What does the Glucose test during pregnancy mean for the fetus and pregnant woman's health?

Gestational diabetes is a common disease for pregnant women but does not manifest itself as any symptoms. Therefore, testing glucose during pregnancy is the only way to help pregnant women detect the disease. So what does this test mean for mother and fetus? Gestational diabetes is a condition that occurs when blood sugar (glucose) levels rise higher than normal during pregnancy. To determine the blood sugar index, the doctor will order the pregnant woman to perform a gestational diabetes test.

1. What is a gestational diabetes test?

Gestational diabetes test (pregnancy glucose test) is one of the very important tests, performed between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, to detect the risk of high blood sugar in pregnant women.

2. Who needs a glucose test during pregnancy?

Any pregnant woman has the potential to have gestational diabetes and needs to be tested for gestational diabetes. However, keep in mind that the following people are generally at higher risk:
Body mass index (BMI) greater than 30; Mothers who have given birth to a baby weighing more than 4.1 kg; History of gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy; Family history of type 2 diabetes; Being overweight or obese both before and during pregnancy.

3. Types of gestational diabetes tests

3.1. Glucose test

The glucose test (GCT) helps screen for the risk of gestational diabetes. This is a stepping stone for your doctor to decide if you need further tests.
Pregnant women need to understand that, when the glucose test is positive, it cannot conclude that you have gestational diabetes.
Xét nghiệm glucose khi mang thai có ý nghĩa gì đối với thai nhi và sức khoẻ bà bầu?
Xét nghiệm thử glucose là bước đầu giúp sàng lọc nguy cơ tiểu đường khi mang thai

3.2. Glucose tolerance test

The glucose tolerance test (GTT) usually takes longer and gives results that help identify gestational diabetes. The day before, pregnant women will be told to fast for 8-12 hours before coming for the test.
Thus, the best time to do a GTT test is early in the morning to avoid having to fast for too long. At this point, the first blood sample is taken to check the fasting blood sugar.
Xét nghiệm glucose khi mang thai có ý nghĩa gì đối với thai nhi và sức khoẻ bà bầu?
Mẹ bầu được cho uống dung dịch glucose để đo mức độ hấp thụ đường vào máu

You will then be given a glucose solution to drink. About 2 hours later, the doctor will take the next blood sample to check.
If the results obtained from both of your blood samples are positive, this means you have gestational diabetes. At this point, a treatment plan is outlined. Depending on the severity and condition of the disease, the doctor will choose and advise the appropriate treatment.

4. The role of glucose testing during pregnancy

4.1. For pregnant moms

Taking a glucose test during pregnancy helps pregnant women detect gestational diabetes early, thereby limiting complications for the mother herself, such as:
High blood pressure and preeclampsia; Risk of postpartum hemorrhage; Risk of injury during labor due to large fetus.

4.2. For baby

Testing for gestational diabetes also has a very important meaning for the fetus, helping to prevent unfortunate risks that may occur:
Overweight and obese babies; Postpartum respiratory problems, jaundice, polycythemia vera, low calcium and some heart related problems; Hypoglycemia, convulsions in infants; Miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes testing is key to helping prevent blood sugar-related problems during pregnancy or delivery.
Xét nghiệm glucose khi mang thai có ý nghĩa gì đối với thai nhi và sức khoẻ bà bầu?
The maternity package program of Vinmec International General Hospital includes all necessary screenings and tests before - during - and after childbirth, protecting mothers against risks from gestational diabetes and gestational diabetes. Peace of mind welcome the little angel born.

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