Why are you in a bad mood?

A bad mood can easily make you lose control, easily become irritable and angry for no reason. This feeling is more common in young people, especially during puberty. If this psychological condition persists to the point of becoming a habit, it can adversely affect your health.

1. Why is the mood bad?

For teenagers, school pressure and unexpected life changes are the two main causes of anxiety. This is evident in the family's expectations for learning and the desire for self-expression in adolescence. If you do not satisfy these concerns, you are very likely to fall into a feeling of stress, which in the long run can cause psychological problems.
Puberty is a period that marks the development of each person. At this age, you have a lot of things you want to do while you are not able to. This is an exciting time as well as a time of the most inner struggles for each person. During puberty, the brain releases a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) that acts on the pituitary gland to stimulate the production of two hormones, LH and FSH. They are dissolved in the blood and travel to different organs in the body. These effects change not only your appearance but also your mentality. Therefore, under the influence of hormones and changes in the environment can affect your psychology.
Nearly everyone goes through many psychological changes during adolescence. It is important to determine the severity of your own, only temporary or long-term leading to depression in order to receive timely support.
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2. When do bad feelings become overwhelming?

If you have prolonged periods of irritability or moodiness, feelings of hopelessness or overwhelming feelings of sadness, see your doctor for a psychological evaluation to screen for and rule out pubertal depression. then .
Depression isn't just about feeling sad or anxious, it can be outbursts of anger, irritability, lethargy, and even suicide. So you need to be self-aware of your mental state. When you have unusual thoughts such as thoughts of suicide or paranoia, it is important to talk to a loved one or friend immediately to find a solution together.

3. How to overcome a bad mood?

Bad moods not only ruin a few of your days, they have the potential to ruin your life as well. Here are some tips for people who feel bad all the time:
3.1 Think of good memories or people you are grateful for Prevent bad emotions from invading your mind by remembering important people with you. Those are the people who care about you, give you good lessons, and make good memories.
3.2 Do Good Every Day You should do many good deeds to help those you wish to help. A bad mood won't come if you take the time to help someone.
3.3 Listen to music with upbeat content You should choose to listen to songs with uplifting content, directing people to good thoughts in times of disorientation. They can calm your mood and direct you to good things. These tracks can be easily searched with your phone or tablet.
3.4 Realize that feeling bad is not unique to anyone You should know that people your age have different psychological problems and need help. So that when you're in a bad mood, you might think that everyone else is feeling the same way you do, that's completely normal and can be overcome.
3.5 Confiding in People Most people tend to hide their negative emotions. However, holding on to those feelings won't make you feel better. Instead, you should find people you trust to talk to, such as family, friends, teachers, and counselors.
3.6 Change into healthy living habits If you're not in a good mood, you should go out and relax. Some activities like walking, cycling, playing badminton, volleyball, tennis, or simply just going to a place, taking a deep breath and enjoying the fresh air will help your mood quickly improve.
3.7 Reasonable sleep time
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Nghỉ ngơi đầy đủ giúp làm giảm cảm giác mệt mỏi, từ đó giúp nâng cao năng lượng làm việc trong ngày
You should get enough sleep from 8.5 - 9.5 hours per night. Adequate rest helps reduce feelings of fatigue, thereby helping to increase energy to work during the day. If your mood worsens, you should not hide it but can express it secretly such as crying alone, shouting loudly in the room,...
By the above methods, the bad feeling will "quickly" come, go quickly". If bad feelings persist without improvement, you should seek help from a psychologist.

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