Is the placenta attached to the back of the uterus a placenta previa?

Hello doctor,
I am 17 weeks pregnant, I went to the doctor and the doctor said that I have a placenta that is 8mm from the uterine opening. Can I ask if the placenta attached to the back of the uterus is placenta previa and if this is the case, can I have a normal delivery?
Tran Thi Dinh (1997)
Answered by Doctor Phung Thi Ly - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Obstetrics Department - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
With the question “Is the placenta attached to the back of the uterus the placenta previa? , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
In a normal pregnancy, the placenta attaches to the front or back of the fundus of the uterus. However, when the placenta attaches to the lower part of the uterus and cervix, partially covering or covering the cervix, obstructing the path of the fetus during labor, it is called placenta previa. striker.
Based on attachment position, placenta previa is divided into 4 types:
Placenta previa low: The border of the placenta attaches to the lower uterine segment, not yet reaching the inner cervical opening; Placenta previa adheres to the edge: The edge of the placenta adheres to the edge of the inner cervical opening; Placenta semicentre: The placenta partially covers the opening in the cervix; Placenta previa: The placenta completely covers the hole in the cervix, accounting for 20-30% of cases. In your case, the placenta is attached to the back of the uterus 8mm, the fetus is 17 weeks old, when the placenta is covered by the placenta 8mm from the cervix, there is no conclusion that the placenta is previa. The fetus and uterus will continue to grow taller and may pull the edge of the placenta higher. The diagnosis of placenta previa is only diagnosed when the 3rd trimester ultrasound of pregnancy is still low and less than 20mm from the inner cervical hole.
If you still have questions about the placenta attached to the back of the uterus, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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