecting your quality of life.

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