Should children with viral fever take a bath?

Viral fever, also known as viral fever, is very contagious through the respiratory tract with typical symptoms of high fever, accompanied by other symptoms such as cough, runny nose, digestive disorders, rash.

1. Should children with viral fever take a bath?

“Should a child with a fever take a bath? Can children take a bath with viral fever?" This is one of the personal hygiene issues that many parents care about. In fact, many parents believe that bathing when children have a viral fever will make the viral fever in young children worse and take longer to heal, leading to when the child has a viral fever or illness, they do not take a bath for the child.
However this is completely wrong. Because when the child has a fever, the child's body excretes a lot of sweat. If parents abstain from water, abstain from bathing children will make children itchy, uncomfortable, leading to the risk of related dermatological diseases: Dermatitis, redness...
Tắm cho trẻ bị sốt virus
Trẻ sốt virus vẫn nên tắm để đề phòng bị mắc các bệnh da liễu

The treatment of viral fever in children is mainly symptomatic, such as reducing fever, preventing dehydration, resting... Most of the time, viral fever in young children is not life-threatening and the disease can go away on its own after about 1 week.
Bathing when children have viral fever is a measure to help children quickly lower body temperature. When the child's body is clean and comfortable, the viral fever will be cured quickly. Besides, bathing helps reduce body aches and pains and dilates peripheral vessels, effectively reducing fever and avoiding convulsions.

2. How to bathe children with viral fever

Step 1: Measure the child's body temperature
It is necessary to ensure the child's body temperature when giving the child a bath by continuously taking the child's temperature before bathing to have a reasonable bathing method for the child.
Step 2: Prepare before taking a bath
Bathroom: Close the door to avoid drafts. Bath water: Mix bath water for children, pay attention to the temperature of the bath water when children have a viral fever, so it should be 2 degrees Celsius lower than the child's body temperature (always keep the temperature of the bath water as stable as the initial phase temperature). Step 3: Bathing the baby
Head hygiene: Mom needs to wash her baby's hair quickly. Use a soft cloth to wipe the child's face, cheeks, neck, ears, and nape. Then, use a clean towel to dry the baby's head. Body hygiene: Children with viral fever sweat a lot, if not washed carefully, it is easy to lead to the risk of skin diseases caused by harmful bacteria. You can have your baby sit in a basin or in the tub, using the shower to pour warm water over the child's body. Step 4: After taking a bath
Mother pour warm water gently on the child with viral fever to remove all foam on the child's body. Finally, the mother took a large towel to dry the young person before letting the child get dressed. If the mother does not want to bathe her child when the child has a viral fever, the mother needs to wipe the whole body with a soft towel and put on cool clothes for the child Note:
Bath time when children have a virus fever should not be too long, Bathe the baby from the head down for about 5 minutes. In winter, the appropriate time to bathe children with viral fever in the morning is from 9am to 11am, in the afternoon from 3pm to 5pm. In the summer, the time to bathe children in the morning is 8 - 10 am, in the afternoon 4 pm - 6 pm. After bathing children with viral fever, you should add plenty of water and electrolytes to your child to make up for the amount of water and electrolytes lost during viral fever. Along with bathing children with viral fever, you also need to give your child fever-reducing medicine. Note that it is necessary to take fever-reducing drugs according to the doctor's orders, according to the specific instructions for use and dosage. Before bathing, you should give your baby a glass of warm water. After bathing, you need to quickly dry the next baby, so warm the child's body with a warm suit, maybe even wear socks to ensure that the child's body does not catch a cold.
Ủ ấm cơ thể trẻ ngay sau khi tắm
Cần nhanh chóng ủ ấm cơ thể trẻ ngay sau khi tắm

3. Prevention of viral fever in children

Carry out eating and drinking boiling. Make sure to choose foods that meet food hygiene and safety requirements and process them carefully. Limit bringing children with viral fever to crowded places. When children go out, it is necessary to take care and protect them carefully, use masks, eyeglasses and clothes to shield them. Routine vaccination is the best way to prevent diseases for children, including viral fever in young children. Viral fever in children is very worrisome, so parents absolutely must not be subjective. Always monitor the treatment progress to take timely measures. Children's viral fever is a common disease with a number of clinical symptoms such as fever, rash, etc., which reduces resistance and seriously affects children's health. The care and early detection of some serious signs that need to take the child to the doctor can help the disease heal quickly and limit serious complications.
To visit with experienced pediatricians at Vinmec. Please make an appointment at the website to be served.

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