Cancer patients' problems are addressed in palliative care

The article was professionally consulted by specialist doctor I Nguyen Thi Phi Yen - Head of Palliative Care Unit - Internal Oncology Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Palliative care in cancer can solve many problems, helping people with terminal cancer have a more positive mentality. The physical and emotional reactions of the patient and the treatment will be different for each patient.
Palliative care will take into account the following for each patient

1. Physics

Common physical symptoms include pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, constipation, insomnia, or depression. Many of these symptoms can be relieved with medication or by using other methods, such as nutritional therapy, physical therapy, or deep breathing techniques. In addition, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery help remove or shrink tumors that cause pain and other problems.

2. Emotions and coping

Palliative care professionals in oncology can provide resources to help patients and families deal with the negative emotions that come with a cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment. Depression, anxiety, and fear are some of the palliative care needs that can be addressed. Counselors can provide counseling, refer support groups, organize family meetings, or refer to mental health professionals.
Cancer often progresses quickly, so the patient's time is not much. Palliative care for patients with terminal cancer is an extremely hard and difficult job, requiring caregivers to have understanding, empathy for the patient and special psychological support skills. especially helping patients and loved ones know how to deal with life-threatening illness in the most positive way.
In addition to nutritional support, pain relief, and living support, terminal cancer patients also need great mental encouragement to overcome pain. Caregivers should listen to the patient's feelings, wishes, and needs to comfort when the patient is worried, afraid and respond to the patient's needs most thoughtfully.
Although the psychology of cancer patients has many negative stages, it is important to have the right professional psychological intervention team. Besides, applying the right therapy is also one of the important factors to help cancer patients overcome their fears, depression, and feelings of torment.
Các chuyên gia chăm sóc giảm nhẹ trong ung thư có thể cung cấp nguồn lực để giúp người bệnh và gia đình đối phó với những cảm xúc đi kèm với chẩn đoán ung thư và điều trị ung thư

3. How to deal with life change

Terminal cancer patients may have financial and legal concerns, insurance questions, employment concerns, and more. Cancer survivors may have to struggle to pay. hospital bills and often declare bankruptcy more often than people with no history of cancer. They also face job concerns because of cancer. As many cancer patients return to work after treatment, about a third are unable to work or have reduced ability to work due to psychological and physical problems
To reduce the burden, the care team Palliative care in cancer can help coordinate appropriate services. For example, the team can direct patients and families to resources that can help with financial advice, understand medical forms or legal advice, or identify local and national resources, such as as shipping or housing agencies.
To help solve money problems and make it easier to get to work, these patients can learn about:
Health care supports and possible health insurance options responsive, payable. Ways employers can help include a flexible work schedule, new, more relevant jobs, employee support programs, and support from colleagues and unions. Support from Cancer Support Funds, Charity Funds or social organizations

4. Spirit

Chăm sóc giảm nhẹ trong ung thư cũng có thể giúp người bệnh đối phó với những suy nghĩ khác nhau và các vấn đề cảm xúc phát sinh
Cancer patients after treatment have concerns about depression, anxiety about the return of their cancer, and problems with memory and concentration after cancer treatment. Recent studies show that about 10% of cancer patients have mental health concerns compared to 6% of adults with no history of cancer. Cancer patients with chronic illnesses often experience psychological problems and lower quality of life
But less than a third of survivors with psychological problems share this with a doctor, and many do not use palliative care needs such as counseling or support groups.
With a cancer diagnosis, patients and families often look deeper into meaning in their lives. For some people, the disease gives them more faith, while others question their faith as they try to figure out why cancer happened to them. A palliative care professional can help people discover their beliefs and values ​​so they can find a sense of peace or reach a point of acceptance about their situation.
Transitioning from treatment to hospice is an important part of palliative care. A cancer palliative care team can help patients and their loved ones prepare for the physical changes that may occur near the end of life and address the appropriate symptom management for this stage of care. . Palliative care in cancer can also help people deal with different thoughts and emotional problems that arise, such as worries about leaving loved ones behind, about their possessions and relationships, ending their lives. In addition, caring for a cancer patient in the last days of life can support family members and loved ones emotionally and with issues such as when to end cancer treatment, advice and support. funeral consultation ...
Address of palliative care for patients Palliative care unit, Department of Internal Oncology, Center for Oncology - Radiation Therapy, Vinmec Times City International Hospital is one of the facilities. Trusted base in the treatment and palliative care of cancer patients. With a team of doctors and nurses who are experts in the treatment and palliative care of cancer patients, it will help the life of terminal cancer patients become lighter and more meaningful.
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