How can women protect themselves from lung cancer?

Lung cancer is often thought of as a disease that occurs only in male smokers. However, the trend and the sex factor of the disease go in a completely different direction. The following article will provide statistical evidence on disease trends and suggest some ways to protect yourself from this terrible disease.

1. Lung cancer, popular views and facts

Lung cancer is generally considered to be more common in men, especially those who are current or former smokers. But in fact, lung cancer occurs in both men and women. According to the American Lung Association, lung cancer diagnosis rates have increased by 87% in women over the past 41 years while decreasing by 35% in men over the same period. The total number of new cases remains fairly stable.
More notably, between 60% and 70% of women diagnosed with lung cancer today are non-smokers. In contrast, out of 12 men diagnosed with lung cancer, 1 had never smoked. So even though men still make up the majority of lung cancer diagnoses, close to 60%. But the gender gap is narrowing, and it's also difficult to explain why women who don't engage in risk behaviors get the disease
John C. Kucharczuk, chief of Thoracic Surgery at Penn Medicine said: It is difficult to know exactly why a woman is diagnosed with the disease. It could be due to hormonal factors and could also be due to exposure to high levels of secondhand smoke. In some data, non-smoking women with lung cancer are more likely to have a genetic mutation.
hóa trị ung thư phổi
Tỷ lệ ung thư phổi ở nữ giới tăng nhanh những năm gần đây

Although at this time, there is no definitive data as to why. But we do have preventive measures, diagnostic tools and ever-evolving treatments that can help patients see disease statistics and positive signals for female patients. Many women respond better to lung cancer treatment than men. Smokers and non-smokers with cancer have a wide variety of therapy options, from surgery to radiation therapy, chemotherapy to a combination of them all, as well as molecular-based or immunotherapy treatments. newer translation. For some non-smokers with suspected genetic abnormalities, targeted therapies have also shown promising results.
The survival rate of female lung cancer patients is higher than that of men. While true, that statistic doesn't paint a full picture, because lung cancer isn't the most common cancer in women. For example, breast cancer rates are higher than lung cancer rates. That said, lung cancer is more likely to cause death.

2. Types of lung cancer

Lung cancer has many forms, of which non-small cell lung cancer accounts for nearly 85% of all cases. Non-small cell lung cancer comes in one of two forms:
Squamous cell carcinoma : This is cancer of the airways in the lungs. With regards to smoking, it is decreasing as smoking rates decrease. Today, squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 25 to 30 percent of lung cancers.
ung thư phổi nguyên phát
Ung thư phổi không phải tế bào nhỏ chiếm gần 85% số trường hợp ung thư phổi

Adenocarcinoma: This type is more common than squamous cell carcinoma. Expressing in the outer regions of the lung, adenocarcinoma is also associated with current and former smokers, this type of lung cancer is common even in non-smokers. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is the third type of non-small cell lung cancer, currently considered a type of adenocarcinoma. It is also increasingly common among young, non-smoking women.
According to lung cancer statistics including small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), about 13% of all lung cancer cases are SCLC and 84 % is NSCLC. Lung cancer (both small and non-small cell) is the second most common cancer in both men and women (not counting skin cancer). The American Cancer Society estimates for lung cancer in the United States in 2020 are: Approximately 228,820 new cases of lung cancer (116,300 in men and 112,520 in women).

3. How can women protect themselves against lung cancer?

If you are a former smoker, talk to your doctor, even if you have stopped smoking for many years. Ask your doctor if you are eligible for screening. People who should be screened are current smokers, former smokers, adults with long-term exposure to radon gas, asbestos, air pollution and secondhand smoke. Women who are not among the aforementioned criteria for lung cancer screening should not panic either because although lung cancer in non-smokers is on the rise, it is not an epidemic. sick. It's better to learn the symptoms of lung cancer and see a doctor right away if you notice them. One of the manifestations of lung cancer is through repeated coughing or pneumonia. If you've been treated with antibiotics for either of these conditions and haven't gone into remission, it's likely an early sign of lung cancer. Shortness of breath, hoarseness, chronic bronchitis, chest pain, bone pain, and unexplained weight loss are also early symptoms of lung cancer.
Viêm phổi
Viêm phổi tái đi tái lại có thể là một trong những dấu hiệu của bệnh ung thư phổi

Women and men can both prevent other women from getting lung cancer by encouraging them not to smoke. Statistics show that a lot of teenage women have a habit of smoking. This is a major cause of lung cancer rates in women who smoke. Do all you can to keep the women around you from smoking, even if it's just to try.

4. What if lung cancer occurs?

The earlier lung cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the chance of success. Issues related to the quality and combination of treatment that patients enjoy are equally important. Look for a treatment center that is highly integrated with services, including advanced radiation therapies, immunotherapy, and molecular-based treatments, and preferably one that provides services near where you live.
Although the progression and trends of lung cancer are complex, lifelong non-smokers should not panic. Protect yourself by avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke. Get screened if you're eligible for a CT scan and rest assured that although lung cancer is on the rise, the overall number of lifetime non-smokers who develop lung disease is still quite small.
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Thường xuyên tầm soát và kiểm tra sức khỏe định kỳ để sớm phát hiện bệnh

Lung cancer screening is the most effective measure for you to detect and promptly treat lung cancer, protect your health and life. Currently, at Vinmec international general hospitals, there is a lung cancer screening package with many outstanding advantages such as: A team of highly qualified and experienced doctors; Having a full range of specialized facilities to diagnose the disease and stage it before treatment: Endoscopy, CT scan, PET-CT scan, MRI, histopathological diagnosis, gene-cell testing... There is a full range of main cancer treatment methods: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, stem cell transplant....
If there is a need for consultation and examination at Vinmec Hospitals of the Medical system nationwide, please book an appointment on the website to be served.

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