Goals in palliative care for cancer patients

The article was professionally consulted by specialist doctor I Nguyen Thi Phi Yen - Head of Palliative Care Unit - Internal Oncology Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Cancer and cancer treatments can cause discomfort that affects a person's life. Palliative care is a method that helps relieve symptoms caused by cancer or cancer treatment and has a positive impact on the final years of a patient's life.

1. Goals of palliative care

The goal of palliative care according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is to apply measures to improve the quality of life for patients who are facing life-threatening illnesses and diseases. loved ones, through the prevention and alleviation of the burden they bear through early recognition, comprehensive assessment and treatment of pain and other physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems"
Different from direct treatments for cancer that aim to slow, stop or eliminate cancer, the goal of palliative care is to improve quality of life. live the way they want during and after treatment , and teach your family and loved ones how to support you and how to take care of them There are various challenges associated with cancer
The goals of palliative care for cancer patients include:
Identify, prevent, and manage symptoms g patients acquired during the process of carrying cancer about: physical, psychological, and social. Preventing and reducing the pain that disease brings to cancer patients. Helping cancer patients return to real life Approaching spiritual issues. Addressing psychological, social, and spiritual problems for patients and family members Supporting family, friends and carers Improve quality of life for cancer patients.
Mục tiêu của chăm sóc giảm nhẹ là cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống

2. Meaning of taking care of terminally ill patients

The meaning of palliative care for the terminally ill
“Is adding life to each day, not just adding days to life”. It's about improving quality of life, not just pain relief. Through the prevention and reduction of burdens for patients and their families, palliative care is delivered through early recognition, comprehensive assessment, and treatment of pain and other physical problems. physical, psychosocial and spiritual. Successful palliative care is not about prolonging the patient's life, but success is when the patient has a good quality of life until the day of death. Therefore, the meaning of taking care of terminal patients is always the best treatment; the patient does not suffer excessively from the symptoms of the disease; patients receive continuous care and support; well prepared for the patient and family to not have a sudden mental crisis; specific care for each patient, reflecting the patient's wishes; Make appropriate use of the patient's family resources and make every day the patient's best day.
In cancer treatment, palliative care and especially care for terminally ill patients play a very important role, especially in the condition that in our country most patients with cancer come to the clinic at the early stage. late segment.

3. Address to care for cancer patients

Palliative care unit, Internal Oncology Department, Center for Oncology - Radiation Therapy, Vinmec Times City International Hospital is one of the reliable facilities in treatment and palliative care for cancer patients. letters. With a team of doctors and nurses who are experts with extensive experience in the treatment and palliative care for cancer patients, it will help the life of terminal cancer patients become lighter and more meaningful.
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