The right time for sex

The right time for sex is the concern of many couples to achieve satisfaction and know when sex is likely to get pregnant. The researchers concluded that having sex in the morning or on the day of ovulation has health benefits of releasing endorphins that lower blood pressure and reduce stress, helping you to have a better day. Read more articles below to choose the right time for both.

The best time of day to have sex is around 3pm, because that's when men and women are most in sync. Men may be at their best physically in the early to mid-morning hours (due to increased testosterone) but they reach their highest levels of estrogen in the late afternoon, which makes them more emotionally in tune with their partners. mine. Women also have the highest levels of cortisol at the time, which boosts energy and alertness.
However, if 3 p.m. isn't the right time for you, there's evidence that morning is also a good time. A study of 1,000 people conducted by Forza Supplements found that the best time to have sex is around 7:30 a.m., about 45 minutes after waking up. Of course, this isn't exactly a serious study, peer-reviewed by a major academic institution. So when is the right time to have sex and when is the best time to get pregnant?

1. Right time for sex

The time of conception depends on the length of the menstrual cycle, the length of the menstrual cycles varies in women. The best time to conceive is the day of ovulation, when an egg is released from the ovary (ovulation) and five days before that. Having sex (intercourse) during this time gives a woman the best chance of getting pregnant. In fact, a woman can only get pregnant for a few days in her menstrual cycle. Because eggs and sperm are short-lived: Sperm live for about five days, an egg can only be fertilized for about 24 hours (one day) after it's released from the ovary. The egg and sperm need to come together at the right time for fertilization to occur in order to create an embryo.
Tính toán chu kì kinh nguyệt để dễ dàng có thai sau quan hệ tình dục

Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary. Then fertilization takes place as the egg travels down the fallopian tube. If the sperm stays in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, chances are that the egg will be fertilized, create an embryo, and possibly develop into a baby.
Theoretically, pregnancy only occurs if a woman has sex in the five days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. However, in reality, the most fertile days are three days before and including ovulation. This time is considered the golden time in the process of conception. At 12-24 hours after ovulation, a woman is not able to get pregnant during that menstrual cycle because then, the egg is no longer in the fallopian tube. There is almost no chance of getting pregnant if you have sex before or after conception.
So, how to know when a woman is ovulating? This can help you plan sex at the right time and improve your chances of getting pregnant. You can track your period on a chart, diary, or on the free menstrual cycle tracking app on your smartphone. To calculate the length of your menstrual cycle, record the first day you started bleeding (first day of your period) - day 1. The last day of your period is the day before your next period. begin.

2. When and how often to have sex to easily get pregnant?

When is the best time of day to have sex? The debate about whether to have morning sex or evening sex has been going on for a long time. For men, waking up is a very exciting time, so morning is the best time. Women often like the evening because everything is relaxed after a day of work, the housework is done and the children have been put to bed.
This is explained by men having testosterone spikes between six and nine in the morning. They like to take advantage of morning erections. In contrast, women had the lowest daily testosterone levels in the morning and minimal increases in the evening. This is the difference in hormone cycles between the two sexes. Men can experience a 25-50% difference in daily testosterone in the morning, leading to a craving for early sex. For women, however, significant changes in testosterone occur not on a daily basis but monthly, with the greatest increases occurring mid-month during ovulation (and that increase isn't nearly as dramatic as it would be). what men go through).
Besides paying attention to the time of sex, many women have the concept of being clean before having sex. So for her, the thought of one night's morning breath, sweat, and genital odor can suppress any waking sex drive. The opposite is true for men. Therefore, to encourage couples to have morning sex, the following methods can be used:
Focus on the benefits. For example, after sex, an increase in the hormone vasopressin makes men feel more emotionally attached. Start slower. Take time to cuddle and compliment your partner. British researcher and gynecologist Gabrielle Downey says that the trigger for a woman's libido is her body image. So tell her that you love her messy look and bare face (or body) in the morning. Go to bed earlier. Sleep deprivation lowers testosterone levels in both sexes. Adequate sleep is essential to maintain maximum hormonal balance and limit the stress hormone cortisol, which interferes with libido in both sexes.
Lợi ích của quan hệ tình dục
Khuyến khích các cặp vợ chồng quan hệ tình dục vào buổi sáng
To encourage couples to have sex at night, consider the following ideas:
Watch competitive sports. Research shows that it can increase feelings of intensity and increase testosterone in men. That's a great thing if the woman is also a sports fan. Build an expectation of being together throughout the day to take advantage of the small increase in testosterone in her body. Sending messages of love, appreciation, and emotional bond building can be an even stronger trigger for her than testosterone. Work out together at the end of the day. Couples should spend thirty to forty minutes of intense exercise or endurance training to increase testosterone levels. Stimulation remains easier 30 minutes after exercise. Be aware, however, that sometimes deciding when to have sex can involve a struggle of emotional power rather than personal preference. In this case, it is important to have an honest conversation to get to the root of the problem. Everyone can have a favorite time of the day but sometimes, satisfying your partner at the best time with them makes it fair and enjoyable. When that happens, both of you are the beneficiaries.

3. How many days should you wait to have sex?

Sex planning can help couples increase the likelihood of pregnancy with standards such as: Time of intercourse, tracking ovulation and frequency of sex. If you want to get pregnant faster, couples may be interested in knowing when to have sex, how often to have sex, and whether there are factors that can affect it, such as increasing or decreasing your chances of getting pregnant. pregnancy every month. It is important to know that you can get pregnant at any time during your menstrual cycle, in some cases even while you are menstruating. Women can refer to the Verywell / Jessica Ola ovulation tracking methods.
Lập kế hoạch quan hệ tình dục giúp tăng khả năng mang thai

In general, teenagers are more likely to get pregnant with just one or a few sex sessions than older women, and fertility can decline with age. If you're having a hard time getting pregnant, there are a few things to know that can help you maximize your chances. If you're having sex often enough and if you don't urgently want to get pregnant, then strategizing sex timing may not be necessary. The benefits of knowing the best time to have sex can help if you want to get pregnant early.
A woman's ovulation in each month is the golden time to have sex and is most likely to lead to pregnancy. Ovulation usually occurs around day 12-14 of a 28-day cycle, but it varies from woman to woman based on the length of her cycle and can even vary from cycle to cycle. Couples can have a chance to conceive as early as days 8 and 9 if you have a shorter cycle, or on days 19 and 20 if you have a longer cycle.
An ovulated egg can ideally be fertilized only 12 to 24 hours after being released from the ovary but with the help of cervical mucus, sperm can live up to five days in the cervix. Since it's nearly impossible to pinpoint when you ovulate, having sex before you ovulate (rather than after) can help increase your chances of conceiving because sperm will be ready and ready to go. wait for eggs.
Most women assume that day 14 of the cycle is when you ovulate. As a result, many women choose to have sex on days 11, 12, and 13 thinking that timing will give them the best chance of conceiving. The truth is that many women do not ovulate on day 14. Normal ovulation can occur as early as day 10 and as late as day 20 of the cycle. For women with irregular cycles, ovulation may occur later. So they can use ovulation predictor tests. It works like a pregnancy test, except that they tell you when you're likely to ovulate. They come in the form of test strips, and the test strips react with your urine.
To use, you urinate into a cup and then dip the test strip in the collected urine. You will get your results based on color change or readings of indicators. Some home ovulation tests detect luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. LH surges just before you ovulate, so when the test result is positive it indicates that your body is trying to trigger ovulation from the ovary and perhaps now is the perfect time to get pregnant. you are pregnant
Some studies say that the best day to have sex is the day you notice the most cervical mucus, the most fertile. Cervical mucus is a vaginal discharge that resembles raw egg whites. This type of discharge is perfectly healthy and normal and it usually occurs in the days leading up to ovulation. If you have discharge that has a pungent odor or is causing itchiness, then you have an infection in your genitals and it is important to see a doctor. Cervical mucus improves sperm motility (move) and helps them survive. The more sperm that survive and travel to the fallopian tube, where the egg is released, the more likely it is to fertilize. Besides, being in a relaxed and stress-free mood can increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Some women may feel that their sex drive is stronger at certain times of the month? This is not a coincidence. The same hormones that rise just before ovulation also boost a woman's sex drive. Sexual pleasure can contribute to increased chances of pregnancy, but that doesn't mean you need to be concerned that each time it's sex is the hottest time ever. The theory that a woman's orgasm can help increase conception rates may not be as promising. This theory ignores the physiological fact that during orgasm, the cervical area of ​​​​a woman's uterus will be elevated and outside the male ejaculatory zone. So, having an orgasm doesn't mean getting pregnant.
Cực khoái của phụ nữ trong quan hệ tình dục không giúp tăng khả năng mang thai

How often should couples have sex? This depends on the individual preferences of each couple. Experts advise that having sex more than once a day is not advisable. It may seem like having more sex will increase your chances of getting pregnant, but in fact, having sex too often can reduce healthy sperm counts.
While some women feel empowered to be able to track their ovulation, a few others just feel anxious and overwhelmed by all this. No matter which method of ovulation tracking you choose, paying too much attention to your cycle and ovulation signs can make you mentally exhausted. If having sex around the time of ovulation causes anxiety, you may be able to rely solely on scheduled sex. In these cases, experts recommend having sex every other week, every other day. Under this schedule, certain couples are required to have sex at least once during their childbearing years, even without cycle tracking. Try to have sex at least three to four times a week during your cycle.
For women who feel happy to take the time to track and detect ovulation, they can be sure to have sex during their most fertile time. If the sperm count is normal or healthy, then the best advice is to have sex every day. In this case, you should have sex for three days before you are expected to ovulate and possibly on the day you are expected to ovulate. However, you should still have sex throughout your cycle, just to keep sperm quality at its peak. In addition, couples should also take the time to enjoy sex without the responsibility of having children.
Thus, sex is a regular activity in life, couples planning to have children should make their own plans. Tracking the menstrual cycle to find the golden time in the cycle is quite important. However, this is just one way to make the process of conception as easy as possible. Each couple can choose the best time for both of them to have sex, it can be in the morning, afternoon or evening depending on each person's circumstances. Should not have sex too many times a day, couples should spend 3-4 times having sex in a week, this helps both have a comfortable time mentally as well as the quality of eggs and sperm. be the best.
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