Difference between nasopharyngeal cancer and common pharyngitis

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II, Senior Doctor Doan Du Dat - General Internal Medicine - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
Throat cancer and pharyngitis both share some of the same symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing, sore throat, or swelling in the neck. Sometimes people still confuse these two diseases. Let's learn the symptoms of each disease and how to tell them apart.

1. What is nasopharyngeal cancer?

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a type of malignant cancer that occurs in the posterior nasopharynx, the nasopharyngeal constriction, or "nasopharynx". Nasopharyngeal cancer differs from other cancers in its appearance, causes, behavior, and treatment. It is a type of cancer that can occur at any age, most commonly seen in the 40-60 years of age.
Some of the most common signs and symptoms of nasopharyngeal cancer are:
Change in voice. Difficulty in swallowing. Weight loss. Sore throat. Frequently hoarse voice to be able to pronounce clearly. Swelling in the neck area. Wheeze. Pain in the ear. Raucous. - In the early stages, patients are often mistaken for common chronic pharyngitis. In the early stages, the disease often does not manifest clearly, usually manifests as a stuffy nose on one side, nosebleeds, headache, tinnitus, abnormal lymph nodes at the angle of the jaw... other. Therefore, if we see such symptoms, we need to visit an Ear - Nose - Throat specialist to check.
- Men are more likely to get oropharyngeal cancer than women. Unhealthy habits and lifestyle can increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer. Risk factors include: Smoking, alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, asbestos dust, poor hygiene, genetics...
Nasopharyngeal cancer is also associated with some types of cancer. For example, many patients are diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer and also have lung or bladder cancer at the same time. It's possible that these cancers share some of the same risk factors.
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2. What is pharyngitis?

About 13 million people go to the hospital each year for sore throats. Most sore throats are caused by bacterial infections, or environmental risk factors such as the air. Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, most of the time it goes away on its own.
Symptoms of sore throat include: Itching. Burnt . So cold. Weak body. Throat swelling. The patient may have pain when swallowing or talking. Throat or tonsils may be red and swollen...
Besides the typical symptoms, the patient may have other symptoms such as: stuffy nose. Runny nose. A cough. Sneezing. Fever. Chills. Swelling in the neck. Change the voice. Whole body aching. Headache. Difficulty swallowing. Not eating well...
Virus is the leading cause of sore throat (influenza virus). More rarely, bacteria can also be the cause.

3. Distinguishing nasopharyngeal cancer and pharyngitis

It is difficult to distinguish nasopharyngeal cancer and pharyngitis because the symptoms are very similar. But in nasopharyngeal cancer there are some differences such as rapid weight loss but often very faint. The biggest difference, however, is the duration of symptoms. If the above symptoms persist within 2 weeks, then it is best to see a doctor for the most accurate results..
An important note to know that is the early stage of nasopharyngeal cancer. The symptoms are very subtle and difficult to detect. Symptoms only manifest when the disease has progressed to a more advanced stage and the patient's quality of life will be greatly reduced. The best way to detect cancer at an early stage is to go for cancer screening at least twice a year.
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Whether pharyngitis or nasopharyngeal cancer greatly affects your health and quality of life. Changing a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly and building a scientific nutrition is a way for you to protect your health against diseases around you.

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