Sex but no ejaculation pregnant or not?

Hello doctor! The doctor asked me: having sex without ejaculating is pregnant or not? Looking forward to your advice, thank you doctor!
Anonymous question
Please answer the question: "Having sex but not ejaculating pregnant or not?" As follows:
According to experts, sex without ejaculation or external ejaculation is still possible to get pregnant for a number of reasons:
During sex, the penis in men often secretes a substance Translate; The fluid most likely contains sperm. During intercourse, sperm will be inserted into the vagina, so the possibility of pregnancy is completely possible. In particular, for the cases of men who, during orgasm or high arousal, cannot control the withdrawal of the penis from the vagina, it is likely that a small amount of sperm has been released and the partner will easy to get pregnant. In addition, if you have sex close to the days of ovulation without using any contraception, even external ejaculation, there is a 70% chance of pregnancy. This is because male sperm can live inside a woman's uterus for about 3 days, so the risk of pregnancy is quite high. Thus, if a man does not ejaculate during sexual intercourse, a woman can still get pregnant. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you should use emergency contraception. However, when using emergency contraceptive pills, you should consult a specialist, to avoid indiscriminate use of birth control pills that cause unwanted side effects. You can go to a medical facility or a hospital/clinic under Vinmec Health System to get more detailed advice from doctors! Best regards!

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