Treatment of frequent nocturia in men

Nocturia causes you to wake up frequently at night. When the number of bowel movements is >2 times/night and the urine output is >35% of the urine output in 24 hours, it is called nocturia. This condition is quite common in men, especially men over 40 years old. So what is frequent urination at night in men?

1. Causes of Nocturia in Men Aging is one of the biggest contributing factors to nocturia in men.
As we age, less antidiuretic hormone (ADH) that helps us retain fluid is produced, resulting in increased urine output, especially at night. Plus, the muscles in the bladder can also become weaker over time, making it harder to keep urine in the bladder.
Aging is not the only contributing factor to nocturia. Some factors contribute to the formation of nocturia in men such as:
Drinking too much water (especially those containing caffeine and alcohol), using diuretics before going to bed Psychological problems such as Stress, stress, insomnia Diseases in the urogenital system that disrupt the lower urinary tract, prostate hyperplasia, damage to nerves that control bladder activity In some cases, frequent urination at night Sometimes it is also a symptom of an underlying medical condition such as heart failure, diabetes, or sleep apnea.
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2. Some common diseases cause frequent urination at night in men 2.1. Lower urinary tract disorders Inflammation in the lower urinary tract can irritate the bladder leading to nocturia in men. These infections can be encountered in pathologies such as urinary tract infections, cystitis caused by stones, cystitis after radiation therapy, infections caused by sexually transmitted diseases, prostatitis... Symptoms In lower urinary tract infections, in addition to painful urination and frequent urination, the urine will also be accompanied by a bad smell, sometimes the patient will have a fever and back pain.
Diseases that narrow the urethral lumen causing obstruction of urine flow from the bladder: benign prostatic hypertrophy, prostate cancer, urethral stricture,... And the most common pathology in this group is a benign prostatic hypertrophy. Up to 50% of men over the age of 60 have an enlarged prostate, and up to 90% of men over the age of 80 have it. There are two typical syndromes for benign prostatic hypertrophy, which are:
Irritation syndrome: frequent urination at night, sometimes up to 4-5 times/night, caused by the tumor compressing the urethral canal, obstructing the urethra. urinary flow and bladder irritation. Obstructive syndrome: Difficulty urinating and weak urine stream 2.2. Overactive bladder (OAB) When it comes to the problem of frequent urination at night in men, it is impossible to ignore OAB. Because this is the most common cause of frequent urination at night in men. When the bladder is overactive, causing the bladder to contract at the wrong time, causing the patient to feel the need to urinate and have to urinate urgently, it causes frequent urination during the day and at night, weak urine flow. and sometimes with urinary retention. OAB occurs due to aging; Bladder dysfunction after prostate enlargement treatment, or frequent stress, insomnia, heavy drinking and smoking,...

2.3. Frequent urination at night in men is a disease in the group caused by nerve damage. Normally, when the bladder holds from 300-400ml of urine, there will be a reflex to urinate. This reflex control system includes: brain, spinal cord S1-S2 and peripheral nerves. So when this system fails, it causes frequent urination at night in men. Diseases that cause nerve damage affecting bladder function are:
Multiple sclerosis, spinal cord compression syndrome, diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's 2.4. Reactive arthritis Reactive arthritis is an acute illness that usually begins with an infection, usually a bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal or genitourinary system.
The disease is diagnosed through typical arthritis with symptoms of a previous gastrointestinal or genitourinary tract infection or another extra-articular inflammatory feature. And the mechanism causing frequent nocturia in this disease is similar to the lower urinary tract infection mentioned above.
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3. Treatment of nocturia in men with Modern Medicine For the phenomenon of nocturia in men due to the above diseases, it is recommended that you see a doctor for an early diagnosis to receive appropriate counseling and treatment depending on the type of pathology causing frequent nocturia.
After eliminating acute diseases and needing timely treatment, you can adjust your lifestyle to improve frequent urination by methods such as:
Limit the use of foods and drinks that can irritate the bladder such as coffee, tea, wine, beer, carbonated drinks, hot spicy foods... No smoking. Eat healthy, live in moderation, take breaks and relax. suitable to limit stress Practice gentle exercises with yoga, nourish your mind to be comfortable Limit drinking a lot of water after 6 pm, remember to pee before sleeping If you have to take diuretics, you should take them away from time sleep at night. Some dishes you can try to help treat the phenomenon of frequent urination at night in men:
Steam 120 grams of glutinous rice, mix 30 grams of rock sugar, and then steam on low heat for 5 minutes, eat for a week. Use pork liver and black soybean in a sufficient amount, mix with glutinous rice, cook thoroughly, use for dinner. Cooked walnuts, every night before going to bed eat 4-8. Steamed shiitake mushrooms, red apples, 40 grams of rock sugar, 2 eggs until cooked, eat once a day in the morning and once in the evening, for 7 days Take the chicken intestines and wash them, add 20 grams of Ich tri kernel , cooked into a sharp soup drink, drink at night, or boil chicken intestines with 4 grams of cholera, after cooked, take the intestines of the chicken to eat. Nocturia in men can be improved step by step through the treatment regimen doctor, healthy diet and lifestyle. It is important for patients to detect early symptoms of the disease for examination and treatment.

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