“Vinmec is my hospital of choice whenver my son is sick”

During the developmental stage, it is unavoidable that children get sick or have a fever. In particular, as children grow older, they will need to be exposed to the outside environment to develop, which can increase the risk of children's getting sick. Ms. Tuong Vy from Nha Trang, like many other parents, used to worry every time her child was sick. However, she already found a hospital in which she can have her absolute trust for her son. She shared, "Thank you Vinmec for understanding my worries whenever you are sick. Thank you, the doctors and nurses who have accompanied me to take care of you with all of their thoughtfulness and affection. That is what every parent wants to receive when their child is sick. I hope that Vinmec will continue to flourish, offer better-and-better quality services, and always be the first choice for patients"

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Pediatric patient Do Le Thong - 14 years old
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A quality nutritious meal at Vinmec

Children who are sick need a boost of energy and nutrients to help their bodies fight off the illnesses. Parents should supplement their children with essential micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, and Vitamin B1, to fully meet the nutritional needs of children. The addition of these essential vitamins also supports digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, improves anorexia, and helps children have a better appetite. Parents can simultaneously help their children gain more nutrition through normal eating and by taking supplements originating from nature for easy absorption. Make sure to accompany your children throughout their development process and regularly visit vimec.com to update useful information on child care.

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Dịch vụ từ Vinmec

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